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  1. I'm sorry not sure what this means. I'm new at all this and knowledge is limited. I was able to do it for my ELK M1 but I'm nit sure what you are referring to. Hope you can break it down for me please I'll try. I don't know specifics on your addressing (other than what was posted above) - or the specific operating system in use (assuming windows - but exact procedure and terminology varies with edition). I'll try to keep it generic... Your PC is probably getting an IP address from your new DHCP service (running on your new router) that is giving it an IP address that cannot connect to your ISY (which has a static address on your old network). You need to (temporarily) change your PC away from DHCP and, instead, assign it a static IP address in the range of your old network. So, let's say your old router was and you set ISY to - you should (temporarily) change your PC from 'Automatic' to use something like (just make sure it does not conflict). For the 'Subnet Mask' put ''. Do not worry about the 'Default Gateway' or 'DNS servers' for the temporary step. Your PC will lose access to the Internet during this temporary step. Now - connect to the ISY with your browser on it's IP address and change it's IP from (in my example) to - and the 'Default Gateway' to '' from ''. You will likely need to change the DNS address as well. When you save, ISY will reboot and you wont be able to access it again. Please ensure you map the made-up addresses I gave here to your actual situation! Then - simply change your PC back to 'Obtain address automatically' again - and you should be up and running again on the new subnet. you mention I will lose internet connection. So how will I connect with my ISY?
  2. I'm sorry not sure what this means. I'm new at all this and knowledge is limited. I was able to do it for my ELK M1 but I'm nit sure what you are referring to. Hope you can break it down for me please
  3. sorry my error, its a hard address
  4. DHCP but I have no way to connect to it. What can I do?
  5. I changed my router and now I could no longer open the ISY. Could it be the IP address is not recognize by my new router. It looks like my new router use IP address 192.168.1.XXX and my old one was 192.168.0.XXX. Could this be the reason of my issue? Is their a way ti solve this without performing factory reset.
  6. Hi everybody, I just installed a new router, Asus RT-N66U, and not I could no longer access my ISY from my PC. Can anybody help me troubleshoot. Does anybody know what needs to be done to fix this issue. Its driving me crazy Thanks
  7. Hi everybody, Not sure if anybody can help but here is my question: I'm currently using Venstar T5800 as a thermostat. I would like to add the skyport device to my thermostats to gain control from a distance however, I want my ISY do the controlling. Can ISY be programmed with the Venstar T5800 using the skyport accessory? Thanks
  8. Seb50

    X-Mas Tree program

    The front stop and X-mas tree are devices. If they would be a scene they would be connected to another device right? Imgoo looking at the program summary and dont see it going to false
  9. Seb50

    X-Mas Tree program

    This is my front spot program If On Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu From Sunset + 42 minutes To 11:03pm (same day) Or On Sat, Fri From Sunset + 46 minutes To 11:37pm (same day) Then Set Front Spot On Send Notification to email XXX with content XXX Else Set Front Spot Off My X-Mas Tree program is as mentioned in my first post. Does anybody see what may be the problem??
  10. Seb50

    X-Mas Tree program

    the spots didn't turn on or off. Is that what you mean? Any suggestions how to write the rule?
  11. Seb50

    X-Mas Tree program

    Front Spot are my front lights that turn on at different time on different days. Those work properly had the rule for a while. My goal is for my X-Mas tree to turn on after the front spot turn on at a random time within 10 minute. I also want my X-Mas tree to turn off at a random time within 10 minutes when my front spot turn off.
  12. Hi guys, I'm having an issue with one of my holiday light program. The lights keep going on and shutting off. What am I doing wrong? If Front Light Spot light program is true Then wait 10 minutes (random) and turn on X-Mas tree Else Wait 10 minutes (random) and turn X-Mas tree off
  13. Seb50

    Rules for lights

    thanks everybody for your patience and help. Enjoying the learning. I wish I could find something I can read that would accelerate my learning and I wont really need to bug you all
  14. Seb50

    Rules for lights

    cool perfect it works. Thanks everybody for your input. I do have another question about writing rules. I have the below program, anything wrong with it? If Program Dark Outside is true Then Run program Christmas Tree (if) Else Set Christmas tree off
  15. Seb50

    Rules for lights

    Thank you for the feedback and help. I'm having issues write the rule with 2 rules as per your example. Does the below sound right? If : Program «Dark outside » is true (program outside is: If between midnight and 6am) And ELK zone “patio door†is open And balcony light is off And pool house light are off Then Run program “pitbull in the yard†(Else path) (pitbull in the yard is, Else: open balcony and pool house lights) 2nd rule This is where I’m confused. Does anything look at our place so far?
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