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  1. Can I ask another quick question, after I add a new device and want to set the On Level and Ramp rate it doesnt seem to do it directly to the device, I have tried right clicking and select Now if I add to device to a scene it allows me to update by selecting the update button on the right side of the page , if I remember older versions would write the changes as soon as a value in the dropdowns was changed
  2. Thasnks for the quick respons, I though I was loosing my mind I will do a backup, then upgrade Thanks again
  3. Running : Firware - Insteon_UD994 v.5.3.0 (2020-10-01-14:39:56) UI - - Insteon_UD994 v.5.3.0 (2020-10-01-14:39:56) When adding new device take a long time, as I see it is updating all the open/close sensors also, is this as planed or is something configured wrong. I have 3 open close sensors and it seems evertime I try and add a new device it also seems to be writig to them also so it writes to all of the following wich makes it extreemly slow: Sensor-Heartbeat Sensor-closed Sensor-opened is there a setting to not update them and do only whe on that device Thanks
  4. HI All How do I deregister the ISY994 from my account as selling home and is there anything else I should do, as leaving the box behind as have a new one for my new home Thanks, Mark
  5. so is the only difference between the Pro vs Reg is the wifi and Bluetooth :-) or is there some upgradeble stuff thats not in the Regular and as always U rock......
  6. HI Michel, found a 12v 2.5 amp power supply hooked it up and seemed to solve the issue. I guess the old power supply has seen better days with all the power outages we have been seeing in NJ lately Thanks for the quick response, and as always a great product with great support and fantastic software Cheers M
  7. Been a while since I have had an issue, but this one perplexes me, I looked on the form for an answer but could not find an answer We just had an extended power outage, and some flickering of the lights. around 2 hr with no power. I finally moved all of the power supplies to a UPS to allow for a time to run if we have short outages. I go to power up the ISY994 zw/ir pro and it will not boot back up the blue LED power comes on and the rear blue LED, now it seems like they are not as bright as I would expect and seem almost dimmed a bit. Nothing else happens it never starts to boot and communicate as I am used to seeing the TX, RX light flash a bit and the red LED then all usually comes on line this time nothing. Though it might be the power supply so tried another no different, also tested the power out of the old power supply and reads fine. any ideas / suggestions to fix this issues as I am D.O.A, sorry if I missed a similar posting. Thanks, Mark
  8. Thanks for the update... I think it is funny how they approve Hue, HomeSeer, LIFX and other and yet a more superior product like ISY and they all of the sudden change the process Sad so so sad...seems almost like a marketing ploy.... Thanks for all the great work thus far
  9. Take a look a 2GIG CT-100 thems about $80 using them with 4.2.2 and Z-wave module an MobiLinc and haven't had any issues Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Sorry about the long post but I am in need of advice... I am having an issue with devices not being recognized thru out the house. This is an installation of Insteon devices using ISY994i Pro w/PowerLinc Modem (dual Band) . Here is the issue I have a spreadout house it is approx 3500Sq FT base foot pring with multiple stories on certain sections. The ISY device is located in the main part of the house at one end (and connected to the 60 amp panel I explan this shortly). The house contains 4 electric panels the main service has 200amps on that box I have a SignalLink Phase coupler on the box next to that another 100 amp panel in addition to that when I buitl the addition a used yet another 100 amp panel that is located approx 90+ ft away and last but not least a 60 amp panel up stairs in the old part of the house. In testing all of this I am using 2 LampLinc (dual-Band) one is hooked up and working fine and on the first floor below the PowerLinc Modem (10ft a part) this works well and responds to all comands, I tried to add a second LampLic in the addition (approx 25 ft away) and use the start Linking command from the admin consol and it would not find it, I then tried to add it manually did not work... I brought the module upstairs and tried again to start link and it was found right away... So I wrote a simple turn on at sun set program for it and tested all worked fine. Here is the issue I moved it back to the addition (this by the way is on the other 100 amp sub around 90+ feet away from the main) and tried to see if it would work and it did not here is the funny thing if I maually turned the device on and off, or dim it showed the status fine either thru MobiLinc or on the admin console. So to the point if from the main modem to the first Linc is 10ft from that the second link is no more than 20+ ft why is is not receiving any commands from the ISY device??? Should I add a phase couple to each sub panel or do I need a bunch of plug in Access point (dual Band) I thought the signal was far better on these devices that 25 ft should not be any problem. Again Thanks in advance to anyone who dare reads this all and coud provide some recomendations. Mark
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