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Everything posted by endobiker

  1. I had a firewall allowing my computer to access Polisy but not the reverse. Added it and it worked. Thank you for the help.
  2. Is there a way to access the admin console via a different subnet? I can’t access the console even when I manually type in the IoX ip.
  3. Is there a way with the Hue Emulator and the HarmonyHub to raise the light level when a show is paused? I can't find a way for the ISY to query button presses on the Harmony, or assign multiple commands to a single button (i.e. the pause and play buttons).
  4. It worked- thanks!
  5. Jimbo, I am seeing an error in the NS log (below): hueUpnp ERROR hueUpnp:run: hueUpnp: Responder Socket Error: [Errno 48] Address already in use
  6. I'm trying to configure the HueEmulator. I've installed the node server, set the configuration information in the NS settings and I can see the NS in the ISY admin console. Note, I have also tried the actual IP address instead of "localhost" in the NS settings with no change in outcome. When I try and add the Hue Hub to the Harmony Hub, it asks me to press the center button on the Hue Hub. I have tried to set "Listen" from False to True to simulate the center button push but it won't recognize. Any troubleshooting suggestions?
  7. The hub is in the basement and the buttons work on my second floor- maybe 30 feet through two floors and several walls. The website claims 50m in doors and 200m line of site.
  8. I received a Flic Hub with several Flic buttons. If you haven't seen them, they are pretty slick BLE buttons that you can put around the house. They have several built-in integrations for controlling smart devices, however there no Polisy nodeserver. It does have IFTTT integration but the delay between a button push and the action is 5-10 seconds which is annoying. If I had any developmental-chops, I would create a nodeserver similar to the CAO wireless tag manager. Since I don't, is it possible to create a very (very!) simple nodeserver to read the equivalent of a webhook from the Flic Hub? I won't have too many of the buttons so I'm good with a hacky solution. The Flic Hub comes with a SDK and allows you to create custom integrations. Appreciate any suggestions.
  9. endobiker

    ISY-99 issues

    I have been using my ISY-99 without issues for a couple years. My setup is not huge but it has worked without fail. I haven't made any changes to my network by the ISY-99 has stopped working. Recently the ISY-99 has had problems connecting to the network. The MEM and RCV lights are both flashing and I can't figure out what the problem is. Occasionally, the ISY-99 will get an IP address from the router and I can log onto the dashboard. Most of the time, the MEM and RCV lights blink and I can't access it. There doesn't appear to be any pattern to when it receives an IP address. I'll power-cycle the ISY-99 and it won't connect for 30 minutes and then for no explainable reason, it will connect. I have reset my router back to factory defaults thinking that maybe there was some strange artifact in the router database. This didn't fix the issue. I also reset the ISY-99 back to its factory default and this didn't fix the problem, either. On the router-side, I have tried setting a static IP address for the ISY-99, both in and outside of the DHCP scope. No difference in it connecting- most of the time it won't but occasionally it will. I'd appreciate any suggestions- it is driving me crazy. Thanks, -Allen
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