I have several Insteon open/close (triggerlinc) sensors on doors and windows. I have some of them programmed through an ISY-994i to flash specific lights when they are opened and send me a text message. My husband is somewhat annoyed with the flashing lights, plus it's not helping me to know exactly which has been opened. The text message is ok for me and helpful when I am away from the house, but I was wondering does anyone know of a way to use something audible in the house for the notification in addition to (or in place of) of the light flashes in the program? Like if I connected some ytpe of bell, chime, or other device to an Insteon I/O linc or to my smartenit EZIO8SA module? It would be great to assign a different sound for each thing, 3 or 4 at the most so I could identify by sound which one was opened.
I'm open to any suggestions. I just need to know if there is equipment out there to do this with. To go one step further, it would be perfect to be able to do this with something that I could record a voice notification on, such as "back door opened" and have to program play that recording when to sensor is triggered for the back door. May be a stretch, but would be nice.
Any thoughts on how to use an audible notification?