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  1. woodchip's post in Unable to "Find/Replace" many programs after migrating from 994i to eisy with Matters+ dongle was marked as the answer   
    Here is an update from UDI on the original topic of this post...
    "That is currently the defined behavior for everything but 'raw text'.  Find/Replace looks at the content of the programs (i.e. references to the program) not the name of the program itself.   This is the same as if you are searching for a node, etc."
    Many thanks to the UD support folks for clarification on this item! @Chris Jahn
  2. woodchip's post in Prepping for eisy upgrade was marked as the answer   
    I've resolved most all of my current issues. The x10 problem was just having the eisy and peripherals plugged into a heavily conditioned and filtered power supply.
    All updates were performed prior to restoring the 994's backups. After moving the eisy to its permanent (the old 994's) location (and off the conditioned power source) the power cycle must have resolved my issue with accessing PG3x. For the near future I'm golden!
    Thanks for your comments and suggestions they were of substantial assistance in my troubleshooting. Be well!  
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