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  1. I did try the following and it worked out well: Print labels as required on Plain paper using Laser Printer. Cover printed area with Scotch Ultra Clear packaging tape. Burnish printed area well. Trim as requited but leave extra all around. Place paper in water for 15-20 minutes and roll off the paper, let dry. Remove factory label from button using Mico-mesh abrasives or similar product. Place printed film on button, trim to size. Looks good now but how well they hold up? All buttons in picture are lasered but B and C they are the tape.
  2. I just changed the Condition from Status of switch ON to Control of switch ON and the Query does work the way I need it too. I will use this and thank you for all the support .
  3. Hi, I did check out your idea of using the Query statement and it will not return the results I need. If I turn the light on with the first tap of the switch the light goes to 40%, I then wait 5 minutes and tap the switch again the light goes to 100% but your query was run 7 seconds after the first tap. That was the same problem I was having with the query statement. I do have a question what does the Responding status do, I changed the program as below and do not get any count changes so it is not running? Thank you for the help.
  4. Again, thank you for the feedback and you nailed my program it is spot on. And yes, it looks like your program will work and I will test when I can see again, just came from eye doctor. I did test my program again and looked at the event log and after setting the on level to 100% the 2477D bathroom switch does return its on level value each time I bump up the light level a little. It reads correctly in the ISY App and on my UD Mobile App. It looks as if the 2477D will not return the status of the on level above its set on level but will return a value on its status below its set on level. Thank you again for all the support. ISY-Events-Log.v5.5.2__Fri 2023.01.20 10.32.15 AM.txt
  5. Thank you for your reply, I was starting to think I was going nuts and the only person that has this issue. I used just the new switch I installed that is not connected to anything and setting on my desk. It does the same thing and I took some pictures of it but don't know if it is worth posting. I had not tested the double tap of the stitch, I just don't use it that much. My fix with the little program is working very well for what I need for the test of 100%. I start an AutoCirc with it, my water heater is at one end of my home and the bathroom is at the other.. Thank you so very much for taking the time to test this for me and posting your findings.
  6. This is from my first post "Hi, I am having the same type of problem with a 2477D switch that is install in a scene along with a 2334-222 KeypadLinc 8 Button and a 2342-232 Mini Remote bottom. I am turning the 2477D on to 40% at the switch, 40% from the Mini Remote and 60% from the 2334-222 and all report the correct value when on.". I have not copied anything and all was installed as stated. This is a scene for my master bathroom and the low light is for getting up at night. The KeyPadLinc is at the bedroom entrance and the mini remote is in the bed with us. If you have 2477D's installed that on is set less than 100% turn it on at the preset value and then turn it on full 100% and look at what it is reporting. Please let me know what you find.
  7. Thank you for the response, I did take a spare 2477D I have and did a factory reset and installed it into the program. I then created a new scene and put the new switch in the new scene and that is all. The switch on level is set at 100% and the ramp is at .5 sec. I set the scene on level to 40% and ramp at 6.5 sec. When I turn on the scene from ISY it goes to 40% but when I turn on the scene from the new switch it goes to 100% just as my other scene was doing. Now I set the new switch on level to 40% and ramp rate to 6.5 sec. and when turned on from ISY it goes to 40% and from the switch it goes to 40% but in both cases when I tap the top pad again it goes to 100% but reports only 40% just as the other scene. It is not the switches or the scene or the other switches in the scene because they are not in this scene. I will take a look at other switches in my system and see how the report back, I just found this because I wanted to test for 100%. Is it the nature of the beast? Thank you again
  8. I removed all of the devices from the scene, deleted the scene then deleted the 2477D from the system and reset it to factory settings. I recreated the scene inserted the 2334-222 KeyPad Button C and the Mini Remote 2342-232 Button B into the scene. I then reinstalled the 2477D device into ISY and inserted it into the scene. I set all of the brightness values a before and tested, same thing. Now for the fix, I created a program that tested for the 2477D switch on level being >= 40%, this is the value that is set in the 2477D on level and if true I set the 2477D on level to 100%, this does change the lighting level but allows the switch to read values above 40% and if not the else sets it to 40%. The device now reports correctly from 0 to 100% Thank you all for the help.
  9. Hi, Well I did a factory reset and reinstalled and got the same thing, however I did find if I set the on level of the 2477D to 100% the system reports 100% correctly but if I set the 2477D to 40% it will report 40% when the light is at 100%. The problem with setting the 2477D to 100% is I don’t want the light to go to 100% when I turn it on. If I set the 2477D to a on level of 0 and when I turn it on it will go to full on but report 0 level. It looks like when the 2477D is used to adjust the scene light level it will not report any value higher than its set level, like set at 10% that is the highest value it will report. If I do a Query of the 2477D it will report correctly but I can't Query that switch all the time, any ideas?
  10. Hi, I am having the same type of problem with a 2477D switch that is install in a scene along with a 2334-222 KeypadLinc 8 Button and a2342-232 Mini Remote bottom. I am turning the 2477D on to 40% at the switch, 40% from the Mini Remote and 60% from the 2334-222 and all report the correct value when on. If I go the 2477D and increase it to any value it still reports the previous value. I just moved over to the eisy controller with firmware and UI both on v.5.5.2 from a 994I but I don’t think that is the problem. I would not have found this if I hadn’t tried to trigger a program off of the status of the 2477D switch. If I turn on the 2477D from the KeypadLinc the 2477D reports a 60% value as it should, then if I press the 2477D top pad to increase the value it goes down to 40% and reports that value, and it has always done this in the past. Now when I press the top of the 2477D the second time the light goes to 100% but the eisy scene and the 2477D switch both report 40% as does my iPhones UD Mobile app. I also have a 6.5 ramp set on all the devices and when I increased the light to 100% using the 2477D and it reports 40% when I turn it off my UD Mobile and the isy app report values greater than 40% as it ramps down. If I increase the light level using the Mini Remote the values are reported correctly. Any ideas on fixing this, I will accept any and all help. I have attached 4 file with the event log from turning on the 2477D to turning off the 2477D Tap 2477D bottom pad to turn off.txt Tap 2477D top second time goes to 100%.txt Tap top pad on 2477D level goes to 40%.txt Turn 2477D on from KeyPadLink.txt
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