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  1. JImbo, I am running iox v5.9.1 Can confirm status changes in iox for person, car, truck etc... but not USPS
  2. Paul, yes I can log into Camect and click on alerts, filter by mail truck and see that it recognizes the mail truck with its software. Run then on the program sends me a text message, so that is configured correctly. In iox clicking on USPS in Camect triggers the program. I can change the program to trigger with person, truck, car. USPS is not triggering in iox.
  3. Paul, thank you for the reply. I have watched the mail truck pass the camera and it does not trigger USPS. I have attached an image of the program that should work if the trigger is passed to the eisy.
  4. Hello, I am trying to get an alert when the USPS truck arrives but the Camect plugin wont trigger. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Kind Regards, Mike2545
  5. RESISTANCE SENSE! (Updated Solution for BasPi 'Hats' Users) **Hello again, fellow Universal Devices enthusiasts!** I'm back with an update on the issue I reported earlier regarding getting the Universal Input to read resistors on my BasPi 'hat'. After a bit of troubleshooting and collaboration with the fantastic folks at Contemporary Controls, we were able to resolve the problem. **The Fix:** As it turns out, there was a software error in the original Raspberry Pi image that prevented the Universal Input from reading resistances correctly. Contemporary Controls kindly updated my image to the latest version, which resolved the issue. **Make sure you're running the most up-to-date software on your BasPi 'hat' found here https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/wsxz0o2sf9462unpefyvn/BASpi- **Additional Tip:** While we were at it, I'd like to emphasize the importance of using a robust power supply for your BasPi 'hat'. I've found that a 3A (or higher) power supply ensures stable and reliable operation. Trust me, you don't want any unexpected shutdowns or glitches! **RESISTANCE READING WORKS NOW!** If you were experiencing issues reading resistors on your Universal Input, please update to the latest software image and see if that resolves the problem for you. Thanks again to Contemporary Controls for their assistance in resolving this issue. I hope this post helps fellow users who might have encountered similar problems. Mike 2545
  6. mike2545

    Set up help

    Hello, I got one of the Baspi 'hats' and cannot get the universal input to read a resistor. I have the jumpers set to RES and the web interface channel type set to resistance and it wont register a resistor. Any help would be appreciated.
  7. Log Traceback (most recent call last): File "/var/polyglot/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/udi_interface/interface.py", line 460, in _disconnect self._mqttc.reconnect() File "/var/polyglot/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/paho/mqtt/client.py", line 1044, in reconnect sock = self._create_socket_connection() File "/var/polyglot/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/paho/mqtt/client.py", line 3685, in _create_socket_connection return socket.create_connection(addr, timeout=self._connect_timeout, source_address=source) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/socket.py", line 844, in create_connection raise err File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/socket.py", line 832, in create_connection sock.connect(sa) ConnectionRefusedError: [Errno 61] Connection refused Restart node and I get this: Node Server Restart: No valid license Did something change?
  8. ah, brilliant, that works. Thank you
  9. Yes I have the API_KEY set https://maker.ifttt.com/use/x76XxXXXxxXq5xxxx3XxXxx8XXx4XxXxXx9xxxXx_x
  10. Just installed IFTTT and setting things up, getting this error: Not Found: https://maker.ifttt.com/trigger/Ewelink/with/key/https://maker.ifttt.com/use/API_KEY every variable is named Ewelink Applet, Event Name in IFTTT Node Address , Node Name and Off Event Name in Polyglot , What am I doing wrong?
  11. A few things to note about Location (at the time of this post): city= and postal\_code= don't work. lat=41.715611&lon=-83.703087 Do work. Regards Mike2545
  12. https://github.com/BME-node servers/docs/blob/master/udi-weatherbit-poly.md Requirements A Polisy running Polyglot V3 ISY firmware 5.3.x or later An account with OpenWeatherMap (http://www.openweathermap.org)
  13. Hello, a 'bit' of confusion on which weather service to use, is it https://www.weatherbit.io/ or https://home.openweathermap.org API keys from either do not work. and I am getting a message in the WeatherBit Configuration tab "Climacell/Tomorrow.io location must be set" There does not seem to be any mention of this setting in the documentation. Any Help on this? Regards, Mike2545
  14. Getty, thank you for the reply. I submitted a ticket and it appears that my polisy OS is outdated (12.2) I have submitted a ticket on how to reflash the SSD. By system busy I mean the ISY system busy, no looping programs, thanks for the heads up on that Also, emails/notifications do not work along with network resources, those dont work either. maybe a reflash of the os will correct these issues? Regards, Mike2545
  15. Just migrated from ISYi99 to Polisy. a few things I cannot get right 1) Enable TRM, asks for password and reboots but does not switch the button to 'Disable TRM" 2) Cannot set the IP address of the ISY, its greyed out in the Admin Console and has no impact on the Ployglot > ISYs > Edit Current ISY...No change 3) On the Polygot page >System > Reboot ISY Failed to send reboot to ISY(xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx): Reboot command not sent to ISY successfully. 4) System Busy for extended periods ..seems excessive Any Help on these issues? Regards, Mike2545
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