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  1. paulbates, I could infer from your suggestion that having a scene is preferred over having one Insteon device control another. Is this your suggestion?
  2. paulbates, thanks for the reply. Your answer tells me how to adjust or edit the scene. But what if I merely want the new switch to control the original 2477D switch without editing the scene?
  3. I have had an old 2476D die, so I am replacing it with a newer 2477D. I understand how to connect the wiring, but I am struggling with the programming. This dimmer switch is the second one in a circuit that controls ceiling lights in a hallway. When I first started using Insteon, I did it before getting an ISY Since then, I have added and use quite a bit the ISY. So, since I want the linking to show up in the ISY, I expect I should do the linking through the ISY. I am having a hard time figuring out the right way to do this. My circuit is such that I have another 2477D which is connected to the load. The new switch is just meant to control the 2477D. I should point out that I have a Scene for these lights configured in the ISY, bu I do not have any program in the ISY that turns on this circuit. I understand this is pretty basic stuff, and any help that is provided will be greatly appreciated. I have one other, related question. If I run the tool to generate the topology, the 2477D that is connected to the ceiling lights shows No for the Is Load selection. Is this the way it should show up? Thanks for the help.
  4. I think I have my programs working correctly now. Thanks for the suggestions. Now I need to address my issues with some links no longer working. I started using Insteon technology some time before I acquired an isy. So, my multi-way circuit links were created by the method of making a SwitchLinc a controller (or responder) in a multi-way circuit. For example, if I had two ordinray light switches controlling a single fixture (a 3 way circuit), I adjusted the wiring so that only one of the SwitchLinc dimmers was connected to the fixture, and then wired the second SwitchLinc dimmer to only connect to the line and neutral wire, and then setting this SwitchLinc to be a controller of the first SwitchLinc. When I look at the My Lighting, none of the links I created this way show up. And when I try to turn on or turn off a fixture using the SwitchLinc I set up as the controller of the SwitchLinc that is directly connected to the fixture, nothing happens. Does this mean I need to re-establish these links using the My Lightin to create scenes?
  5. I was running 4.8 before the upgrade.
  6. In order to migrate to a new eisy, I upgraded my isy 994 to the latest version of firmware. After I had done so, a lot of my links (Insteon hardware created) no long work, and none of my programs run. In order to resolve this, I have started to work on the programs. When I looked at the program detail window, all of the programs had a green arrow. When I looked at the program summary window, the column for run at startup had dashes on each line. So, I went back to the program detail page and clicked on Save Changes. All of the green arrows went away, and now all of the programs have a red vertical bar for each program. Further more, the Program Summary page now shows all programs are to run at startup. Do I need to do anything else to make the programs start running? What does the red bar mean?
  7. lilyoyo1, thanks for the reply. It looks like these devices require a z wave hub as well. I presently have a significant control system based upon Insteon and controlled by an ISY994i. As we all know, Insteon as we knew it is no more. I really don't want to replace all of my Insteon gear. If I am using the ISY, will it manage the z wave without the need for a hub?
  8. I have some dimmable LED string lighting which I have put up on my patio. I would like to be able to control it with my ISY994i. Does anybody make an outdoor receptacle adapter that will do this? If such a device exists, is there any chance it can be controlled by motion detection as well?
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