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Everything posted by Johns9149
Paul - you hit the nail on the head -- so simple yet so difficult. I did not have anything in the body of the email for garage door closed. Once I added a simple line, everything works. Thanks for all your help.
would maybe a separate program for the closed notification be appropriate?
I changed to the below and still didn't get any notification either open or closed. Any other thoughts? BTW, thanks for all your help on this. I appreciate it. If Status 'Garage / I/O Linc - Garage-Sensor' is On Then Send Notification to 'James iPhone' content 'Garage Door OPENED' Else Send Notification to 'James iPhone' content 'Garage Door CLOSED'
when I took the IF out, then I got no notifications at all.
I believe so. With the door closed; the I/O Linc Relay and Sensor both show the current state as OFF in the ISY
I added an ELSE (and changed the From / To times) so that my program now looks like: If Status 'Garage / I/O Linc - Garage-Sensor' is On And From 9:00:00AM To 9:30:00PM (same day) Then Send Notification to 'James iPhone' content 'Garage Door OPENED' Else Send Notification to 'James iPhone' content 'Garage Door CLOSED' However, I still only get notified when the door goes up. Any thoughts on where I messed up?
Paul, thanks for the refresher --- heres the program I use to notify me when the gargage door goes up If Status 'Garage / I/O Linc - Garage-Sensor' is On And From 9:00:00AM To 5:30:00PM (same day) Then Send Notification to 'James iPhone' content 'Garage Door OPENED' Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
Paul thanks for the reply. I will give it a try. But just in case, I will post a copy of the program i have. However, I can't remember how to copy and post. I searched the forums but can't find the steps. How did you do it?
I use the I/O Link - garage door to control the opening and closing of the garage door. I have been able to set up a notification of a sms message to my cell phone when the garage door opens, But I can not seem to set up a program that notifies me when the garage door closes. Anyone with any thoughts?
Lee - Thanks for the follow up and thoughts. I just today logged back in to see if any comments and thoughts had been posted. I made the changes that you suggested and will let you know how it goes. thanks again James
I am trying to configure a MS to control a togglelinc dimmer switch I want the MS to turn on the light at about 25% brightness when the MS detects motion from 11:30 pm to 5:15 am. I want the light to stay on for about 2 minutes, then turn off. I have created a scene that includes the MS and the togglelinc dimmer. I then wrote the following program: If On Sat, Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri From 4:20:00PM To 5:20:00AM (next day) And Control 'Master Bed Room / Mstr Bedroom-Sensor' is switched On Then Set Scene 'Master Bathroom / Mstr Bath Night Light' On Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') For 'testing" purposes, I made the program time from 4:20 pm to 5:15 am next day. I will change it to the desired 11:30 pm once I have it all working correctly. The MS is configured as: Timeout (minutes) 1 LED Brightness 0 since this is to be used in a bedroom at night, I don't want any red blinking light Darkness Sens 128 Sensing Mode: checked -- as motion is sensed.... checked -- On only mode:.... checked - Night mode:..... I realize I have yet to figure out how to set the timer for the 2 minutes. However, as it is now 6:30 pm, I would think that if I waived my hand in from of the MS, that the Togglelinc should turn on. It doesn't. I have noticed that the "Current State" for the MS is blank --- not listed as ON or OFF. What have I missed? Any help would be very appreciated.
the light still blinks - flashes off then back on when you walk into the closet after using the togglelinc. It still turns off after 50 or so seconds if walking into the closet if not using the togglelinc. what do you think about remove the "wait 10 min" from the program since the MS already has the 10 min timeout?
Lee thanks for the follow up MS options - Timeout (minutes) 10 LED Brightness 0 (still getiing red blinky light) Darlmess Sensitivity 35 Sensing mode: As Motion is sensed --- checked On Onlyh mode --- NOT checked Night Mode ------ NOT checked 2 program inside a folder that doesnt have any conditions set: 1st program: If On Sat, Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri From 5:00:05AM To 11:30:00PM (same day) And Control 'Master Bathroom / Mstr Bath Closet Sensor' is switched On Then Set 'Master Bathroom / Mstr Bath Closet Light Switch' On Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') 2nd program: If On Sat, Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri From 5:00:05AM To 11:30:00PM (same day) And Control 'Master Bathroom / Mstr Bath Closet Sensor' is switched Off And Status 'Master Bathroom / Mstr Bath Closet Light Switch' is not Off Then Set 'Master Bathroom / Mstr Bath Closet Light Switch' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') You made an interesting comment prevously about if I want control from the MS when the togglelinc is used to turn on the light that additional logic would be needed.... would it be something like "query togglelinc status; if on, then wait 10 minutes, then off command ---- or -- query togglelinc status, if off, then run program XXXXX ... I know this is not the correct way , but am I on the right track with the query command? Again, thanks for all your help.. I really want to get a good control over MS as I believe that the sensors (motion, occupancy, vacancy, presence, etc) is what make a SMART home, not just and automated home
Ok, I understand that in the current set up, if I turn on the light using the Togglelinc, then the MS will not send an off command after 10 min. of no activity. But why do you think that when I stepped into the closet and the MS sent the ON command and the light came on, that about 50 sec. later, the light turned off? Doesnt the THEN statement Wait 10 minutes in the first program dictate that the light should remain on for 10 min. after the MS doesnt detect any activity? The MS is positioned above the door on the inside of the closet so it should have "seen" me moving around. Thoughts?
To both helpers / responders -- thanks! Lee - Sorry about the time typo. The time was / is set to 11:30 pm; nice catch. I made the the program changes and MS changes as you suggested with one exception. It may be related to I am still using the ISY 99i controller. In the 2nd program, I did not have the option of And Status 'Master Bathroom / Mstr Bath Closet Light Switch' is On but rather, I had to use And Status 'Master Bathroom / Mstr Bath Closet Light Switch' is not Off I then tested the new setup. When I stepped into the closet with the MS, the light activated rigth away! However, even with me moving around in front of the MS, the light shut off after approx 50 secs. I tested this several times with the same result. I then just turned on the light using the togglelinc and did not step into the closet. The light never turned off. I had to shut it off with the togglelinc after 15 minutes. I am beginning to wonder if I have a faulty MS. Any follow up suggestions? Any more info I can provide to you? To anyone - any thoughts where I can find more indepth instructions / training on programing in the ISY? I have looked thru the online info I can find in the tutorials and watched a few youtube videos. All seem to be fairly superficial. Insteon quick start guides provide very little info. Any thoughts would be much appreciated. Thanks
PS - I know that my program reads mon - sun and I said I only wanted it to activate Mon - Fri. I was playing with it today and didnt change the program back to mon - fri
I have been struggling with this for some time. No matter what I try, the final result is not what I am after. I have a togglelinc for a walk in closet light that I want to respond to a motion sensor. Sometime I use the Togglelinc to turn on the light, other times I just walk into the closet. My goal is that no matter how the light is turned on (flip the togglelinc or sensor activated) that the light will turn off after the sensor has not detected motion for 10 minutes. I want this to happen Mon - Fri. 5:30am - 11:30 am same day. If anyone can help, I would be most grateful. My motion sensor is set up as: Timeout = 10 min LED Brightness = 0 (I dont want to see the red blinky blinky light - but it still shows???) Darkness sensitivity = 35 Sensing mode is checked On Only mode is NOT checked Nigth Mode is checked My program is: If On Sat, Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri From 5:00:05AM To 11:30:00PM (same day) And Control 'Master Bathroom / Mstr Bath Closet Sensor' is switched On Then Set 'Master Bathroom / Mstr Bath Closet Light Switch' On Wait 10 minutes Set 'Master Bathroom / Mstr Bath Closet Light Switch' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') I really want to understand the motion sensor details. I have 2 more MS in a box that I want to get set up but don't want to get any more frustrated than I already am. Any help - pointers - simple programs, etc. would be great. Thanks James J
Just to update this thread...I added back the closet MS and re-enabled the program. I then deleted the program for the 'nighttime pathway' just in case there was any interference from it. At first, the MS activated the light properly and did not drop to 10% level. However, it would not go off after the wait time. I then added 'Set Master Bathroom / Mstr Bath Closet Light Switch' Off as a THEN command. Now everything seems to work as it should. Thanks to everyone for their help!
I replaced the light bulbs and disabled (took the battery out of) both of the MS's. I turned on the togglelinc and let it go for about 1/2 hour. The light stayed at the 89% level that it is supposed to. Tomorrow I am going to reactivate the "daytime" MS and see if the program runs properly without the light dropping to a 10% level. I will post the results
Sorry, not very versed on where to look for the data and history; I went to Programs / Summary and see the listing of programs with their last run time and last finish time. Is there a way to see history, or am I limited to just the last event? The only program that highlights is the Daytime Motion program. I am going to also disable the "daytime" MS unit, change the light bulbs, and then turn them on using the togglelinc. Maybe it is not the scenes on programs, maybe faulty lights or switch. I will let you know.
Yikes! Lots of tweeking for something that seemed so simple in the beginning Here is what I have done. For the time being, I have disabled the "night" program and will only focus on the "day time" program. I have changed the MS device setting to timeout at 11 minutes. I have confirmed that this MS is only a part of the "daytime" program. I have removed the THEN and ELSE statement that references the scene and replaced it with " Set 'Master Bathroom / Mstr Bath Closet Light Switch' ON in the THEN command and Set 'Master Bathroom / Mstr Bath Closet Light Switch' OFF in the ELSE command. I triggered the MS and the light did come on at the 89% level. However, after 2 min 15 sec, it dropped to a 10% level. Weird. I then triggered the MS again and it went back to 89%. I'm beginning to wonder if it wouldn't be a better idea to scrape all existing programs and scenes (day & night) and just start from the beginning with only the daytime program and the one MS. Thoughts? Thank you upfront for all the help / time you've given. Also, any idea how to post a "screen shot" or image in these posts? I've tried using the Snipping tool in Windows, but get an error message that the post doesnt accept this format. I just thought that if I could give a picture of settings, programs, etc, that it would be easier to diagnose.
I don't have any other programs that use this MS. The scene 'Master Bathroom / Master Bath Closet light' sets the togglelinc to 89%. The togglelinc that controls the light is not set as a controller for any device, but is a responder to the 2 scenes I am trying to work out and an All Off scene. Do you believe that I should just drop the THEN command "Set Scene 'Master Bathroom / Master Bath Closet light' On" and replace it with just something like "Set Master bath closet light switch ON" ? As I stated previously, I am new to MS and starting to understand them.
As many has suggested, the "night" program may be an issue. My hope with this program is that from Midnight to 5 am if the MS detects motion, it will turn on the scene "Night bathrm pathway" which sets the light to 40% brightness and then turns off after 1 min 30 seconds. The MS is located in the master bedroom If Control 'Master Bed Room / Mstr Bedroom-Sensor' is switched On And From 12:00:00AM To 5:00:00AM (same day) Then Set Scene 'Night bathrm pathway' On Else Wait 1 minute and 30 seconds Set Scene 'Night bathrm pathway' Off
dbuss - here is the MS options settings: the On/Off commands box is NOT checked, however; the Timeout period is only 1 minute. Do you believe that by increasing it to 11 minutes may solve the issue?
I am new when it comes to motion sensors. I have a Togglelinc switch / light in my master bedroom closet that I want to contol with 2 different sensors. The premise is that one sensor (located in the closet) would control on / off during the day time, while the second one, (located in the master bedroom) would control it during the night. The daytime sensor program is: If From 5:00:05AM To 11:30:00PM (same day) And Control 'Master Bathroom / Mstr Bath Closet Sensor' is switched On Then Set Scene 'Master Bathroom / Master Bath Closet light' On Wait 10 minutes Set Scene 'Master Bathroom / Master Bath Closet light' Off Else Wait 1 minute Set Scene 'Master Bathroom / Master Bath Closet light' Off My issue is that the light will often turn on, then immediately turn off, then turn back on. I am trying to get the program to turn on the light if it senses motion between 5 am and 11:30 pm same day and stay on as long as it senses motion, then turn off 10 minutes after the last motion was detected. Any thoughts on where my program logic fails?