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  1. Hi Michael, Yes I did all of that many times. Maybe the issue is moot now because the MorningLink unit is dead today--no LED when plugged in and it is no longer communications with the lockset. I will order another and see if I have success this time. Hopefully it was the unit all of the time. Thanks, Rich
  2. Hi, I just replaced my PLM with a 2413S V9b as well as put in a new 994iPRO version 3.3.10 (was using a ISY-26). I can link all of my modules except my MorningLinc (2458A1 V3a). I have read all of the posts on the security issues and have tried all of the suggested procedures including moving the MorningLink further away from the PLM but no luck. The module works fine with the door lock where I am able to lock and unlock with the set button. When I create the links (using the third option not to replace the existing links) it creates the device(s) in ISY (after about five minutes) and everything looks normal but I can not control the lock. I have attached the diagnostic log while linking, it looks like it just keeps repeating itself. Any help would be appreciated! Rich ISY-Events-Log.v3.3.10__Sun 2013.03.24 07.47.54 PM.txt
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