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  1. I am, yes... In the works has been a long time coming with several delays, I'm simply asking now if there is actually a real time frame to work with or if we're still thinking along the lines of it will come soon, like landing humans on mars?
  2. Hi Michel, Is there a rough timeframe on this yet? My years old electric curtains recently died and I am planning to replace them with the Smartwings product mentioned at the beginning of this post. The curtains are available with either Z-wave plus or Matter over Thread motor units - The manufacturer claims their product has a 5 to 7 year lifespan. With the 5-7yr window in mind, which motor do you think I would be better purchasing? If the matter support will be here soon I'd rather jump for the new version, however, if I go with the Z-Wave unit do you think Universal Devices will still be fully supporting Z-Wave in 7+ years? Thank you in advance, Mark
  3. Michel, I upgraded to 5.6.4 a few days ago and I just tried the switch again now but not sure if I did it correctly... I right clicked the device and chose the option to remove it from the zigbee network. The icon then got a red line through it for a while, but returned with the light bulb icon.... so I right clicked it again and chose the Delete option, which did get it out of the UI. I then did a factory reset on the switch, and re-added it by clicking on Zigbee at the top of the UI and choosing 'Add Zigbee Device" It went through the interview process and added it again with the bulb icon. The device name was "ZB xxxxx.1 Unavailable" (the x's are numbers). In the UI it simply shows a 'Query' button but nothing else. I tried right clicking, choosing zigbee then 'Update' but it made no difference. At this point i unplugged the power cable and completely rebooted my eisy. After rebooting and logging back in, now when i select the Zigbee button, at the top are 'water alarm' and 'battery level' boxes but both are empty. Below is a 'set configuration' button, and to the right parameter number & value boxes. At the bottom there are now two buttons 'Query' and 'Write Changes'. In programs I created a test program, but the Zigbee device doesn't show in the list when I try to create an IF based on either status or control.
  4. THIRDREALITY ZigBee Smart Button Blue, 3-Way Remote Control https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0BJDWR3BC
  5. I just started to work with my Polisy Pro, clicked on the Buttons to Upgrade Bios, then Update All Packages. After doing so I purchased Ambient Weather & HarmonyHub from the Node server store. Ambient Weather works perfectly but HarmonyHub will not start... It appears to run for 2 seconds then stops again. I reached out to the developer and provided logs, and he asked me to submit a ticket here as after his advide I tried updating all packages again but nothing changed. Attached is the log package. Thank You in advance for any assistance you can provide.
  6. Programs stop after updating a variable... I have several programs that I've used for many years which update multiple variables based on a device state. A very basic example of that would be the 'Then' section of a counter, it is changed, then the init also changes, such as: $Counter_Test += 1 Wait 1 seconds $Counter_Test Init To $Counter_Test These counters all used to work perfectly and I rely on them heavily for irrigation and counting rain however now, as soon as the variable updates (Line one above: $Counter_Test += 1) the programs stop. In the example above, I can change the Wait to minutes and have the program then turn on a light or something rather than the init but it still won't go beyond the first line where the variable changes. If I put the variable change half way through a program, the program runs through all steps correctly then stops as soon as the variable changes. The variable is updated correctly in line one, but the program will not go beyond that step.
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