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  1. From the notes on the "Homebridge ISY" plugin by @pmouli github, it looks like both KPLs and ZWave items are not currently working, but in the development roadmap.
  2. Hello - thank you for the guide. I followed the instructions in the first comment and have Homebridge up and running, so thank you! My next question is I have configured the "Homebridge ISY" plugin by @pmouli. From the console in the Homebridge UI, I can see that the RasPi sees my ISY and all of the connected Insteon devices. I have edited the plugin settings to allow Homebridge visibility to all of my ISY installed devices. However, I don't see anything in my Home app on my iOS devices. Do I still need to manually edit my config.json to make each ISY device visibile in Homekit?
  3. How long is the delay from the Ring device detecting motion to the info getting to the ISY...?
  4. Thank you everyone. I'll change the IP address first to see if there is an IP conflict first. I suspect it is either this or the CAT cable since I custom made them to length...user error is very possible.
  5. Hello, I submitted a support request a couple weeks ago, but did not hear back, so I am posting here. I have an ISY-994i with Zwave and I am currently on 4.2.21. I am having periodic network related issues where it appears my ISY goes offline and is unable to communicate with my Elk nor can I access the admin panel. The problem is fixed nearly instantly if I unplug and replug the network cable on my ISY. My network layout is: ISY > Switch > Router. THe ISY is assigned a static IP address from my router. My ISY config is setup with that static IP, UPNP is checked, and I use my ISP's DNS address. I have fiddled around with the network settings to see if something else was going on, but I can't figure it out. See the attached screenshot of the error log that I downloaded right after this problem occurred today and after I unplugged/replugged my network cable. I also noticed that the unit lost network connection yesterday, but healed itself: Also see attached a screenshot my syslog as soon as I discovered I had an issue. I could tell I had an issue because a KPL button is tied to an Elk Ouput and when I pressed the KPL button, the intended action did not occur (as you can see in the log). The last two entries occurred right after I unplugged and replugged the network cable. Any help would be much appreciated - as it stands the system is not reliable with this issue. Thank you!
  6. It installs at the panel using clamps. Check out the video to see.... From what I read, the software uses deduction logic to determine which loads have been turned on. For example, turn off all loads in the house then turn on loads one by one and name those in the app. See review here: http://alphaefficiency.com/smappee-review/
  7. Is there a device that is compatible with the ISY that works similar to the Smappee (energy consumption monitor)? http://www.smappee.com/us/ Interested in having device-level energy consumption data without having to install receptacles/sensors at all my appliances. Thank you!
  8. iRule 3.0 announced today with the ISY module.
  9. Hi Michel, Any progress on supporting the RFXCom? They now have a less expensive USB tranceiver that's supported by a variety of automation platforms like Vera and Homeseer. This is really the last piece of the puzzle for myself (this + Kwikset ZWave support). Thank you!
  10. Hi Michel, I'll try this when I get back home later this week, but I ran into the same exact issues last night. I updated Java on my Mac to 1.7.15, upgraded firmware on my ISY994 to 3.3.10, but had a lot of problems getting things to work. I finally got the dashboard installed, but still get an error when I click on the JNLP file on my desktop (invalid URL). I finally got the dashboard to work, the error persists, but there are no certificates on my Mac or on the ISY as noted in the PDF.
  11. Thanks for all the help guys! My updated scene is as follows: If From 8pm To Sunrise - 1 hour (next day) Then In Scene 'Baby's Room Light' Set 'Baby's Room Light' 30% (On Level) Will this work correctly? Will my SwitchLinc revert to the normal On Level (60%) at Sunrise - 1 hour on the next day? Thanks!
  12. Hey this is awesome, thanks! I currently don't have the switch setup in a Scene, would the device still be available in the "Adjust Scene" drop downs? Sorry, don't have access to my ISY right now so I can't see it.
  13. Hi, I am new to ISY programming and this is my first attempt at a program. I have a light switch (Dual band dimmer) in one of the bedrooms and I would like the on level to be set to 30% between 8pm and 1 hour before sunrise when I hit the switch (essentially ignoring the local on level). I've figured out how to program the timing part. However, with my current program, when I hit the switch the lights turns on to the preset local on level (currently set at 60%), then the program executes and the brightness goes down to 30%. Ideally, I would like the program to be executed as soon as I hit the On button and bypass the local on level. Here is my current program: If From 8pm To Sunrise - 1 hour (next day) And Status 'Baby's Room Light' > 30% Then Set 'Baby's Room Light' 30% Thanks!
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