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  1. Thanks to all for the great feedback (especially Michel - Don't know how you do it - Do you sleep?). Regarding the IR, I can still see noise "coming in" from the piggyback PCB though I blocked off the sensor's hole (not sure, I might even have removed the PCB). But that's Ok, the irlinc works well and you've pretty much convinced me to upgrade to 994. I'll contact customer support and see what they say. So, 2 additional questions arise: (sorry) - Any benefits to using the 994's IR instead of my current IRLinc? - My next step is to install a door lock (deadbolt). I'm looking for something that will work with ISY (my upcoming 994) as well as Mobilinc. I've seen a thread discussing UDI being in alpha for Zwave (on a 994 piggy back) and using a kwikset lock. Am I close in my understanding and is this now available? I'm looking for bidirectional communication and the ability to remotely lock and unlock.
  2. Hello, I originally bought my ISY-99i IR/Pro thinking it's the most expensive and most powerful in the product line: The flagship. I decided to bite the bullet but I thought it was worth it and I was also looking forward to the integrated IR capability. But then I installed it and found that the IR side of things didn't work (seemed to be too sensitive). I mentioned it and was sent a replacement IR PCB. Unfortunately, replacing the PCB did not solve my IR problems. So I decided to settle for my IR Linc receiver. Not as flexible I guess, but it works. Lately, I had to upgrade Java and am currently stuck with an error. Anyway, this led me to find out that the 99i is/will no longer be supported. Worse, the 994 is taking over. But I thought the 994 was a lower end product, no? I'm pretty sure I saw it at a lower price than the 99. I also just found out that UDI was offering an upgrade deal (but that expired about a year ago - wish I'd been sent an email or something)... posting.php?mode=post&f=27# So now I'm again faced with a decision: Should I upgrade to the 994? I saw that the upgrade, from a programming standpoint, is pretty straightforward. But, given that I use my 99i with an IRlinc receiver as well as Mobilinc and Mobilinc Connect: 1) is there anything else involved in upgrading; 2) What are the benefits of upgrading or potential drawbacks of staying with the 99? (note that I have the firm intent of doing this fun home automation stuff for the remainder of my life which, I hope, is still a good number of years). posting.php?mode=post&f=27# Thanks for any clarification you can provide!
  3. Michel, This doesn't quite work for me. I'd like to launch my admin console directly from my browser and as part of the "regular" ISY application (as it used to be). Now, with the jnlp link you provided, every time I want to open the admin console, I need to find this link (guess I could bookmark it?), click it and then download the file (where the admin console automatically launches). Is there something I can do to simplify? Thanks! Bruce
  4. Hi, I just performed the "recommended" Java upgrade and now have the "missing required permissions manifest..." error. Of the 2 choices you propose, I assume I can't try option 1 as my controller is an ISY-99IR-Pro. The other options works in the sense that I can get to my admin console. However, if I try to open the admin console from within the Universal Devices UI, I keep getting the same error. Is there a way for me to continue launching the admin console via the "Admin console" button in the Universal Devices UI? By the way, I was under the impression that the 99 was higher end than the 994. If 994 is better, what's involved in upgrading to it? Will all my current programs carry over? Are both controllers fully compatible? Many thanks!
  5. Thank you Michel, I will try that. Although I have my doubts... Every devices function perfectly well when controlled via the ISY and Mobilinc. The only common device between those that no longer function properly is the IRlinc and it's via the IRlinc that the problems appear. Ppretty sure I tried a restore device on the IRlinc. But I didn't do a factory reset beforehand as I didn't want to lose all my IR programming. Would that be the case? Can I do a factory rest of the IRlinc witout losing any of the IR programming?
  6. Hi, I had programmed about 30 IR commands using my IR linc to control my insteon devives through my ISY. Everything was working great and it was a wonderful feeling especially when compared to the perfomance I had been used to with X10. All my commands were configured such that I tap a button on my IR remote once and it would turn the devive On. Tap it once again and it would turn the device off. Hold it down and it would brighten. Stop and hold down again and it would dim. Simply perfect and quick responding. But then I eventually had a power outage. For a few days after that, none of my IR commands worked anymore. As some of you probably know, it takes some time to program a new irlinc button and then associate that trigger to a program that will turn on/off a device. I didn't want to have to redo all of that. And then I got lucky. My IRlinc started working again. However, not all my devices came back to life. Some answer to on and off commands only (no more dim/bright). And this is if I am patient and try over and over. For other devices, nothing at all works anymore. What would be the best procedure for me to bring those devices back to life? Can I simply reprogram those specific commands? Do I need to erase them first and is that possible or must I do a full factory reset and start over from scratch?
  7. Thnak you for the clarifications. This will clearly be helpful in the future. But here is my dilemma (probably very basic stuff that I'm sorry I need help for): I have lights outside that come on every night depending on sunset time. They follow a ISY program and dim at different points throughout the evening. Eventually, they turn off. When I come home late at night, after the lights have gone off (rarely happens but still...), I want my phone do detect it's close to home (via cell towers and/or gps and/or proximity to my wifi) and send off a trigger to turn on those lights. But I want this to happen only if its dark outside and if the lights have already turned off. This is why I want tasker to send a trigger to ISY and let the ISY program determine if it needs to run or not (as it knows if the lights are currently on, etc.). My program therefore starts off with a couple of "if" statements (time is between sunset and sunrise, lights are lower than 30%). But if I only use these 2 "if" statements, the program will run as soon as those 2 conditions are met (without the necessity for receiving the Tasker signal). If I use the "run then" command from tasker, my 2 if conditions won't be considered. This is how I figured the solution might be to disable the program and have Tasker send a "run if" command as the trigger. But this was not successful. Any ideas? Many thanks!
  8. I'm playing around with tasker and trying to get it to trigger an ISY program via a mobilinc plug-in (for geo-fencing). I was planning on using a program in ISY (with its own "if" statements) that I would leave as "disabled", and then have tasker send a "enable program" to run it. I haven't been successful at this yet and I don't know if this is a good approach as I am not a programmer - btw, any help here would be appreciated. Anyway, as I was trying to pinpoint the problem, I noticed that if I create a program (enabled), remove all "if" statements and save it, the program won't even run (self-trigger). Is this normal? Is there something obvious I'm forgetting (or maybe a delay I need to give it or something)?
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