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  1. OK. Do you percieve a problem with any of this? Is the door opening and closing properly from the keypad button (it sounds as if it is)? Is the keypad button displaying proper status (it appears that it is)? The only thing that looks a little suspicous to me is sensor status. Given your apparent setup is slightly different than my suggestions, sensor status is as I would expect until the morning, where I expected sensor to be "ON", yet it was "OFF". I would recheck these readings. What else troubles you, if anything? After all the troubles, I think I am starting to get it. Thanks for all your helps. Thank You
  2. Forget about the relay, period. The status of the relay means nothing. Regarding the sensor, yes, it is possible that the sensor LED is on when the door is closed. This is based upon which wires from the sensor one uses and where the sensor is mounted (see step . Still, this may not matter. Is the keypad controlling the door as you like? Is the Keypad button displaying the status as you desire (on when open? On when closed?) Does the LED light consistently come on when closed and off when open? If everything else is working as you wish, then I would simply not worry about it and remember that LED on means closed and LED off means open. IN the end, does it really matter whether the LED is on or off? The sensor status in the ISY is the same as in mobilinc is the same as dashboard is the same everywhere, hopefully. What does the sensor state say (in ISY) when the door is closed and the LED is on? Typically, I would expect the green LED indication to indicate sensor is "ON". The only way that I know to reverse this is in the IOLinc options, where one can set trigger reverse. Did you set trigger reverse? The KeypadLinc button lit when the garage door is opened and dark, unlit when closed. Which is great, exactly how I want it to display. I can see these lit/unlit button when I am home. When I am away from home, I am kinda worry if the Garage is closed or still open. Ok, I just double check my current setting. It is Momentary A: Triggered by either On or Off, Momentary hold time (seconds) 2.0, Program Lock (uncheck), Key Beep (uncheck), LED on TX(check), Relay Follows Input(uncheck), Send X10 Send On or Off(uncheck), Trigger Reverse(check). Right now, the current status of my Garage Door is CLOSED, Garage Relay on ISY/Mobilinc is OFF, Garage Sensor on ISY/Mobilinc is ON, KeypadLinc Button is OFF/unlit. This status is all correct. Espcially the Garage Sensor, I want it to be On when the Garage Door is closed. I will update the status everytime I open and close the Garage so you guy can help me understand with I need to do to make this working the way it supposed to. Most importantly the Sensor, since I want to make sure the Garage Door is closed when I am away from home. Thank you for all the helps. Thanks again, KL Oh, I forgot. The KeypadLinc button is Non-Toggle ON. Ok, this morning before opening the Garage Door to go to work. The Status was the same as last night, which the Garage Door is CLOSED, Garage Relay on ISY/Mobilinc is OFF, Garage Sensor on ISY/Mobilinc is ON, KeypadLinc Button is OFF/unlit. Open Garage Door with KeypadLinc Button, the button lit up. Garage Relay in the Device Tab show OFF, Garage Sensor in the Device Tab show OFF, Garage Relay in the Scene Tab show OFF, Garage Sensor in the Scene Tab show ON. Then I closed the Garage Door leaving for work. And here is the Status after closing the Garage Door. KeypadLinc Button show OFF. Garage Relay in Device Tab show ON, Garage Sensor in Device Tab show OFF, Garage Relay in Scene Tab show ON, Garage Sensor in the Scene Tab show OFF. Let me make a chart. Last Night Status - After Garage Door Closed [*]Garage Relay on Device Tab - OFF [*]Garage Sensor on Device Tab - ON [*]KeypadLinc Button - OFF This Morning Status - After Garage Door Opened [*]Garage Relay on Device Tab - OFF [*]Garage Sensor on Device Tab - OFF [*]KeypadLinc Button - ON [*]Garage Relay on Scene Tab - OFF [*]Garage Sensor on Scene Tab - ON This Morning Status - After Garage Door Closed [*]Garage Relay on Device Tab - ON [*]Garage Sensor on Device Tab - OFF [*]KeypadLinc Button - OFF [*]Garage Relay on Scene Tab - ON [*]Garage Sensor on Scene Tab - OFF
  3. Forget about the relay, period. The status of the relay means nothing. Regarding the sensor, yes, it is possible that the sensor LED is on when the door is closed. This is based upon which wires from the sensor one uses and where the sensor is mounted (see step . Still, this may not matter. Is the keypad controlling the door as you like? Is the Keypad button displaying the status as you desire (on when open? On when closed?) Does the LED light consistently come on when closed and off when open? If everything else is working as you wish, then I would simply not worry about it and remember that LED on means closed and LED off means open. IN the end, does it really matter whether the LED is on or off? The sensor status in the ISY is the same as in mobilinc is the same as dashboard is the same everywhere, hopefully. What does the sensor state say (in ISY) when the door is closed and the LED is on? Typically, I would expect the green LED indication to indicate sensor is "ON". The only way that I know to reverse this is in the IOLinc options, where one can set trigger reverse. Did you set trigger reverse? The KeypadLinc button lit when the garage door is opened and dark, unlit when closed. Which is great, exactly how I want it to display. I can see these lit/unlit button when I am home. When I am away from home, I am kinda worry if the Garage is closed or still open. Ok, I just double check my current setting. It is Momentary A: Triggered by either On or Off, Momentary hold time (seconds) 2.0, Program Lock (uncheck), Key Beep (uncheck), LED on TX(check), Relay Follows Input(uncheck), Send X10 Send On or Off(uncheck), Trigger Reverse(check). Right now, the current status of my Garage Door is CLOSED, Garage Relay on ISY/Mobilinc is OFF, Garage Sensor on ISY/Mobilinc is ON, KeypadLinc Button is OFF/unlit. This status is all correct. Espcially the Garage Sensor, I want it to be On when the Garage Door is closed. I will update the status everytime I open and close the Garage so you guy can help me understand with I need to do to make this working the way it supposed to. Most importantly the Sensor, since I want to make sure the Garage Door is closed when I am away from home. Thank you for all the helps. Thanks again, KL
  4. I find this one a bit confusing, as well. Momentary A is "Either on or off". Compare this to momentary B, which is "both on and off". Momentary A can be set to respond either to "ON" or to "OFF", depending the state during which it was linked. Once set, however, it will not respond to both, but only the command set. If you want it to respond to both, use momentary B. A little-discussed detail about the relay is that it does NOT broadcast it's status. (That is why it cannot be a controller in a scene.) This means that the ISY will believe it is in the state last commanded by the ISY or by an included scene. If you commanded it to be "ON", then the ISY status will believe it to be on, even though it is in latching mode. My recommendation, do not worry about relay status. It has no meaning. This makes me think you skipped my step C. Put the keypad into "non-toggle on" mode. Direct commands are when you choose the device (not scene) in the admin panel and send a command (on or off). If you were to do this, the latching mode apparently would not work and you run the risk of damage to your garage door opener. Instead, choose the scene in which the keypad button is controller and relay is responder. Send on/off commands via that scene. From mobilinc, use the scene, not the relay device, itelf, to which to issue commands. By the way, if you want to know the status of your door, observe the status of the SENSOR. The relay has no relationship to the door being open or closed. You are correct. The garage door is a good example of how scenes and controllers and responders work. One cannot skip one step, because they are all interrelated. However, once you begin to understand HOW and WHY things work, it gets to be much easier. Thanks oberkc, Ok, so forget about the Relay in the Device Tab. What about the Relay in the Scene Tab? The state of the Relay in both areas are the same though. About the Sensor, I think the Sensor is weird too. Right now, the Garage Door is closed. The KeypadLinc button is OFF. The Green Sensor LED on the IOLINC is lit. So is the Sensor supposed to show ON in MobiLinc? Thanks, KL
  5. I followed the above instruction and got my iolinc, keypadlinc, isy and mobilinc to work. The i/olinc and keypadlinc button work great. When I press the button on the keypadlinc, the led will lid up and the garage open. When I press the same button again. The led turn off and garage close. Which is great. However, when i check my isy and mobilinc. It is all mess up. The Relay and Sensor in the Device/Scene Tab didn't show the same result as the KeypadLinc button. I picked Momentary A which I believe (both ON/OFF) but the Relay only work when I press on. This on button does both Open and Close of the garage door. I have to press off (which doesn't do anything) before pressing on to open or close of the garage door. When you said don't use Direct Command, do you mean don't use the Relay On/Off in the Device and/or Scene Tab? This is not easy for sure. There are so many options to turn On/Off (Keypadlinc button, Mobilinc Device Tab, Mobilinc Scene Tab and also the Current Garage Door Opener) and that may cause the all the Statues to not showing up correctly. Thanks, KL
  6. LeeG, Thanks for the input. But sorry, your answer is way over my head . Can you or anyone give this newbie some more detail guides. Thanks,
  7. I went through the Quick Start Guide and The Manual for I/OLINC Garage Door. Did so many things and nothing seem to work. By the way, I have an ISY994i, KeypadLinc, I/OLinc Garage Door and MobiLinc Pro. It seem like I can't get them all to work. Base on the Manual, I need to be in Momentary C. I did that and when I tried to turn Garage Door-Relay "ON" it will open the garage door. Which is great. But when press to turn "OFF". It did nothing. Then pressed it one more time to turn it "ON" then it close the garage door. The OFF button doesn't seem to work. I want to program the Sensor to be ON when Garage Closed, OFF when Garage Open. And the opposite for the Relay. Turn ON to Open Garage and Press Off to Close Garage Door. Can some expert see where I did wrong? And what should I try next? Thanks,
  8. Thanks for the advice. I read many solutions from this forum and many of you mentioned some red, green, black wires for this IoLinc Garage. This new IoLinc got 4 wires and they are all the same color White. So like you said, I should do everything to setup with ISY and not manually with the devices(iolinc and keypadlinc)? Thanks,
  9. There is exactly step by step in the wiki. I set up, my garage with it and ordered normally closed reed switches from Ebay. Sent from my Sony Tablet S using Tapatalk HD Is there by any chance you guys can point me to the right guide or detail instruction. Where is the wiki?
  10. I have an ISY994i, MobiLinc Pro and a KeypadLinc. And I want to use KeypadLinc button A for my Garage. It took me all day today tried to get I/O Linc for my Garage Door to work. I followed the Quick Start Guide. In the Admin Console, I don't see the Senor and Relay Update it status when the Garage closed and openned. I am really confuse now. I am going to factory reset the I/O Linc tomorrow morning and try again. Does anyone have a complete step by step guide on how to hook this up? I don't want to mess up some steps and asking for help. Because that will get more complicated. So I am going to reset the IOLINC and start from scratch. Can anyone help me with some detail instructions. This will save me from a lot of headache tomorrow. Thanks
  11. Anyone has personal experience with this Load Controller Normally Closed for their Water Heater? Please let's me know if you are experience the same thing. Thanks, KL
  12. I am not too tech savvy hehe.. I can only follow instructions from the manual included with the device. I don't understand much to create my own test for this load controller normally closed.
  13. I installed this myself. The wiring was very simple. 1 red, 1 black. What will happen if I wired the 2 load wires wrong. I doubt it. I am also under the belief the active load should be off when the switch is red. Did you install this yourself? Have you verified the wiring done?
  14. It is really weird. Even if I turn the Top Light (controller switch) on or off, Green or Red. The Bottom Light (Active Load) will be Green sometime and No Light sometime. Isn't the Bottom Light (Active Load) supposed to be off when I turn the Controller Switch off (Red), relay Open?
  15. I kept checking the Active Load LED Light. It seem to be GREEN a lot. Then it turned Off. Then turned GREEN again. I don't understand how can this work as a water heater timer, to save energy and money? Thanks, KL
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