Thanks all. Power LED is on. New switch isn't showing any link and router log isn't showing any activity or dhcp request. I performed a hard reset (twice). The lights all come on as expected thru the reset cycle, but after it boots, only a very faint flash on receive about a half second per. I think the surge killed the network connection. Different power supply didn't help either.
The surge came through the cable. My ups didn't have any activity codes recorded in the log. The ISY was plugged in to the UPS. The cable modem fried (burnt smell) and wouldn't power on. I think it sent voltage out the network port which went to the router then small network switch. The network port on my tivo DVR is the same as the ISY, but i was able to switch it to wireless and it is back online. Router is the same, hard reset could't bring it back. So, new cable modem, router and small network switch. Everything back up except for the ISY.
Thanks for your suggestions.