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Bill Morrow

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    Great White North
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    Long walks to the fridge
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Community Answers

  1. Thanks, I found it. I was looking for the html to play the RPi sounds from a PC to test the connection. The problem turned out to be the file extension. I'm surprised it produced that error, but it's mostly working now.
  2. Thanks, I'd already tried this, but No joy. I was trying to find the original post about this, as it had some troubleshooting tips, but I was unable to find it again. It was posted by Thanatar on Dec 16, 2016. My Network Resource looks like this BTW, in the event the coding has changed. GET /jsonrpc?request={%22jsonrpc%22:%222.0%22,%22id%22:%221%22,%22method%22:%22Player.Open%22,%22params%22:{%22item%22:{%22file%22:%22storage/music/FrontDoor.wav%22}}} HTTP/1.1 Host: User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 Connection: Close Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded Content-Length: 0
  3. I'm trying to get my Voice announcement hardware (Raspberry Pi and HiFiBerry) working again after a hardware failure. I restored the hardware, settings, and sounds, but the Test button is greyed out on my Network Resouces page for all resources. I tried running the resources in the Portal, but not a sound was heard. The RPi is definitely producing sound, as it nearly deafened me when it booted up. I can also Ping the RPi successfully. My Portal errors are below. It looks like some kind of hardware issue, but I have no idea where to begin. I did enable Remote Access on OpenElec, but I'll have to check it again. Any pointers would be appreciated. TIA 2024/06/06 00:30:37 System -170001 [TCP-Conn] -1/-140002, Net Module Rule: 14 2024/06/06 00:30:37 System -170001 [TCP-Conn] -1/-140002, Net Module Rule: 7 2024/06/06 00:31:07 System -170001 [TCP-Conn] -1/-140002, Net Module Rule: 14 2024/06/06 00:31:07 System -170001 [TCP-Conn] -1/-140002, Net Module Rule: 7 2024/06/06 00:31:37 System -170001 [TCP-Conn] -1/-140002, Net Module Rule: 14 2024/06/06 00:31:37 System -170001 [TCP-Conn] -1/-140002, Net Module Rule: 7 2024/06/06 00:32:07 System -170001 [TCP-Conn] -1/-140002, Net Module Rule: 14 2024/06/06 00:32:07 System -170001 [TCP-Conn] -1/-140002, Net Module Rule: 7 2024/06/06 00:32:37 System -170001 [TCP-Conn] -1/-140002, Net Module Rule: 14 2024/06/06 00:32:37 System -170001 [TCP-Conn] -1/-140002, Net Module Rule: 7
  4. Disabling the routines got at least one sensor working, but I'm not sure on how many devices. Another sensor says it's been active for 21 hours, maybe it's got a resident spider. The damn thing is only 22 years old, what happened to quality? LOL. I do have spares, since the sun is hard on the plastic mounts. The next issue is one AirThings thermometer works and the other does not. It had a name conflict, but renaming it and re-enabling it did not help.
  5. It actually spoke once today. Wow Have you guys been praying for Alexa? LOL.
  6. I'm using Optex LX402 sensors with a Smartenit EZIO-8 to send signals to my ISY. I was originally using a Raspberry Pi and HiFi Berry as my voice announcement system via network resources. But the entire Pi/Berry died once and restoring the image didn't resurrect it this time. I I didn't feel like shelling out for a new Pi/ Berry again, so I switched to Alexa a while back. This worked more or less OK in the beginning, but has pretty much stopped working now. I know the hardware is working, as the motion sensors are still controlling my lights. I checked my motion sensors in the portal and Alexa sees them, they also appear in my Alexa App. I can also still control the lights using Alexa voice commands, although she can be a little slow at times.
  7. Because, it doesn't trigger the Alexa routine if the event doesn't fire.
  8. My motion sensors are seen in the portal and show up in Alexa, but the status changes are not seen. I just went out the front door and the lights came on, so I know the motion sensor is working and the ISY is seeing the event, but when I check Alexa it says there has been no activity for several days. All of the motion sensors are like this, and it's not a new problem. Any ideas?
  9. I think it's more likely some kind of corruption issue. The issue didn't really change with the new router. A power cycle would help things with the old router too. The ISY has disappeared from the new router too. I'm sure if I power cycle it I can get it to appear again, but I still won't be able to get into the ISY. The last time I factory reset it I was able to get into the Admin Console, but as soon as I loaded my backup I was screwed again. Assuming I believed the DHCP issue, I would need a way to alter the network settings in my backup before loading it, as someone had said the backup contained the network settings.
  10. ☹️ OK, new router installed. ISY shows up in the Admin Console, but does not display a firmware version A power recycle on the ISY brought it to life in the router, no change in the Admin Console I can Ping the ISY, but I can't Telnet to it, I get connect failed I can't get in using the Portal because I didn't grant permission in the Console I guess I'll factory reset it tomorrow
  11. Thanks, I'm not sure how many static IPs I have, but it's not that many. The NVR, the aquarium controllers, my voice controller, my server, my ISY and maybe a couple of others. Things like the thermostat, etc. I just leave to DHCP. I haven't changed any of these for quite some time. The router has been glitchy though, slow downloads or streaming issues, which are cured by a reboot. Real Life has been in the way for the last couple of days, so I haven't been stressing about it. I hope to get the Dream Station installed this week.
  12. Yeah, the ISY has been working that way since 2013 and no new devices have been added since the trouble started. The other static devices have been around since 1998. The router has changed obviously. If I power cycle the ISY, the IP shows up for a while then disappears. If I can get back into the Admin Console I'll reset the IP settings, but I'm thinking it's the router.
  13. Yeah, I'm on my 3rd power supply, one replacement on the original ISY and a new power supply on the new ISY. But the results are pretty much the same on both ISYs.
  14. Thanks for the breadcrumbs. That might explain a lot. Yes, I had to replace the SD card in December. A power cycle of the ISY got me back in the last time, but it only lasts about one access before I'm locked out again.
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