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  1. I just updated my PLM with the recent capacitor list and it is back in working order. That 400V capacitor is larger but it fits in with no problems. I have a bunch of spare caps!
  2. man, all this to change a single digit in my isy program. it took a day but it its working again. the gubbermint keeps saying the hackers have powerful mojo and are about to 9/11 the internet. hmm.... I'm thinking the days of internet dependent applications might need a revisit.
  3. apple just released release 12 of java 1.6. everything is working once again. just use the software update feature from mac os 10.6.8 to update the package. you don't need to do any of the plist manipulations mentioned previously. I tested the 1.6 update with the administrative console and all is well for now. There is the caveat that the magic mojo the programmers put into this release may prove insufficient to overcome the hackers mojo and apple may again nuke java access (at which point the plist key modification should restore functionality). the forums indicate that apple will indeed drop their support for java. this java release could be the last for os 10.6.8. time to think about 10.7 or 10.8.
  4. apple forums are buzzing with the problem. check this link. https://discussions.apple.com/thread/47 ... 0&tstart=0 in essence, apple disabled all java yesterday due to some horrific security breach. apple used their xProtect.meta.plist behind the scenes nuke method. This disables java across all browsers on the affected mac. it is relatively easy to re-enable java in osx 10.6 but you have to rewrite a few plist keys. the method is found on the second page of the thread I linked to above. the following is an excerpt of a post from Shirkan79 =================== in terminal, type the following commands to update the plist keys: sudo defaults write /System/Library/CoreServices/CoreTypes.bundle/Contents/Resources/XProtect.meta.plist JavaWebComponentVersionMinimum "1.6.0_37-b06-434" and if you don't want apple to update the plist (in this example until 30 Jan 2014) open terminal or use the current open one and run sudo defaults write /System/Library/CoreServices/CoreTypes.bundle/Contents/Resources/XProtect.meta.plist LastModification "Thu, 30 Jan 2014 00:00:01 GMT" ==================== the rumor is apple will release a patch/update shortly. perhaps shoehorn java 7 onto osx 10.6.8 which apparently was something they weren't planning to do. The real issue is why did they disable the ability to run the local copy of previously registered java apps? pretty much defeats the purpose of registering and downloading local copies. Also, the forums indicate that apple is moving away from "apple" java support and will require users to suffer through oracle's useless website for ongoing future support. btw, this is another reminder why java sucks so bad.
  5. I'm on a mac (osx 10.6. and have the identical problem. I can see the html interface screen that has the ribbon, [home] (page 13 of the user guide) but when I click on the admin console button it takes me to the "keep this window open" screen and a note pops up that says "Inactive Plug-in". clicking on that takes me to the software update window that eventually reports all my software is up to date. I checked my java plug in. its active and at version 1.6.0_37. Help, it was working awhile ago but now I'm locked out!!!
  6. the 5 second wait is useful in that when you press the button, it transitions from off to on between each of the 4 states (0,1,2,3). the kepad will light from "off" to "on" on the first press. The program then clears the light back to "off" giving you feedback that the 5 second wait is counting down. press the button again, the light goes on, program turns the light off, letting you know to press again. third press, light goes on, at this point you're in the s3_body code, so you can leave the light on letting you know that it took. note in s3_body I set a state variable, I use this elsewhere to trigger code to "activate" whatever I intended the 3 presses to do. the programs are as follows: (note, i renamed them to shorten them up but you can easily follow the flow) ========================================= s0_body ========================================= If - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition') Then Run Program 'S1_body' (Else Path) Run Program 'S2_body' (Else Path) Run Program 'S3_body' (Else Path) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') ========================================= s1_cond ========================================= If Program 'S0_body' is True And Control 'Key_g' is switched On Then Run Program 'S1_body' (Then Path) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') ========================================= s1_body ========================================= If - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition') Then Run Program 'S0_body' (Else Path) Run Program 'S2_body' (Else Path) Run Program 'S3_body' (Else Path) Set Scene 'Key_g' Off $State_1 = 0 Wait 5 seconds Run Program 'S0_body' (Then Path) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') ========================================= s2_cond ========================================= If Program 'S1_body' is True And Control 'Key_g' is switched On Then Run Program 'S2_body' (Then Path) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') ========================================= s2_body ========================================= If - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition') Then Run Program 'S0_body' (Else Path) Run Program 'S1_body' (Else Path) Run Program 'S3_body' (Else Path) Set Scene 'Key_g' Off Wait 5 seconds Run Program 'S0_body' (Then Path) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') ========================================= s3_cond ========================================= If Program 'S2_body' is True And Control 'Key_g' is switched On Then Run Program 'S3_body' (Then Path) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') ========================================= s3_body ========================================= If - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition') Then Run Program 'S0_body' (Else Path) Run Program 'S1_body' (Else Path) Run Program 'S2_body' (Else Path) Set Scene 'Key_g' On $State_1 = 1 Run Program 'S0_body' (Then Path) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
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