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Everything posted by Thartmann

  1. Michel, I have tried the disable/enable, no change the programs remain with "-" in the enabled column. Tom Hartmann
  2. Michel, I can save new programs, however when they are saved they lose the enabled setting. I have not yet worked through the steps to set-up my Linksys to enable the remote access. Tom
  3. Michael, I am runnining 2.4.15, but I was having the same issue with 2.4.13. Thanks, Tom Hartmann
  4. I have not been able to get the Enable status of my programs to show ON. I have removed the migrated programs and replaced them with new code. I have reset the ISY and PLM and cleared the JAVA cache. Regardless of what I have tried all I get in the Enabled Column is a "-" and the programs do not execute.
  5. I have added a Controlinc into my ISY configuration and can use the 5 on/off pairs as scene controllers. Is there any procedure needed to utilize the All On/Off Buttons? Thanks Tom
  6. Thanks, Restore device was the potion required. Tom
  7. I am trying to link a keypadlinc button to a a simple scene that just includes a floor lamp. I just created a scene and added the Lamplinc and the KPL button.- when I press the KPL button the KPL button light will toggle on & off but the floor lamp does nothing. If I press & hold the KPL button, the lamp will fade on & off. Any hints?
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