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  1. Jimbo, thanks for the links, but it's pretty greek to me. I have managed to install the apps and set up accounts, but I don't know what the instructions mean by create a network resource. Where do I go to do that?
  2. Thank you guys for the replies. I am so glad there is something out there to do this! Sorry to ask, but can someone get me started on how to set up the push notifications or Ghost Event? I have several tablets throughout the house which I use as 'house remote' and I do have Tasker. I would like to know more aobut how you two have these set up. Thanks
  3. I have several Insteon open/close (triggerlinc) sensors on doors and windows. I have some of them programmed through an ISY-994i to flash specific lights when they are opened and send me a text message. My husband is somewhat annoyed with the flashing lights, plus it's not helping me to know exactly which has been opened. The text message is ok for me and helpful when I am away from the house, but I was wondering does anyone know of a way to use something audible in the house for the notification in addition to (or in place of) of the light flashes in the program? Like if I connected some ytpe of bell, chime, or other device to an Insteon I/O linc or to my smartenit EZIO8SA module? It would be great to assign a different sound for each thing, 3 or 4 at the most so I could identify by sound which one was opened. I'm open to any suggestions. I just need to know if there is equipment out there to do this with. To go one step further, it would be perfect to be able to do this with something that I could record a voice notification on, such as "back door opened" and have to program play that recording when to sensor is triggered for the back door. May be a stretch, but would be nice. Any thoughts on how to use an audible notification? Thanks!
  4. I have some KPL buttons set up to light up if a window or door is open using Insteon open/close sensors. The button lights up when it is open and goes off whenever it is closed. It's basically just a notification. I have also experimented with using one of the same buttons to activate/deactivate a scene, totally independent of the open/close sensor. Kind of like giving the same button two separate functions. My question is, is there a way to not have the led function when pressing the button to activate/deactivate the scene, but have the led function for the open/close sensor notification? The dual function set up works fine except that when I press the button to activate the scene, the led is on even if the open/close sensor is closed. Thanks
  5. Glad to know I'm not the only one. When the battery is low on mine, it just goes on and off every minute or so (sending a text message every time, too) until I change the battery. It only says the light has been triggered, it doesn't say the battery is low. Not so cool in the middle of the night, light flashing and constant texts.
  6. Thanks LeeG. I purchased three rainbird valves for the soaker hoses, but I am not sure how to connect them to my EZIO8SA. They require a 24v power source, but the EZIO power connection is only rated 12v. How do I connect them in order to be able to control them using the EZIO? Also, I will most likely always have there turned on at the same time, so can I connect them in a way that they all connect to one input/output. Thanks.
  7. I have an ISY-994i set up with multiple Insteon devices as well a the Smartenit EZIOS8A input/output controller. I am doing some landscaping and will be using some soaker hose for watering. I normally use one of those battery operated timers that connected to the hose bib in front of the hose to torn the water on and off at scheduled times. I want to set something up using the ISY/Insteon/EZIO devices, but I don't know what type of valve or equipment I need to attach to the hoses. Can someone provide any suggestions?
  8. Is there a way to use a KPL to run a program? For instance, if I create a program to monitor various things at the house when no one is home can I enabled that program by pressing a KPL? If I am home on a random day, I wouldn't need to receive text notifications for various things, so I thought it would be easier to enable/disable the program at the KPL rather than have to log in to the admin console and enable/disable it. I know I could set the program for specific days of the week and times, but I am thinking about unplanned days I could be home sick or if my husband is home unplanned.
  9. I created a program that would notify me that the garage door has been opened by flashing the hall lights on/off once time. The problem is, if the hall light is already on it remains off because the programs final command is set the light to fast off. What do I need to include in the program to have the light return to its original state, even if the light was on 100% or dimmed? I use the following code: If - garage sensor is off Then - set hall switch to fast on set hall switch to fast off Else - (blank) Thanks
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