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Everything posted by Techman

  1. The ZSE70 is currently running beta firmware. You should occasionally check their support site for the final firmware update which has not yet been released. The LR is not yet supported on the eisy so it's possible that you may need a Zwave repeater between the eisy and the ZSE70 I've had good results with the EISY and Zooz product compatibilty.
  2. @BobM99 You should use the USB PLM, the instructions for switching PLMs are in the migration info I sent you.
  3. The complete migration instructions can be found at this link: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/Eisy:User_Guide#Migration Be sure to follow the migration guide exactly.
  4. @JimTurner I just edited my previous post, take a look.
  5. @JimTurner To use the Zwave lock with the eisy, which was previously installed on the ISY994, you must first exclude it from the ISY and then incllude in the eisy. A zwave device can only be linked to one controller. When you set up the eisy did you use the Migration option to move your programs and devices to the eisy? There's no logical reason to have to use two controllers. You should be able to disconnect the ISY994 if the eisy was properly setup.
  6. A couple of things you can try: Exclude the smartlock from the eisy and then factory reset it. Bring the lock close to the eisy and then include it. When you included the lock did you use S2 security, which may have an effect on the range. Does the lock use the 500, 700 or 800 series zwave chip? How far is the final location of the lock from the eisy? Do you have any a/c powered zwave devices located between the final location of the lock and the eisy?
  7. Are you on a MAC or a PC? Whis are your ISY/POLISY/EISY and UI firmware versions?
  8. If your able to access the ISY from the cloud then your issue is probably with the IoX Launcher. Clear your Java cache, be sure to check all 3 boxes, the download the IoX Launcher from here: https://isy.universal-devices.com/start.jnlp This will place a new Launcher icon on your desktop. Let me know if this works
  9. The link failed
  10. @bpwwer What are the LONG POLL and SHORT POLL parameters used for? Are their values in seconds or ? I would like to slow down the data coming from the node server. I think the large amount of data coming from my hub may be interferring with some of my programs by filling up my buffers on the eisy.
  11. The ISY994 Zwave dongle has an effective range of about 20 feet. If your Zwave switch is further away you should add a Zwave repeater between the ISY and your device.
  12. See attached file 4 Tap test.pdf
  13. The only compatible dongles were the internal boards supplied by UDI. They're no longer available unless you can find a used one. NOTE: there was a typo in my previous post, since corrected. The ISY994 only supports 300 and 500 series Zwave.
  14. You could add a dual band plug-in module in close proximity to the PLM. The RF signal frrom the PLM would then be picked-up by the dual band device and put onto the powerline. Your UPS should be plugged into a filterlinc.
  15. The current firmware for the ISY994 is 5.3.4 and it only supports the Zwave 500 series dongle which is Zwave certified. Which zwave dongle do you have installed? Zwave 700/800 LR series should be backwards compatible with the ISY 500 series dongle.
  16. Be sure to remove power from the ISY before removing the SD card. Use a soft eraser to clean the contacts..
  17. @gschoffstall If your powerstrip has a built-in surge protector it could be filltering out the Insteon powerline signal. If you're switching between PLMs are you following the "Replace PLM" procedure?(see attached) You can bridge your powerline legs using any dual band plug-in module, i.e. On/Off Module, or Lamplinc Dimmer, and then verify your powerline is bridged using the 4 tap test. Replace Modem (eisy_polisy).pdf 4 Tap test.pdf
  18. @SHM As an alternative you could try adding some plug-in dual band devices which could help improve the insteon mesh network.
  19. I had the same thing happen to my eisy last week. Not sure if the eisy rebooted on its own as I didn't check its status at the time and I've rebooted it since then. Firmware is 5.8.4. My eisy is on a UPS. The UPS didn't record any events at the time.
  20. In the PG3x configuration for Weatherflow you should set the forcast option to 0. You may have to delete and reinstall the node server for that to take effect .
  21. The current model filterlinc is rated at 10 amps (1200 watts). I'm not aware of any other available options. How many amps does your microwave draw?
  22. This is a known issue with AT&T. I have been working with them for about 6 months trying to get them to resolve the issue. Bottom line is that I think they really don't want to support email to text. It's possible that the spammers were using that protocol. An option you can try is to send your email to text message in MMS format rather than text. (your phone number@MMS.ATT.NET) Let me know if that helps
  23. Even though the appliancelinc is within 10 feet of the eisy it could be on the opposite leg of your powerline. Being that you're starting fresh your powerline legs would not be bridged. You should consider dumping them and replacing them with the dual band on/off module. If your programs showed up after doing a factory reset then your factory reset was incomplete.
  24. The filterlincs are rated at either 5 or 10 amps depending on the model. The micowave probably draws more than 10 amps. Be sure to check before using a filterlinc.
  25. What model is your current Zwave dongle. If you're referring the the Zwave 500 or 700 series dongle that was supported by the ISY, then those are not supported by the eisy. The Zmatter USB enclosure only supports the Zmatter board.
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