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  1. yeah I have, one I know works for sure. still no go. The weird part is why the linking window won't stay open... that may help..
  2. So I have a new device (outdoor io link) I'm trying to link up. When I click on start linking, the linking window either goes away immediately, or within 3 seconds, not giving me time to link my device. I've tried linking manually, and just get error 'could not determine insteon engine'. Anyone have any ideas? I recently upgraded my java, of course cleared cache etc.. not sure if has anything to do with it.
  3. ok I wondered. Either way, it should for sure work now with the sub program as is, correct?
  4. Ahh makes sense.... so now I have this... THIS should work... right? (both programs are disabled programs by the way. 'Hot Tub in use' gets it's 'then' statement executed manually by another program upon control activation of a keypadlinc button, and program stopped the same way) ---------------- 'Hot Tub in use' If: Then: wait 5 minutes run program 'Hot Tub in use sub' (if) Else: set 'hot tub relay' on wait 10 minutes set 'hot tub relay' off run program 'Hot Tub in use sub' (if) ---------------- 'Hot Tub in use sub' If: Status 'thermostat hot tub' >= 103 (temperature) Then: run program 'Hot Tub in use' (if) Else: run program 'Hot Tub in use' (then)
  5. My goal for this program is to loop through it until stopped by another program. If the hot tub temperature is greater than a set amount, then wait 5 minutes and check again. Do this anytime the temperature is greater than that amount (or equal to). As soon as it dips below, then to turn the heater on for 10 minutes and check again. Will this program do it or am I missing something? I just get confused when it comes to the wait command at times My program is named 'Hot Tub in use' and looks roughly like: If: Status 'thermostat hot tub' >= 103 (temperature) Then: wait 5 minutes run program 'Hot Tub in use' (if) Else: set 'hot tub relay' on wait 10 minutes set 'hot tub relay' off run program 'Hot Tub in use' (if)
  6. yeah, it gets set correctly for sure.. It is an integer variable... I've added a state variable called $DayOfMonth, and added to the end of the program that changes the date: $DayOfMonth = $iDay.Of.Month And changed the program to act on $DayOfMonth. Should this do it?
  7. yeah, no communication at all from the unit in event viewer.. and its just sitting on a table.. also 13ft from dual band keypadlinc.. also receives communication fine.. so guessing bad tstat?
  8. I'm not sure why, but this program isn't running.. I have variables that change based on day of month, year, etc. that all cycle perfectly.. however this program which I want to run on the first of the month doesn't run... any ideas?
  9. Hairdryer didn't do anything either.
  10. Factory reset, and re-add did not work... communication from isy to thermostat works fine, but thermostat does not send any changes, or temperature back to ISY... Also tried pulling batteries and A\C for a few minutes, still no luck.
  11. So.. I have a 2441zth thermostat I've recent added in to my system. I do have it hard wired\AC as well. The problem is it's not sending updates to the ISY.. supposed to be 60 seconds on AC, 15 minutes on battery... I've changed the set point, watched the humidity change, use a hair dryer to bring it up 15 degrees... The ISY never reflects any changes... Now if I query with the ISY, I will get updated values, HOWEVER not temperature as cannot query temperature... Thus temperature is always blank, and values are only updated when queried... not acceptable.. I know this isn't by design.. any ideas??
  12. Thanks LeeG. Very counter intuitive, but changing on level to 0% did indeed fix the issue. So if I ever set a device to 0% for on level, will it always be 100% (opposite) at off level, or is it only due to being an iolinc and the way I added it to the scene? And while this does provide the desired effect now, it messes with my mobilinc because iolinc2 shows as on when the scene is off, so mobilinc lists my blinds as 50% open No other way to do this where the iolinc shows as off but was actually triggered?
  13. 1947F2 7 and 1947F2 8 are my kpl buttons (one big button) 316fbb is the iolinc that should engage\relay on an off, but looks like it's going on on. 3b97b7 is the io linc that should hit on an on command (and is). I want 316fbb to engage it's relay on an off command.. but it's only engaging (I can hear it) on an on command (via the scene or manually). Mon 05/23/2016 04:10:01 PM : [iNST-TX-I1 ] 02 62 00 00 17 CF 11 00 Mon 05/23/2016 04:10:01 PM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 00.00.17 CF 11 00 06 LTONRR (00) Mon 05/23/2016 04:10:01 PM : [ 19 47 F2 7] ST 255 Mon 05/23/2016 04:10:01 PM : [ 19 47 F2 8] ST 255 Mon 05/23/2016 04:10:01 PM : [ 31 6F BB 2] ST 255 Mon 05/23/2016 04:10:01 PM : [ 3B 97 B7 2] ST 255 Mon 05/23/2016 04:10:04 PM : [iNST-TX-I1 ] 02 62 00 00 17 CF 13 00 Mon 05/23/2016 04:10:04 PM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 00.00.17 CF 13 00 06 LTOFFRR(00) Mon 05/23/2016 04:10:04 PM : [ 19 47 F2 7] ST 0 Mon 05/23/2016 04:10:04 PM : [ 19 47 F2 8] ST 0 Mon 05/23/2016 04:10:04 PM : [ 31 6F BB 2] ST 0 Mon 05/23/2016 04:10:05 PM : [ 3B 97 B7 2] ST 0
  14. well, it's momentary so activation would only cause an io linc to be active for 8 seconds.. basically I want turning the scene on to active iolinc1 which it does, and off to activate iolinc2, which it does not.. like I say, I'm not sure iolinc 2 is configured correctly to active on an off command for momentary a... how can I double check, confirm this? Should I set the on level for iolinc2 to 0%? this seems however like it'd activate it (if was set to respond to an off command), or does this then send a 100% command on scene off (don't think this is how it works)... I'm I not being clear enough? See pictures for how scene and devices currently setup
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