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  1. ttripolt

    ISY not found

    How to trouble shoot when the message is: ISY Finder: Not Found Thank you!
  2. How do I go about replacing a keypad link without reprogramming? Thank you!
  3. Please show me the steps to make the A button the ON and the B button the OFF switch on a 8 button Keypadlinc. Thank you!
  4. Hi! am not able lo log into the ISY (latest firmware installed) on my Mac. What am I missing? Thanks!
  5. I can't figure this out... Program 1: If Status 'sensor sensor' is on Then Set Scene "Scene 2' On Else Set Scene 'Scene 2" Off Override Program: If (and here is my question) How do I put in here Scene 'Scene 2?" ??????? Then Disable Program 1 Else Enable Program 1 I cannot find an option that lets me put a SCENE into the if statement, I can put individual devices in but how to put a scene in? Thanks for your help!
  6. Thanks so much for helping me! I made a big plunder. Before I contacted the forum on this issue I ignored the warning and did "button grouping". Now I have created in issue I cannot resolve. The ISY shows show that button H,G, F are always ON and I cannot switch them OFF on the ISY. The buttons on the KPL are not lid up. I factory reset the KPL and that did not resolve the issue. What can I do? One other question: I created a program: If from sunset to sunrise next day) Then set Room1 "ON" Else wait 10 minutes, set Room1 "OFF" I would like to have the On and OFF slowly raise to ON and OFF but "fade on /off" does not work for that. How do I do that? Thanks for your help!
  7. Please explain how can I accomplish this: (KPL 8button with ISY994i) Button A switches lights ON 100%, Button B switches A to 90%ON, Button C switches Button A to 80%ON, Button D switches Button A to 70%ON and so on.... AND, Any formerly pressed button will be switched OFF with pressing a new Button (except Button A). All buttons are in toggle mode. Thank you!
  8. How do I set the on-level in the isy994 for the keypadlink that controls a 2477D ? Thank you!
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