I have ISY 994I and I am on firmware 3.3.6 beta. Mobil Linc was working and has stopped working on my IPhone a few day ago. I use DHCP with a fixed address. I created a firewall rule for port 443 but I did not know of that was UDP or TCP, what should I use? I made that WAN to LAN and I target the fixed IP address of the ISY 994I. If I reboot it is fixed for a time and then stop working. Does the error 170001 mean web module out of space. What does that mean?
I get this in the error log
Mon 2012/12/24 08:47:59 PM System -5012 27
Mon 2012/12/24 08:48:19 PM System -10011 n/a
Mon 2012/12/24 08:48:19 PM System -10011 n/a
Mon 2012/12/24 08:58:26 PM System -170001 [Auth]>80, Num=3