I have several programs written that include the "wait" protocol. Some work, some fail. It isn't a communication problem because I can watch the status of the programs and it will go from "Running Then" to "Idle" before executing the entire program.
The one that fails most often is this:
IF it is between sunset and sunrise AND the burglar alarm is set for away mode, turn the outside driveway spots on to 100% for 10 minutes, then put them back at 50%. Sometimes it works, but most of the times after about 4 minutes the program goes to "idle".
As you can see, I have 2 programs set to run when the alarm is put in away mode. The other one (garage lights on w arm away) always executes properly, but it has no "wait" in it. I also have a program that slowly turns up my bedroom lights in the morning that utilizes the "wait" function 4 times. It works properly 100% of the time.
So I can't figure this out! As a side note, I found out the ISY cannot execute a program while another one is actively being transmitted. I tripped our burglar alarm and of course "Alarm Sounding (Exterior)" was activated, which flashes the outside lights 40 times (using "repeat"). While the ISY was doing that, I could not get it to execute any other program. That's fine, but perhaps that's why my auto spots is failing? When the alarm is set in away mode, the two programs set to run do start running, but the ISY doesn't always finish the auto spotlight program, and I am stumped.
Any ideas? Do I have the program correctly set? Thank you!