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Everything posted by BigEfromDaBx

  1. I will buy the magichome version. Can someone point me in the right direction as to a model number so that I can buy it. How does the ISY communicate with it?
  2. So is there a MagicHome version of this one? Whats the model number and name? Will that definitely work? How does the ISY communicate with it?
  3. I have some led lights i would like to control. Can I control this with the ISY? https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07116SX41/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  4. Thanks.. You're right. I should of done that. It was 4am when I got in so i was tired lol
  5. Mobilinc Not updating Variable when I get into my geofence
  6. You definitely did. The few times i have posted in here you have always helped. Your SN seems very familiar LOL. Thanks.
  7. I did have the run then on the second program. And yes and if the light is already on, I need it to stay on. Thanks anyways.
  8. This worked. Thank you very much.
  9. Makes sense. I removed the 2nd condition and it worked. Split into two programs and it didnt work.
  10. So I setup a program so that when I come home late at night it should turn on my garage lights outside for 5 mins and then shut them off. But the lights stay on because the if statement is true the whole time. How would I get it to run that one time when i enter the geofence. If $Geofence-Home is 1 And Status 'Outside / Outside - Garage Light' is Off And From 11:00:00PM To Sunrise (next day) Then Set 'Outside / Outside - Garage Light' On Wait 5 minutes Set 'Outside / Outside - Garage Light' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  11. Got it. Thanks.
  12. With the "repeat" statement, what exactly is it repeating. Is it looping the whole if statement?
  13. This is what I want. I think. So if I forget to lock my door and its open for more than 5 mins then send me a notifications.
  14. I want to make an if statement that goes like this if doorlock is open more than 5 mins then do something. How do I do the 5 mins part?
  15. Nevermind. I figured it out. My linksys router was set to and I set the uverse router to So when I changed the uverse router to 192.168.4.x i changed the router ip on the uverse router to instead of like my old router. Everything works good now. Will update if i have any issues.
  16. So I removed my linksys router from the equation and now im directly connected to ATT uverse router and the mobilic does not see the ISY not matter how many times I reboot it. Is there a way to test to see if the isy is seeing the internet? I can access the isy from my browser with no problem.
  17. I will let you know if I have any further issues. Thanks
  18. Hey Wes, Thanks for the response. I did everything above. I cant find the Help->Automatically Update. But I am attaching a snapshot of my firmware. My ISY has always been a static ip and I never had issues. The only thing I changed was the DNS server to google's DNS. Once I changed the DNS it rebooted and worked. I cant see it being a network issues because I can contact my isy through my browser. So maybe it does have to do with DNS and the ISY cant see outside my home. I will keep you posted if it happens again.
  19. This has been happing late. When I try to open my mobilinc I get the following error "Mobilinc Disconnected. Attempting to reconnect to ISY". When that happens I restart the ISY and it works again. But this has been happening often. Does this have to do with the mobilinc servers or my ISY. I can still connect to my ISY via my web browser.
  20. If you turn it on and off the compressor wont start right away.
  21. Ok. So your saying I can do that with the wireless thermostat I have?
  22. The AC advertises to keep its setting when the power is cut on and off. When it loses power and its restored it goes right back to normal
  23. I have a portable AC in my garage and want to know if I can power up and down my portable ac once the wireless thermostat reaches a certain temperature. Below are the products I wish to use. http://www.smarthome.com/insteon-2441zth-wireless-thermostat.html http://www.smarthome.com/insteon-2635-222-on-off-module.html
  24. Is there a way to shut down a Mac via the ISY. I have the ISY Portal now. Was wondering if I could do that. Maybe sending a command through telnet? If there is another way please let me know.
  25. With "Temperature" can I ask alexa what temperature is my thermostat set to? I think the mobilinc version does. I would like to say something like "alex what is my thermostat temperature set to?" This way I dont have to get up and look at the thermostat.
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