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Everything posted by Spitfire1493

  1. Thanks Allan I checked out the Ecobee after you mentioned it and I will hold out for that as well. After reading about the Trane thermostat and user reviews it doesn't seem like it's worth the money. I'm using an ISY99ir/Pro do you know if that would that support the ecobee product? Best regards
  2. Hello I'm going to be upgrading my furnace system and the dealer was showing me their new thermostat TZONE950AC52ZA It is basically a smart programabe controller that enables you to link to it with wifi and control your temperature and see the status of your air filter etc... I was wondering if the ISY99i would be compatible with this thermostat and be able to link with it? I have a programmable insteon thermostat but would rather go with the Trane one based on all the features it has and its integration with the trane furnace. Thanks, Brenan
  3. Greetings, I'm working on setting up my devices for the first time and noticed that when I make a change to a device (ie: re-naming it) I have to restart the admin controller in order for the changes to take affect. Is this normal? It's a pain. Thank You
  4. Yes I am using Kaspersky, I have the firewall and network attack blocker turned off but i will try shutting everything off.
  5. Brian H Thanks for your response, Yes I push the start linking button then I hold the link button on each device for 3-5 seconds. I hear the confirmation beep from the PLM that it has been added but it does not show up on the control admin till I reboot it. It has never given me a finish button to push. I added a scene as well and it did not show up in the admin controller till it was closed and opened again.
  6. Hello, I'm new to home automation and have just started trying to get things figured out. It's going alright so far but I'm having problems with my admin controller, i keep getting the erro message "LIB_ERROR-803" I've searched for error codes but can't seem to find this one. The controller is also constantly searching for new devices even though it has already found the only two 2876SB switches I am experimenting with. Does anyone know how to correct these issues? Thank you!
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