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    Metro Detroit, MI

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  1. Mine is back up as of a few minutes ago.
  2. Just came back online. So all good again.
  3. I saw the post after I found my portal access/Alexa to be not working: However, from what I understand it should be working again. AC is accessible just fine via LAN. Is there anything I would need to do to bring it online again?
  4. I seem to have run into the same issue with my Polisy. Sounds like the best way forward is to open a ticket, which I will do.
  5. Thanks @Michel Kohanim for your reply. Sounds like you use it as a regular PC that also happens to run IoX on it. Am I overstating this? This gives me a good idea. Thanks.
  6. I found this in the sticky: "Why should I buy one? Only you can answer this question. If you have a polisy, I'd say don't unless you simply want a new toy, have money burning a hole in your pocket, or simply to support UDI." This statement was made already some time ago. So I was wondering if this still holds true today. I have a relatively small system with less than 100 Insteon devices and limited amount of simple programs. Would I gain anything performance- or otherwise if I switched to a polisy?
  7. This had been my MO for years as well, but it this time I apparently needed to do it the other way around. I had also tried several power cycles beforehand to no avail....
  8. I have been trying to update v3.2.4, but thus far without success. I thought when I update my Polisy via the Upgrade Package command in the AC that Polyglot would also be updated along the way. This does not seem to be the case. What do I need to do here?
  9. When did you upgrade yours? From what I understand (and I could be wrong - still awaiting confirmation) Polisy got temporarily pulled from the list of eligible products. EDIT: Finally I just got mine to upgrade also. I had not made the connection yet to clean the Java cache before making any upgrade attempts. Thanks for pointing me into the right direction!
  10. How did you do this? I only keep getting 5 beeps and no update on mine. EDIT: Finally I just got mine to upgrade also. I had not made the connection yet to clean the Java cache before making any upgrade attempts.
  11. I received the release announcement email last night so I just tried upgrading my polisy via the AC, but it did not work (got 5(?) beeps, but AC stayed 'alive', no logout, and still on same f/w as before: 5.6.4). When I browsed through the support thread here I found @Michel Kohanim post buried, indicating that the upgrade has been disabled. Not sure what 13.2 refers to though, so I wonder if my issue is related here or not. Any guidance would be appreciated. Thanks!
  12. I worked through the instructions here:https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY-994i_Series_INSTEON:Networking#Web_Server_Module ....specifically the part about: Append to an Existing File I now can access it via Chrome (my go-to browser FF does not like that it is not a secure connection)
  13. Thanks for the confirmations @kclenden I have setup a custom log and started collecting data. So far so good. I’d like to keep it running for a few days.
  14. @Geddy at this point I do not trust my setup to accurately and promptly alert me if a leak occurs. Therefore I am currently in troubleshooting mode. With my latest effort I want to verify that the ISY actually receives a heartbeat signal every 24 hrs from each sensor. If that's the case, I can close this topic and shift my focus toward troubleshooting my programs. If the ISY does not receive the signals, my plan is to look closer into the communication between LS and ISY.
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