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  1. This is wrecking my entire weekend. No joy whatsoever. I have switched routers twice trying to get this to work. I have an ASUS RT-N66U router behind an adsl modem. I have port forwarded ports 80 and 44443 to my ISY 99i. I can't get it to work. When I use an internet port checker, it confirms that the ports are not open. My IP at the moment is Can anyone help me please? Thanks, Ed
  2. I am trying to do this remotely by the way. Not sure if that makes a difference. I can access the ISY remotely on one of my PC's but not the other two. That's what I am trying to fix.
  3. Hi, I am trying to fix the same issue by issuing a new 1024 certificate. Can someone please give me the step by step instructions for how to issue the new certificate. I have gone to the admin console, then to SSL Certificate management, then to Generate & Install New Self-Signed Certificate. Then a Certificate Parameters window pops up. Then I pull down the Key Strength and set it to 1024. I left the External IP Address or Domain Name blank. I clicked Save, then Ok. Then, the cursor goes into a circling busy mode and never finishes. I am I doing this correctly? Thanks.
  4. I only have one port forward rule: START/ END PORT: 443/443 PROTOCOL: TCP LAN IP ADDRESS: START/ END PORT REMOTE: 44443/44443 REMOTE IP ADDRESS: The present IP of the ISY is When I go directly to https:\\75.xxx.xx.xxx:44443 I get the general internet error "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage".
  5. Yes, after accepting a warning about a security certificate, it takes me to my router login page.
  6. OK, I already had an Admin Console icon on my desktop but anyway went to http://www.universal-devices.com/99i/admin.jnlp and I believe it reinstalled it. Launched the Admin Console icon, logged into the admin console then minimized it. In "Insteon Finder" screen I clicked the Add button then entered "https://75.xxx.xx.xxx" where (75.xx.xxx.xxx is my modem IP address). It gave me "Error - Not Found". Tried it again and entered "https://75.xxx.xx.xxx:443" and it gave same "Error - Not Found" and additional error "XML Parse Error https://75.xxx.xx.xxx:443/desc". Tried it again and entered "https://75.xxx.xx.xxx:44443" (since the UD tech person and I set my router Start/End Port Remote to 44443) and it gave "Error - Not Found" and additional error "Socket Open Failed java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused: no further information".
  7. Well, a fail in the end. UD support had a long session with me - and that was great. We were able to connect to my ISY through the internet and my ISY https address and the 443 port forwarding. That enabled us to login to the ISY, however when we click on the admin console it would not take us there. It just did nothing. The tech support figured it was an issue with the router. So - I contacted my ISP (who gave me the router) and they said they don't support anything to do with port forwarding. So I contacted Actiontec router tech support and they said they don't support their product if it is given to my by my ISP. In other words, I'm stuck. I have the ISY installed in a new vacation home that I built. The only purpose I installed it was so that I could integrate it with my new Elk system, and remote view and control my Venstar thermostats and lighting when I'm away. So now it is not much use to me.
  8. Thanks for your help Lee. Will submit a ticket.
  9. Ooo - that would be great. How and when?
  10. OK - still trying to get this. When logged into my Telus router it shows the following (below numbers are fake): WAN Connection Status WAN Type: DSL Dynamic/Static: Dynamic Modem IP Address: Subnet Mask: Default Gateway: 55.666.77.888 Lease Time Remaining: 1H 11M 42S DNS Address #1: DNS Address #2: 33.444.555.6 ... and in the router I have set the following port forward: START/ END PORT: 443/443 PROTOCOL: TCP LAN IP ADDRESS: (same IP as above Modem IP Address) START/ END PORT REMOTE: 443/443 REMOTE IP ADDRESS: The port forwarding page on the Actiontec router also give the following optional page which I have not set. 2. Set the remote port and IP information. (Optional) Starting Port:___________ Ending Port:____________ Set Remote IP Address:_________ ( will use any IP Address) So to access the ISY remotely through the internet I go to: https:\\ Am I doing this correctly?
  11. OK - tried that - still doesn't work. Could it be that my port forwarding in the router is not correct? Below I mentioned that port 443 on my router was forwarded as: START/ END PORT: 443/443 PROTOCOL: TCP LAN IP ADDRESS: START/ END PORT REMOTE: 443/443 REMOTE IP ADDRESS: Should the LAN IP Address be the same as my ISY ( ? The IP address is the IP address of my computer that I just set today as a fixed IP.
  12. OK - so I set "Enable Internet Access" to off in the admin console and it shows: Automatic (DHCP) - off IP Address: Subnet Mask: Gateway: DNS: Http Port: 80 Https Port: 443 ... and under Help - About it shows: My Lighting: uuid:00:21:b9:00:e2:0f - Insteon_UD99 v.2.8.16 Product: ISY 99i (1020) - Open Auto-DR- (21010) My URL: Internet Access: disabled Then I followed the instrutions on Portforward.com and gave my computer a static IP address My router IP is Then I removed the port forwarding in my router and re-did it as: START/ END PORT: 80/80 PROTOCOL: TCP LAN IP ADDRESS: START/ END PORT REMOTE: 80/80 REMOTE IP ADDRESS: ...and... START/ END PORT: 443/443 PROTOCOL: TCP LAN IP ADDRESS: START/ END PORT REMOTE: 443/443 REMOTE IP ADDRESS: ... and same for port 443. That's as far as I got. Now how to I access the ISY remotely through the internet? Thanks for the help.
  13. Hi and thanks for the reply. Tried entering https://75.xx.xxx.xxx:443/admin since you mentioned it. It booted me back to https://75.xx.xxx.xxx/admin with the error message: this webpage cannot be found.
  14. Sorry to bother you, but I have been trying for hours to get access to my newly installed ISY-99i through the internet without luck. I am able to access the 99i locally and I have successfully set up several light swithes in my house and I can access and control them through the Administrative Console. When I go to "help-about" it shows: My Lighting: uuid:00:21:b9:00:e2:0f - Insteon_UD99 v.2.8.16 Product: ISY 99i (1020) - Open Auto-DR- (21010) My URL: Internet Access: https://75.xx.xxx.xxx/ I have a Actiontec V1000H router through Telus and I have set up the router for portforwarding of ports 80 and 443 as follows: START/ END PORT: 80/80 PROTOCOL: TCP LAN IP ADDRESS: START/ END PORT REMOTE: 80/80 REMOTE IP ADDRESS: ... and same for port 443. Per your youtube video I have set up the 99i for a fixed IP through the Admin Console (IP and I have used the same Subnet Mask, Gateway and DNS shown in your youtube video. That's as far as I got. Then I tried to access the 99i through the internet by going to https://75.xx.xxx.xxx. Didn't work. What am I doing wrong? Thanks.
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