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  1. Thanks everyone. I will play with the programs and I think I have what I need to get it to work now.
  2. -Xathros Your program below - is 'Living Room / LivingRm Light' your dimmer switch, or the name of your scene? I actually took your idea and was able to get it to dim the keypad in my program I posted above. By referencing the actual dimmer, not the scene. In your program I see where it is set to 60%, but what sets it back to 100%? Maybe it is your use of "not off" vs. my use of "On"? Is there a logical difference between the two? If ( Time is Sunrise + 20 seconds Or Time is Sunset + 20 seconds ) And Status 'Living Room / LivingRm Light' is not Off Then Set 'Living Room / LivingRm Light' 60% Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  3. Hey everyone, so i made a little progress. The Entryway 8BKP is what is the load device for the "Front Porch Can Lights" and is a Insteon 8 Button Dimmer. Basically what I have learned is that once a Scene is "On" ISY cant tell the Scene to DIM, unless I first turn the Scene OFF then, back ON. What I attempted to do last night was to turn the Keypad Load Scene down, to dim the lights and that did work - i didnt have to first turn the lights off. However, when the program ended, the lights went off, they didnt return back to 100% I guess what I will do is setup a program that turns off the lights, adjusts the scenes then turns them back on. That will require the lights to shut off for 5-10 seconds each time. I cant figure out how to get it to "gracefully" dim up/down w/o turning the lights off, which would be much more slick that the "on/off" method.
  4. OK, so here is what I am going to try now. Think this might work? Program 1: If From Sunset To Sunrise (next day) Then Set Scene 'Outside / Outside Front Porch Can Light' On Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Program 2: Hopefully will adjust brightness If From 10:00:00PM To Sunrise - 1 hour (next day) And Status 'Entry, Hallways, Steps / Entryway 8BKP' is On Then Set 'Entry, Hallways, Steps / Entryway 8BKP' 25% Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  5. Hello, I have a new home I am building and getting my ISY (3.3. setup with some programs. I have a 8 Button Keypad by my front door to control various scenes. My "Front Porch Can Lights" are wired directly to Scene A. I have another set of lights "Outside Front Can Lights" controlled via an Inlinelinc What I am trying to do is get both sets of lights to turn on at Sunset. I want both sets of lights to stay on until 10PM. At 10PM I want the "Outside Front Can Lights" to turn completely off, and the "Front Porch Can Lights" to dim down to 50% At 1hr before sunrise, I want the "Front Porch Can Lights" to return to 100% brightness, and the "Outside Front Canlights" to turn back on. At sunrise, I want both sets of lights to turn off, unless I turn them on manually (or later on turn automatically on when I get the weatherbug light sensor stuff figured out) I can get everything to work ok, but I cant figure out how to get the dim to 50% to happen. I tried making a separate program starting at 10:00:01 and ending at -1:00:01 before sunrise at the 50% but the light brightness doesn't change. Thanks for any advice.
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