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  1. I thought that the dual band LampLincs acted as access points. But not the last mistake I'll make. I'll order some. Since the keypad is in 3-way communication with the other other keypad (a button pressed on one lights the corresponding button on the other) the communication issue is perplexing. I will try Restore now that I know it won't try to wipe out the original programming. The difference between Write Changes and Restore eludes me, but I'm going to try it. Thanks
  2. I have ISY99i, firmware UD99v.3.3.10, UI994v.3.3.9 and keypadlinc 2486 v6.0 1214 A few months ago the forum helped me program this keypad and another (v6.2 1304) in a 3-way application that works fine. Last week I attempted to make a small change to the scenes but the keypadlinc v6.0 responds to "Write updates" with "cannot communicate... check wiring". I have a couple dozen dual band switchlincs and lamplincs all over the house. I can't think of anything that has changed electronically in the house, but that doesn't eliminate a device starting to fail and creating interference. Since I only want to make a modest change to the scenes I don't want to do anything to the keypadlinc that would require complete reprogramming (the original 3-way programming still works fine). So my question is, are there "safe" things I can do that won't erase the original programming. What does "restore device" do? What would "rebooting" do? Anything else to suggest. "Write updates to device" isn't working.
  3. THANK YOU for solving my problem. I now have two 8-KPLs fully sync'd with "radio buttons" on scenes A, B, D, F, and H. The only challenge I had was with Factory Reset on the KPL. The documentation says that after creating the air gap the KPL will beep when the set button is pushed in. I my case I found that I needed to hold the set button in (while the KPL "squealed") for a few seconds until the squealing stopped. Then reset was successful.
  4. This is what I have for versions. KeypadLinc 2486DWH8 V6.0 1214 Universal Devices Adminstrative Console Firmware Insteon_UD99 v.3.2.6 UI Insteom_UD99 v.3.2.6 Smarthome suggested that I try to program the KeypadLinc manually (not using the ISY). I haven't tried this yet. But I'm concerned that even if it worked I wouldn't be able to configure the remaining KeypadLic scenes with the ISY. I have a strong preference to do all the configuration with the ISY.
  5. Thanks for help, but I must be missing something. I just tried a very simple configuration that has me baffled. More help please. One 8-Key Keypad Test Scene ONE Button A (load) responder SwitchLinc (load) reponder Button B (scene) controller with Button A set to 100% on and 2 second ramp. with SwitchLinc set to 50% on and 2 second ramp. Pressing Button A controls load as expected, on, off, dim, bright, etc. Pressing Button B controls the SwitchLinc, but has no effect on the Button A load or the indicator lamp on Button A. When I monitor Button B on/off status in the ISY control panel it indicates that Button A is "on" and "off" per the status of Button B, but of course it is not at the physical keypad or load. Smarthome says this should work, that is, using Button A (load) as a responder to any other Button (scene) on the same keypad. Please comment.
  6. I have programmed two 8-button keypadlincs a to act in sync using buttons B, D, F, and H to control seven different responders for the four scenes. However, when I add button A (which has the load connected) as a responder to scene B it will appear to be functioning properly in the ISY control panel, but the keypad button does not light and the load does not light. Is it possible to use button A (and it's connected load) as a responder to button B (controller)? If yes, please give me a clue as to how to make this work. Although both keypads are new with same model numbers they have different version codes. Hmmm.
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