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  1. Thank you so much! So, as long as the system has JAVA installed, then the above should work, regardless of windows versions most likely; as it bypasses browsers and their various security things and/or limitations. When I looked at the launcher in the past or on my Mac, I only got the regular " user " screen. ... Fingers crossed, this ends my search for something that is compatible in this day and age. Many thanks.
  2. How does one get into the admin console (add remove stuff, edit program, etc) using the launcher? It seems to only give me the generic page to turn items on/off.
  3. In the midst of my failing PLM issue and its replacement attempt; I have found myself not quite able to trust an old win 7 laptop + java 8 + pale moon browser ... in that certain things the progress bar don't complete, and then I can't trust whether it did what it had to do. Like restore PLM quits at 7%. Browser sometimes wants to flash away or goes idle? Which prompted me to look if I could perhaps use another old system with Internet Explorer and maybe Java 7 or such; to rule out a software issue. The problem is that there seems to be a very narrow window between an older system that has a functional browser ... I am seeing a lot of white pages when I try to get on the landing page of my ISY or JAVA 2+ required. Even when I have JAVA 7 installed already. Any recommendations? For a good working combo? Maybe a sleek virtual machine combo, so that I could maybe run it on a recent Windows or Mac laptop?
  4. Yes, that would mean transitioning to PolyISY. I had looked at the system when the announcement went out, but it seemed overkill and had not considered that USB dongle. I ordered a USB dongle just in case - considering all issues with SmartHome hardware availability ... as I am trying to figure out a plan B or C ... should this daughter board swap from USB PLM to Serial PLM not work out. ... and, I really do understand I have to be cautious / considerate about posting about my technical issue in multiple threads.
  5. Ticket created. Starting again with 0 activity. Reset PLM. Properly detected. The restore PLM progress bar actually cuts out at 7%
  6. Thanks for the help. I missed part of the first restore ... (multi-tasking) Eventually it does stop writing to all the things, and the admin console just sits there. I have had them populated all green / properly. But then through the phone or other thing, commands don't respond. I should have a recent ISY backup. Yes. Will look into resetting the PLM and trying again. And, yes, I probably should write UDI ...
  7. How does one transition from ISY 994 + Serial PLM to the USB Dongle?? My Serial PLM was failing, ordered a USB PLM, just did the serial card swap and restore modem .... but ISY is not happy ... ( nothing works, modem detected, table populated with 104 entries, but cannot communicate with anything, always trying to update, ... )
  8. ... completely demoralizing ... So, while I was waiting on the new USB PLM to arrive, I plugged the old serial PLM back in, without its top cover on; and a few hours later, it was running again. Good response to commands. Timers fine. Cool. Until a few days ago. Unplugged everything. Carefully did the transfer of the serial daughter board to the new unit. Powered up PLM. Powered up ISY. Admin console Whole bunch of can't find ... and writing ... Replace PLM command. Completed ... and nothing. Unplugged everything again, plugged in PLM, plugged in ISY I have now for several hours tried to do everything, new ethernet cables, moved outlets, ... ISY says PLM connected. The PLM links table has 104 lines ... Every single time I log off and on, it wants to do a bunch of writing. And everything remains RED ! Thoughts? Troubleshooting ideas? Options? Hoping there somebody who can help, because this situation ... is quite stressful. A bunch of 220V & 110V only works through our Insteon modules.
  9. My ISY has been stable - knock on wood. I wish the same could be said of the PLMs. I don't hink polisy offers anything that I need at this time. That said ... If it could eliminate the insteon PLM ... as in, an all in one device, as reliable as an ISY, and no more PLM stress, I would order one rightaway.
  10. My line of thought was that they probably have x amount of outstanding orders for items a b c d e f ... etc across their range and that nothing may ship, unless it reaches a certain quantity and fills up a container or whole batch of them. So, instead, wait on making what you have in stock, re-queue , prioritize making the critical items like PLMs and get that batch on a plane.
  11. Thank you. I will proceed and order a USB based model. Fingers crossed. I just talked to SmartHome phone support briefly. Was told that: - the 2413S is out of stock due to supply chain issues - it has not been discontinued - ETA is several months at a minimum, as they have had zero news ... so, some time next year it should be back. I asked for an escalation of my concern / call, regarding the critical nature of the PLM. Are people supposed to rip everything out that does not have a physical switch control and rewire for six months? Probably won't change anything. But, I want to give it a shot and make somebody past level 1 aware what this actually means for their customers ... and they ought to do something more than say wait 3-6 months. Maybe hit the brakes on some other product runs, do some limited runs and ship them out before you fill up a cargo container ... to help your stranded customers.
  12. Still dead in the water. Read many threads. Had hope after another power cycle showing devices without ! ... but ISY just redeclared them all ! again. Don't know now if ordering a USB model and doing a board swap will work. ... SH not having new units for sale really blows ... while it is so critical. ?
  13. Thank you for the responses and help. Admin console says " your system is in safe mode " ... if the problem persists, in all likelihood the PLM is defective. I have done a couple power cycles and tried different outlet, have not been able to get past it. Any actions that are programmed no longer execute. The green light on the PLM is on. Cable between the two properly seats. My unit is 2413S V2.2 1635 ... and a few years old, not sure. Quick Update 1... after having everything unplugged for an hour, seems isy now sees the plm ... cannot communitcate with anything, but it is system busy ... writing to everything ... curious where this will lead. But PLM was now detected and connected. 2. I let ISY do its thing, everything turns up with a red exclamation, nothing has a status or responds ... PLM is detected and connected ( will not try to find more troubleshooting info ) 3. ... going down the rabbit hole, still all red exclamation points, plm detected ... get as far as testing scenes, tests fail. Not sure where to go next ... While this may fix itself - temporarily ? - I guess I better order a PLM with USB, to have a backup handy.
  14. My most recent 2413S PLM may have died. Green light, but no comms. ISY says it may be dead, tried the reboot of both and moving outlets. Have had some response issues recently and today nothing works ... so another PLM bit the dust? No 2413S available from SmartHome. Can I confidently order a 2413U and convert it to ethernet (for my ISY) with a daughter card swap? Or? I have been trying to read up on SmartHome discontinuing the extremely short lived and failure prone 2413s without having the replacement on the market ( 2234? ) ... PolyISO and USB confuse me. I would not mind to attempt a cap repair, once we're up and running again ... Don't really want to oder an insteon hub either, but maybe they place nice with our ISY now?
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