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  1. Hey Thanks Larry, I didn't realize they needed to be in linking mode to write the updates. Looks like that solved it. Correct me if I'm wrong. But my leak sensors don't show any options. At least not in ver. 4.7.3. Regards, Tyler
  2. Hello, I have 3 Insteon leak sensors. I added 2 leak sensors about a month ago. I noticed that the system seemed bogged down a bit, and I believe it is due to the leak sensors. When I have the admin console open, the system busy message is often displayed, while the ISY Writes Updates to one leak sensor at a time. This often happens over and over, every time a program involving an Insteon device runs. If lights are not being turned on and off or queried, then the system doesn't seem to write updates to the leak sensors (which is normal). The leak sensors always have the gray write updates (1011) icon. I noticed that when I pressed a certain dimmer switch on, the ISY would write updates to all three leak sensors again. This doesn't happen with all switches. I have also had about one error light on the ISY a week lately, requiring a power cycle. The only programs attached to the leak sensors, are IF leak sensor wet on, then send text and set Insteon module off. The leak sensors seem to be working correctly. Thank you for any help in resolving this issue. Tyler ISY-994I, & ELK-M1
  3. I've attached the error messages. Windows OS. I've tried chrome and firefox, cleared the Java cache. I always get the same error at 64%. Thank you for your help. Tyler
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