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Everything posted by kevinvw

  1. hmmm.. thought I replied to this topic... I see its kind of an old thread.... at any rate, I too am interested in some level of support for xbee modules. I would not be that demanding though. I could use a feature similar to your tcp client feature in the networking module. for this case, I would like to pre-fill out a message packet form with the minumum required from/to/pan/... parameters, and a message body. Send only would get me a long ways and it would only be from a program command. That would allow me to perform some controls on my devices. Not sure if there is much demand for this first level of generic support, hope so. As it is, I plan to use tcp to connect to a wifi intermediate controller and have that node repeat out a xbee message. would be great to eliminate that middle man. thanks
  2. I am another xbee fan and would love to see connectivity from my isy. Would it be possible to provide this feature at a lower level? Similar to tcp messages in the network module (great feature... I use it to send simple on/off/dim messages to an arduino on my network). So a user would configure a canned xbee packet (assuming xbee series 2 in api mode) specifying destination address and message data. then make sending that pre-defined packet a programmable function. Even one-way messaging would provide value... and its a first step towards two way! tie variables to offsets into received message packets.... but thats for later!' I am not familiar with the door locks mentioned above (sounds cool!), but if their protocol is open, it may be possible to replicate the required messaging with this feature.... at least for controlling the lock. Anyway, just a thought. Thanks Kevin
  3. Hmmm... second scene is an interesting approach.. I was trying to avoid having a program in the loop when a button is pressed, but it works. I agree, off level isnt currently an option in insteon, but it would still be nice! I guess another approach (would still need to be added to isy) would be to have in the syntax for the adjust scene command, the ability to 'freeze' a responder. So when the isy does it, the responder would be removed from the group on the devices in the scene. unfreeze would require the isy to remember the original group membership and put that responder back into the group. any thoughts on how usefull that would be? Probably not very... works for my problem, but may not have widespread use. thanks for the response!
  4. Hi All, I have been slowly learning how this gem works... and I love it.. for the most part. I do have some questions on how to do a couple of things.. I have a bathroom remodel just completed and I went with a bunch (7) of inlinelincs to control can lights, wall lights, toe kick, exhaust fan, etc. Got some pretty good scenes going, but here are a few things I would like to do: 1) when a scene containing the exhaust fan goes off, I would like to keep the fan running longer. right now, I have a small program that detects when the status goes off, to wait a few secs and then turn it back on for 5 minutes. would be better if i could just keep it on. 1.5) would also be nice if I could run the fan for a time based on the time the fan was initially on (you know, the longer you are in there, the more important exhaust is!) 2) I have toe kick lights that are included in several scenes, but during late evening, I would like to keep them on at a dim level.... even if I turn on the all lights scene, it would be nice to keep the toe kicks on as a nite lite. So, thinking it would be cool to be able to remove a scene member from a program (adjust scene), or even just fix the on AND the off level of a device. Just a wish list item, but would probably require insteon device firmware. 3) I did something similar to another post... wanted to set the on level during late night for certain lights in a scene. in my case, the controller was kpl E. The only way I could get the program to work was to select kpl E as the scene name in the program pull down for adjust scene. In a test program and a test scene, I was able to get this to work fine using the scene name. Not sure if that is a bug or something I am still missing. Learned a lot about the scope of on level and ramp rate settings during that time! Anyway, going to keep on trolling for cool solutions to my challenges.... really enjoying this thing and trying to figure out what to do next! thanks.
  5. Sorry Hyounker.. didnt mean to... I assumed I was going through some of the same learning curve as you.
  6. Thanks for the help LeeG, Looks like I left several little nasties in my program while troubleshooting... I had a copy of the program running! makes for strange behavior when I am changing a program and looking for different results. I did try the straight On and Off scenes and with the kpl button E in the scene as a responder, everything worked perfectly! Talking it out here in the forum was a big help... now on to much more complex logic!! Kevin
  7. Thanks LeeG, but now looking back at your first response.. it seems that what I am trying should work: If Control 'Master BR Keypad - E' is switched Off Or Control 'Master BR Keypad - E' is switched On Then Set Scene 'GotoBed' On Wait 2 minutes Set Scene 'GotoBed' Fade Down Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') the scene has 2 lamplincs and the kpl switch E as a responder. i will change the fade down to a off and see if that helps... if button E is a responder in the gotoBed scene, shouldnt it go to off with the fade down? even on the older kpl? thanks
  8. LeeG, Thanks.. so it should work if I get a newer rev KPL? thanks! Turns out mine is a V.26. Anybody have any experience with Smarthome doing upgrades? I am finding the same thing for LED dimming.. older rev components arent LED capbable, but new ones are. thanks again.
  9. Well, this is exactly the topic I was looking for! I am also experimenting with a gotobed style program. Here are two things I need to learn more about to make it better: 1) I thought I could add the kpl button to the go to bed scene as a responder so that when the scene is set to off in the program, the button would also be set to off. doesnt work. can somebody explain why that shouldnt work? makes sense in my logic, but I am pretty new to the ISY. 2) as a workaround, i am dedicating a kpl button to this task so my if fires on switch on or off. so now if i can figure out how to fix the led brightness for that single button, it will truly seem like a stateless pushbutton. but I am having trouble setting led brightness. anyway, looking forward to more on this topic so I can learn some stuff! thanks.
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