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Everything posted by pmarcos

  1. Oh, that's SUPER helpful, thank you for that link! I'll be sure to consult this for future z-wave purchases! I'll dig into that site in more detail when I have time to, but in the meantime, what command class would I be interested in if I wanted a switch that supported instant status? Is that part of the "Basic" command set (which I see on a Honeywell switch I was also considering).
  2. I've seen a couple mentions of "update neighbors". How do I do that? I don't see anything with that terminology in the admin console. Is that the same as Z-Wave -> Synchronize Nodes? If so, I already tried that and that didn't seem to help. I'll so the exclude and include at some point when I have time. My suspicion is that @jca001 may be right and the switch is simply older than the box. I'll also fiddle with responding to the hail command, which likely could get me where I want to be.
  3. The specific switch is a Leviton DZ6HD which is a Z-Wave Plus device (at least, it says so on the box). So assuming that's correct, what events should I expect to see when the switch is turned on and off? I have very little experience with Z-Wave devices, the only one I have on my network today is a motion sensor, which works fine. My UI and firmware match, both v5.3.0. I had cleared my Java cache after doing the firmware upgrade.
  4. I recently swapped out an Insteon keypadlinc switch with a Leviton Z-Wave switch. My ISY can see the Leviton switch and has no trouble controlling it or changing it's on level via a program. Like the OP, I don't see the status in the Admin Console update when the switch is manually turned on or off, nor do I seem to see any "on" or "off" events. I do see a "hail" event when it's switched on or off, but I was under the impression that I should be able to see on/off events, which I want to use as triggers for programs. I had been running v5.0.16 but I just upgraded to v5.3.0 and don't see any change in behavior. Am I misunderstanding how a Z-wave switch should behave, or is it not behaving correctly?
  5. Well, I don't know why I didn't see this before, but I just found this old thread: In there, Michael mentioned simply using a self-signed cert, with a link to the details in http://www.universal-devices.com/docs/I ... 0Guide.pdf. I just did that and that seems to have done the trick. Just took a couple clicks using the dashboard and not the admin console, which was where I had been looking.
  6. I've got my ISY setup on my home LAN, which doesn't have external access enabled (except via a VPN that I use when I travel). Every time i launch the Admin Console I get this Security Warning alert. Neither button seems to do anything meaningful, other than dismiss the alert. How can I get this alert to stop showing up? I'm happy to install a LetsEncrypt certificate if needed, or something like that.
  7. I just ran into this lack of secondary DNS support as well when I noticed that my Ecolink Z-Wave device seemed to have stopped responding. I thought it was maybe a dead battery (it wasn't), but then I realized that a month or two ago I had been fiddling with pointing my router at a local DNS server running AdGuard. I eventually ditched that but forgot to set the primary DNS on my router back to Everything else on my home network seemed to fall back to the secondary DNS with zero problem, but my ISY effectively went offline. Once I went and tested the email notifications I have set up I found the DNS errors showing up and that reminded me about the router DNS setting. Fixing that up cleared everything up. My ISY does get its config via DHCP from my router, but obviously isn't handling a down primary DNS server gracefully. I'd consider that a bug.
  8. I'm running into this as well. I literally just the other day ran the admin console (because my PowerLinc died) and now I'm replacing it and I get this error. I've got the 1.7.0_60 version of Java. Anybody know how to go back to 1.6?
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