I am at the office now but here's what I was able to do before I left for work this morning:
I reboot the PC: no change
I reboot the ISY (via the console): no change
I reboot the router (Dlink-825 RevB1 Firmware 2.06NA): I now saw the "My Lighting" icon under "Network" again. I saw it when I plugged the ISY the first time but then (newt day) it was gone for some reason. Re-boot of the router did something. Also, before I reboot the router, I was not able to stay in the router admin page. I was able to log in with my "admin" account but was constantly kicked out after few seconds or when I was going through the router menu. After the router re-boot, all was fine again and no more kick-out (Weird).
I access the ISY console from my browser "Favorite" "My Lighting" (using Window explorer). The address is
This opens the web page where you see the "Universel Device" logo at the top left corner and below you have the hyperlinks for the "devices", "scenes", "programs", "administration console" and so on.
I click the "admin console" link and it launches the console asking me for the usename (admin) and the password (admin).
Then, I get my lighting network and can see the swtiches status and the scenes and can configure and modify scenes and add devices. I can toggle lights on and off and all seems fine.
However, as soon as I click: File/backup ISY or Tool/error log (and probably few more pulldown), it closes the console (the JAVA icon in the tool bar disappears) and I am returned to the initial web page "Universal Device".
One thing I notice after I reboot the PC and the router is that when I have the "Universal Device" HTML page and click the "adnimistration console" link, the JAVA logo was loading (you know that rotating small bars) and then a JAVA window pop and asked me for user and password. Not knowing what that was (it does not do that all the time) I typed "admin" and "admin" as user and password.
It accepted that input and launch the console. The console prompt for uersname and password again ("admin", "admin") an all seems normal.
But when I go to "file/backup ISY", it closes the console and back to the HTML "Universal Device" page again. The JAVA icon in the tool bar is gone.
I suspect there is something wrong with the JAVA maybe
I do not understand why JAVA asks me for a user and password. And it does not that everytime I access the "http:/" page.
Is there something with registering or with certificate?
I have not done anything with "certificate" ever.
Should I clear it and recreate it? (I will need some advice. I do not want to clear certificates for other programs or web page).
I do not want to upgrade the firmware to the latest if there is a problem with how JAVA is configured in my system and be left with a device I can no longer access. I also do not want to clear all my links and all the work I have done so far with the ISY.
Thanks all for your support