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Everything posted by pauliep

  1. I will be pulling the switches this Saturday and checking the configuration. I will post what I find. I appreciate all of the help and suggestions.
  2. This is, indeed, a 3 way switch configuration. Both have a neutral attached, to the best of my recollection. Still having the interesting problem of the lights not turning on and off appropriately within the KPL.
  3. I honestly don't remember if one is a load and the other has a neutral. I will have to open it up and double check. The two KPL's mainly control the on/off of lights outside in the patio. Additionally, I installed a load controller for a 220v pool pump (which should be button A), and two light switches for the pool light (button "B") and fountain lights (button C). So the A, B, and C buttons are all cross linked and are controllers, not responders. When I have reset them and try to delete the old scene and install a new one, I get the same button lights turns on for a few seconds and then shuts off. Everything other than the lights on the buttons works. The pool pump turns on, the outside lights turn on, and the fountain lights work. I just can't figure out the rest.
  4. You know when you have installed 50 Insteon devices and everything works well? Then you install two KPL's and link them together, but the lights don't work properly when you use one to control a light and the other responds briefly and then shuts off? Or when you use one KPL to turn on a light and then both KPL's go dim in terms of showing status via the internal LED's? That is what is happening to me. I can't figure it out and I am getting ready to rip these two KPL's out. I know they work as I have blanked them and installed them in a single switch situation where they control the lights properly, the keypad light lights up, etc. However, when I use them both to control a light, I can't get them to both show status of the light being on via the lights on the pad, and when I think I have a solution, one or the other of the lights on the pad blanks out or turns off. This is getting maddening. Can anyone help me? Paul
  5. OK, I see the Fountains are not in red, but the keypads are. The fountains are in blue. I have forgotten how to move these over to red or to make them controllers.
  6. Steve, I did that in scenes, as far as I can tell, but it still doesn't work. Paul
  7. Steve, Help in this endeavor would be appreciated. I can't seem to "see" how to do this. Paul
  8. I am not normally stupid, but I need some help. This is driving me nuts. The setup is this: I have two Insteon Keypad Dimmer Switches (6 button, one in living room the other in the family room) which control a 220V/240 V 30 map Insteon load controller on my pool pump for my fountains. This pump is dedicated to the fountains. When I hit the "A" button for the pump at either of the dimmer switches, they both respond properly that the pump is on. However, if I go to the pool area and hit the switch from there, the pump does turn on, but it does not report to the keypad switches the load is on, or rather, the keypad lights don't turn on. I am being driven crazy by this as only someone on a day off can be. Is anyone willing to help? Thanks, Paul
  9. OK, tried to do as you had written. No luck. In exasperation, I deleted the device on the control panel. I then hit the switch on the Switch Link mode, setting it into link mode. I reinstalled the device. I then went to the program and had to reinsert the device with the new name and parameters. I tried it out, and it worked. I was surprised. Not sure what was happening, but I hope it doesn't happen again. Paul
  10. When toggling the switch (physically going there and turning it on), no, it does not update on the control panel. If I turn it "on", the control panel will report it is "off". If I use the control panel, however, to turn it "on", it reports it is "on" and shows my little program running. I tried unplugging the ISY/994 and replugging it back in, but it didn't seem to work.
  11. I didn't think to check that when I was originally diagnosing the problem. So, I went ahead and checked. When I hit the actual switch in the bathroom, the Summary does not show "Running Then" or "True" in the display. However, when I use the control panel to turn it on, I then see the "Running Then" and "True" in the display. Likewise when I use Mobilinc. I can't explain this issue. Any ideas?
  12. I have had my ISY/994 for over a year. I have programmed it to do several things, with the one program that has to work being a bathroom fan for my wife (don't ask). The program has been working for over a year, but as of yesterday, the program no longer works. Here is the program: If Status 'Master Bath Fan' is on Then Wait 20 minutes Set 'Master Bath Fan' Off Else Set 'Master Bath Fan' Off What is now going on is when I hit the Switch Link in the bathroom, the bath fan will stay on forever. It doesn't shut off after 20 minutes. If I access the ISY/994 control panel via my computer, it "sees" the Switch Link as being off. However, when I control the Switch Link via the control panel, I have full access to the range of commands (On/Off, etc.) I am not sure why this is happening now, but would appreciate any advice or help. Paul
  13. Alright, I found what I was missing. I found the Patio Fan link and had to add it to the Patio Fan Light scene in order to make it work properly with the KPL. After doing so, everything is working properly. I have now added a second Fanlinc and have it working properly, too. A lot of work, but well worth it. My wife is allowing me to stay in the home. Another victory.
  14. OK, I have set up always on power to the Fanlinc and have been able to setup the buttons properly (Fan high - the fan turns on high; Fan Medium- the fan turns on medium, etc. including Fan Off). Now I can't get the light to turn on with the ON/OFF button but can turn it on using the ISY 994. I created a Patio Fan Light scene and have the 21.67.C4-Light within the scene. When I click on the main scene button (Patio Fan Light), I see a 21.67.C4-Light On Level set to 100 and a Ramp Rate set to .1s. When I click on the individual 21.67.C4-Light, I see a current state of 0 (because the light is off), the On Level (Applied Locally) set to 100 and the Ramp Rate (Applied Locally) set to .1s. So when I go to the KPL and hit ON, nothing happens. When I hit ON via the ISY 994, the light does turn on. What am I missing?
  15. Ok, will have to try to provide always on power to the Fanlinc and then have the KPL control that. I should have thought of that as well. I do see a second wire in the junction box, probably for a switch for light or fan in a different situation. In one of my other rooms in the house, there is a switch for a fan and a switch for a light on two separate rocker switches. Looks like they did the same here but did not run the extra switch.
  16. Sorry, didn't post all of the info you asked for. The Fanlinc wires are hooked up like this: blue wire is connected to the lights, whereas the red is connected to the fan, black is connected to line, and white is connected to neutral. Hope this also helps.
  17. Hmmmm.... That is what I am doing. I have the typical white wire, a black wire that is the load, and another wire that is the line. I think I am getting what you are saying. If I am using the KPL to control the lights and fan, then the power overall is controlled by the KPL and will never turn on the fan if the light is not on. I should have thought of that before. I am wondering why I didn't. I am NOT going to tell the wife. Well, if this is the case, how do I set it up to where the KPL controls the light and fan without the power issue? Do i somehow wire the uint to where it is always powered? This seems dangerous, doesn't it? Paul
  18. Hello. Thank you for reading this. After going through several pages of tips and tricks for the Fanlinc, I am about ready to pull what little hair I have left on my head. I have a Fanlinc and a KPL 6 with the Smarthome buttons for Fans High, Medium, Low, and Off. I believe I have these programmed correctly into 4 separate scenes (Fan High for one button which turns the light on the button on and the others remain off, with the remainder doing the same thing for their respective buttons and lights.) What I can't figure out is why I can not get the fan to work on any speed without having to turn the ON switch at the top of the KPL in order to "power" up the fan buttons. It seems the only way to get the fan to work is if the ON switch is on, and then I hit the Fan High button to activate that function. I would like to be able to control the light and fan separately, but I am racking my brain as to what is going wrong. I looked at the manual for the KPL and note the ON/OFF buttons are load controlling (page 3 of the KPL instruction manual). Does this mean the ON button has to be on for the Fanlinc to work properly? Or am I doing something completely stupid and can't figure it out? Any help would be truly appreciated. The wife is on me to have the functions work properly. If I don't, well, you can guess the outcome. Anyone have a spare couch I can use if I can't solve this? Paul
  19. Xathros, Would you be willing to share your programs for the garage door opener status and camera setup? I like the fact you are able to command the camera to turn towards the door if it is opened. I am having a devil of a time trying to "see" if my door is open or shut on Mobilinc and even via the ISY controller. Thanks, Paul
  20. OK. I have restarted and have accessed the ISY using my Firefox browser and the address of I used the admin button there to access the administrative console. Same problems, but now the UI and the Firmware match with 4.0.2. When I try to get the program to install the admin console button, it indicates it can't do so. But, then, voila, a .jnlp file is created and when I click it the program starts. But still the same problems. And the UI and Firmware match.
  21. I didn't think to look there. The UI version is 3.3.10 and the Firmware version is 4.0.2. I have cleared the cache several times.
  22. I am having the same problem. I am running a Mac with an ISY-994. I tried to upgrade to the latest beta version (4.0.2) to try and remedy the problem. I have also flushed my cache. However, I note that most of my devices are no longer displaying as found, the admin console keeps asking for me to type in my name and password every 20-30 seconds, and then if I try to look at my programs, the programs don't seem to load quickly. Then, when I go to the display that shows what the programs are doing, the admin console shuts itself off. I really need some help here. I have had the system running since I bought it last summer and I did not have problems until recently. I can't explain why as no changes have occurred to my machine of the ISY. Paul
  23. I am not quite sure how to ask, so I will just put it down like this: I have a Pentair Variable Speed Pump with 4 preset speeds. I don't want to buy the full on Pentair setup (about $1500 to $2000), as I have the ISY-994 and feel that I should be able to control the pump through it. Seeing the posts, here, I am wondering how I could do this. I am envisioning the setup to be as follows: Computer (iMac) in house, hooked up to the ISY-994, wirelessly connected to another router or AirPort Express located by the pool pump equipment (about 300 feet away), which would then be connected, somehow, to the Variable Speed Pump. Is this how it would be hooked up? How do I connect the router to the RS-485 port on the pump? Any help would be appreciated.
  24. Quick question, for method #1, is there a way to activate the alarm via the "stay" function? I understand the "away" function is probably the default, but is the "stay" function possible?
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