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  1. Is there a way to stop PG3X entirely? I am troubleshooting an issue where my IoX on my Polisy restarts anytime there is a network hiccup. I have an open ticket with UD but something Michel said about things 'subscribing' to my ISY got me wondering if it could be due to an interaction with PG3X. I have stopped all the node servers in my testing, but now I am wondering if I can stop PG3X itself for testing.
  2. I have been doing more testing in my time off during this holiday break. I can now repeat the failure at will. If I unplug the ethernet cable from the back of my Polisy for 2m and plug it back in, my Polisy IoX will reboot a few minutes later. It is only the IoX component that reboots (restarts?) itself. Polyglot has never rebooted in all these instances. While I have had 15 or so reboots restarts and loss of device status since August, my polyglot shows all that as up-time. So for now, I guess I will enable 'Query at Restart' on my IoX. I normally have that disabled because the only time my IoX used to restart was if I did it manually because I was working on something, and I have a large system and did not enjoy waiting on the long query to finish before I continued work. But since I am averaging 4 IoX restarts a month, 'Query at Restart' it is until I figure out how to stop this behavior.
  3. It has happened several times in the interim. But I know what caused this last one. I changed some configurations in my router and did a reboot. It took a long time. Like maybe 4 minutes. When it came back up I got the notification that my ISY had an device status change. I booted up my admin console, and sure enough I see a system startup time that coincides with my internet reboot and I have no device status for any device that is not part of my boot query. This could be the culprit for all my lost status and reboot events. If the ISP I use does maintenance in the early hours of the morning, and the loss of internet access makes my polisy reboot that would explain everything I am seeing. It also explains why most of the reboots I have seen occur in off hours of the morning.
  4. Sunrise/Sunset times are correct today. No manual intervention to system. It just fixed itself.
  5. I am NOT at a custom location.
  6. That is kinda interesting. Can you post said program?
  7. Daylight Saving Time? Woke up this morning to an email from my system that happens when the system boots up typically. It showed a system start up time of 1am. And I do not have a status of any device that was not queried at startup. Also, my sunrise and sunset times are off my an hour. I have considered rebooting, but also kinda want to wait to see if it fixes itself tomorrow.
  8. I am troubleshooting an issue that has arisen since updating to 5.8.4 Once every couple of weeks, my ISY will loose status values of connected devices. It happened again today 18 days after the last occurrence. In my troubleshooting I looked at Tools>Diagnostics>System Status and discovered that system startup time was this morning. (I do not have Query at restart checked) So that would explain the loss of system status. But now I am narrowing in on the reboot... My Polisy is on a DC UPS power supply. It could be a power issue on my end, but I was wondering if any one else has experienced unexpected reboots.
  9. Okay... This release contains minor enhancements and bug fixes. Faster IoX Backup Is a vast understatement. I have been with the ISY since the 26. Long backups, and strategically planning them has just been part of my life in automation. But this new backup process is so fast, I find I have to go see the file at the destination always to make sure it worked. I love it. Thanks UD geniuses!
  10. So my friend likes honey with his coffee. The coffee of course is automated to him getting up, but he faced an issue that sometimes his local honey would be crystalized and need warming. So he got a coffee mug warmer and automated it to turn on when the coffee started brewing. Used an I/O linc to simulate pressing the button to turn it on low, wait 1s and then press again for high. He did this by adding a cable to the switch on the mug warmer. From him: I used the 2 conductor 18ga SVO. The I/O unit has really small terminals so I had to use 20ga ferrules on the end. I/O lit recommends 20-22ga but SVO seemed like good choice considering kitchen type environment. Signal measured at 5V as we suspected. Wire was soldered to back of PC board and inner standoffs allowed me to run around the edge of the heater housing to avoid heater element with a couple of zip ties. I put a little heat shrink over the cable where it exits just because. The button is still functional. The heater has a timer and turns off after a certain amount of time. Heater starts when I turn on the coffee. I didn’t use any connectors other than the ferrules. The warmer is listed as 21W. I measured .08A on low and .16A on high. Honey Warmer.mov
  11. @johnnyt I have had DST time change issues for very nearly my whole time with the ISY (15 years) and your solution is much simpler than my plan of moving to AZ and finding a new job and life.
  12. On 5.7.0_5 Yesterday I replaced a 6 button KPL. Replace of the links worked well, but the PLM had trouble communicating with a distant device to update its links. Process stopped with to be written flags next to that device. Admin console did not close, and programs did not get updated with new device. I had to manually close and reopen AC after some time and then manually edit each program that had any reference to replaced device.
  13. In response to your post I looked, and sure enough, my sunrise and sunset are both an hour early...
  14. Daylight Saving Time ended last night. Woke up this morning and none of the stuff that should have happened happened. Programs not running. Open admin console and find that all 300 programs are set to 'Not Enabled'. Required manual intervention of 'Restart IoX' to correct.
  15. @Techman Hahaha. New to zwave, but those other nodes got relegated to a holding folder right away. 😉 Good to know that this is just part of the zwave world. Thanks And thanks so much for the wattage threshold parameter test. Not sure I would have realized that as the solution to rapid notifications.
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