Thanks for these instructions!! My caps did not "look" bad at all but thanks to the guidance here, I decided to try this. I replaced C3 and C11 and, since I'm a little hesitant to work on the smaller capacitors due to the other components near them, partially assembled and tested the modem. Works great now. If this is all it takes, I'm glad I ordered a few spares for those two. Had some initial concern since the replacement for C3 was a little larger/taller and the leads were a bigger diameter, too. It fit just fine, though. As other stated, cost with shipping was high compared to what just what these two caps cost but at least its not $80 for a new modem. Thanks again!! I took some before/after pictures of my 1.B modem if anyone needs them.
Two days later the modem died again. Has this happened to anyone who just replaced the two caps?
Ok, got motivated tonight and replaced the other 3 caps. PLM works again. I guess the safe bet is to plan on replacing them all or suffer from another failure later.