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    North of Lake St. Clair

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  1. Okay, thanks, The nearest airport though is 50 miles from here. I haven't tried anything yet but OpenWeatherMap is still likely the top contender still.
  2. Thank you for your response. It's good to know that a node server will work for this. However, I am not at all adapt at writing one. So could said node server be set up to poll a device, similar to what network resources would do, grab the xml data and drop that into x number of nodes?
  3. Is there a way to get data from an XML file from a network resource command into an Polisy ISY variable. Is this something a node server could do? I know with the ISY 994 it wasn't feasible.
  4. I did do some of what you suggested, after I started this thread, The one I dug deepest into was the OpenWeatherMap, and at this point I am leaning toward it.
  5. I just got upgraded from the ISY994 to my Polisy/ISY, and now have started using some node servers. I would like to add one for weather updates. But which of the services work best, where I could get one update every 6 to 20 minutes, for the Great Lakes area. I would prefer a service that is inexpensive or better yet free. Consider the cost of the service and node server with regard to reliability, capability, and stable API. There’s Aerisweather, Ambient weather, NOAA, plus others. I have not used any of these. I do not have a personal weather station such as Davis. I’m thinking of starting out with NOAA. I have looked at a couple of them, but still don’t know which would serve the best. I would like to know what others have experienced. Thanks
  6. I appreciate your efforts to make this node server work to know the Sonos speakers status.
  7. Not sure if this is the right place in the forum to ask this? If not please advise. I have a SONOFF Zigbee 3.0 USB Dongle Plus-E Gateway, Universal Zigbee USB Gateway , and am wondering if it will work with my Polisy along side with my current Zooz 700 zwave dongle? I have read that some, if not most, of the Sonoff devices will work with the combination Zwave/Zigbee/matter card that is sold by UD. But I haven’t read of any instances of the Sonoff gateway being used. There’s only one or two devices I’d like to use that are not available in ZWave, namely the rgbw controllers for led strip lights. Aside from that, just Zwave is fine. Thanks
  8. I am very new to the whole idea of these node servers / “ plugins” as they are sometimes called. I know next to nothing about python. And so I would need to have very detailed instructions on how to install, test, and use your new file. All I know how to do, is how to install a node server from the store, and even that seems to be difficult for me, although this last time with help from this forum I did get it to be recognized by my newly implemented Polisy ISY. I currently just use rest commands via network resources to control the Sonos speakers, which is what I did with the 994 ISY. It works well enough, with the exception of having the appropriate keypad lights turn on or off when the Sonos app is used.
  9. This is my first trial for this Sonos node server. I still use rest commands to set Sonos to play and pause in response to Insteon keypad commands. This has worked well through the years. However, when Sonos is commanded through the app, of course, the Polisy has no knowledge of that command and thus the keypad buttons do not light. And then, of course, two keypad presses are needed to send a pause command. This node server has no problem sending commands to the speakers but it does not read the status from the Sonos speaker if it is commanded through the app. All I need this node server to do is read the status' from the speakers and report that to the Polisy. Is this something that is written into this node server or not? If not then I really don't have a need for it, since the "HTTP gets" work just fine otherwise. Now if the Polisy sends the command via this node server, then the play pause state is returned, after transitioning.
  10. Reinstalling the plugin in the same slot from the purchases tab of PG3, worked. Thanks
  11. I am getting these errors; 12/3/2023, 16:33:36 [pg3] error: drivers = [{"driver":"GV1","value":0,"uom":56},{"driver":"GV2","value":0,"uom":56},{"driver":"SVOL","value":"9","uom":51},{"driver":"ST","value":"2","uom":25}] 12/3/2023, 16:33:36 [pg3] error: [00:0d:b9:53:2f:60_5] caafd2b5862014/addnode add driver error: UNIQUE constraint failed: driver.uuid, driver.profileNum, driver.address, driver.driver 12/3/2023, 16:33:36 [pg3] error: [00:0d:b9:53:2f:60_5] caafd2b5862014/addnode add driver error: UNIQUE constraint failed: driver.uuid, driver.profileNum, driver.address, driver.driver 12/3/2023, 16:33:36 [pg3] error: [00:0d:b9:53:2f:60_5] caafd2b5862014/addnode add driver error: UNIQUE constraint failed: driver.uuid, driver.profileNum, driver.address, driver.driver 12/3/2023, 16:33:36 [pg3] error: [00:0d:b9:53:2f:60_5] caafd2b5862014/addnode add driver error: UNIQUE constraint failed: driver.uuid, driver.profileNum, driver.address, driver.driver 12/3/2023, 16:33:36 [pg3] error: drivers = [{"driver":"GV1","value":0,"uom":56},{"driver":"GV2","value":0,"uom":56},{"driver":"SVOL","value":"8","uom":51},{"driver":"ST","value":"0","uom":25}] 12/3/2023, 16:33:36 [pg3] error: [00:0d:b9:53:2f:60_5] caafd6d1482014/addnode add driver error: UNIQUE constraint failed: driver.uuid, driver.profileNum, driver.address, driver.driver 12/3/2023, 16:33:36 [pg3] error: [00:0d:b9:53:2f:60_5] caafd6d1482014/addnode add driver error: UNIQUE constraint failed: driver.uuid, driver.profileNum, driver.address, driver.driver 12/3/2023, 16:33:36 [pg3] error: [00:0d:b9:53:2f:60_5] caafd6d1482014/addnode add driver error: UNIQUE constraint failed: driver.uuid, driver.profileNum, driver.address, driver.driver 12/3/2023, 16:33:36 [pg3] error: [00:0d:b9:53:2f:60_5] caafd6d1482014/addnode add driver error: UNIQUE constraint failed: driver.uuid, driver.profileNum, driver.address, driver.driver 12/3/2023, 16:34:41 [pg3] info: Starting installed and enabled NodeServers... 12/3/2023, 16:34:41 [pg3] info: startNs:: Sonos 12/3/2023, 16:34:41 [pg3] warn: Sonos validation checks returned :: Already running. What do these errors mean?
  12. I tried that and it did not show up in the Admin console Node Servers drop down menu.
  13. Found out I had the wrong password for the ISY in PG3. Once I corrected that, it then connected. But clicking "load Profile" still does not install it to a node server slot in the Admin console Node Servers drop down menu.
  14. The Sonos node server is running in PG3 but will not transfer to the ISY on Polisy. I had it working once but had to uninstall it to get z wave working. I didn't get it written down what I did then. PG3 Version 3.1.23 Status: Connected Frontend Version: 3.1.23 IoX Version: 5.7.1 Disconnected Uptime: 3 Day(s) 6 Hour(s) 34 Minute(s) 54 Second(s) (c) 2023 UDI Getting Started What am I missing this time? Clicking "load Profile" does not install it to a node server slot in the Admin console Node Servers drop down menu.
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