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  1. In my case the second line enables the motion sensor to take over control of the circuit once the switch is turned off. If that line is left out the switch will still have priority over the motion sensor but will not turn over control to the sensor when the switch is turned off for the night. By adding the second line it allows the switch to always have priority over the circuit (and the sensor) and return control to the sensor for automatic triggering when needed. The other option is to add another program for the "off" condition of the switch and this is just simpler. Either way, it does exactly what I hoped it would and has been working flawlessly for a few days now so thanks again for all the help. Rick
  2. I'm man enough to admit when I'm a total idiot (and lazy as well). While you were responding I just figured out how to use the admin console to monitor the enabled/disabled status of the running programs and realized that the sensor program was never disabled no matter what state the switch was in. The reason for this is that instead of getting up from my desk to "manually" turn the switch on and off, I was doing it through the console remotely - never realizing that physically touching the switch was different. Once I trotted over to the switch and pushed it manually, the sensor program enabled and disabled as expected. So thanks to all of you for the amazing help and speedy replies on this one. Things are working perfectly now and I'd thought I'd post the final two programs below for anyone else that stumbles across this post looking for the same answer. This system is very cool and I can't wait to see what other trouble I can get into with it Rick Front Porch Switch If Control 'Front Porch Switch' is switched On And Control 'Front Porch Switch' is not switched Off Then Disable Program 'Front Porch Sensor' Else Enable Program 'Front Porch Sensor' Front Porch Sensor If Control 'M4 - Front Porch Sensor' is switched On Then Set 'Front Porch Switch' On Wait 3 seconds Set 'Front Porch Switch' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  3. I had a chance to make the changes today and am still getting the same results. I have also verified that neither the switch or the sensor are linked to anything and even deleted them and added them fresh back onto the ISY. It seems that no matter what the state of the switch that the sensor control program runs and shuts off the light. I'm sorry to be so persistent but this situation seems like a very common one that a lot of people would encounter. I have the same need upstairs in the master bathroom when a sensor near the bed turns on a nightlight in the bathroom that I'd like to local switch to override to keep it on longer once you've made your way to the room. I have listed the code I'm currently using in case I mistyped anything. I would love to get this sorted out as it will be a program I intend on using in at least 4 other rooms in the house. Any help you folks can provide would be amazing. Just to be clear, this is the current behavior: - If the switch is off and the sensor is triggered, the light will turn on for 5 seconds and off again. (Good) - If the switch is turned on the light stays on indefinitely. (Good) - If the light is turned on with the switch and the sensor is then triggered, the light turns off after 5 seconds. (Bad) - If the sensor has triggered the light and the switch is turned on, the light still turns off in 5 seconds (Bad) The two programs I have controlling the circuit are below: Front Porch Switch If Control 'Front Porch Switch' is switched On And Control 'Front Porch Switch' is not switched Off Then Enable Program 'Front Porch Sensor' Else Disable Program 'Front Porch Sensor' Front Porch Sensor If Control 'M4 - Front Porch Sensor' is switched On And Program 'Front Porch Switch' is False Then Set 'Front Porch Switch' On Wait 5 seconds Set 'Front Porch Switch' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  4. I've tried all the suggestions thus far and still have the following results: - If the switch is off and the sensor is triggered, the light will turn on for 5 seconds and off again. (Good) - If the switch is turned on the light stays on indefinitely. (Good) - If the light is turned on with the switch and the sensor is then triggered, the light turns off after 5 seconds. (Bad) - If the sensor has triggered the light and the switch is turned on, the light still turns off in 5 seconds (Bad) Below is the current code I'm using. Any further help would be great. I'm turning in for the evening but will check again in the morning. Rick Program 1 (Front Porch Switch) If Control 'Front Porch Switch' is switched On And Status 'Front Porch Switch' is not Off Then Disable Program 'Front Porch Sensor' Else Enable Program 'Front Porch Sensor' Program 2 (Front Porch Sensor) If Control 'M4 - Front Porch Sensor' is switched On Then Set 'Front Porch Switch' On Wait 3 seconds Set 'Front Porch Switch' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  5. Lee, I'll give that a try before I hit the sack as well. If you get a chance tomorrow to cut & paste an example, I'd appreciate it. I'm determined to get this sorted out since I need it for a few circuits in the hose. I really appreciate all the help....have a great night/ Rick Bsobel, No problem at all and thanks for the suggestion. I'm sure we'll sort it out eventually. I thought it would be easier since it seems like a very common situation. At least you guys didn't give me a "forget it" from the start, so there's still hope
  6. Ok, the suggestion of using two programs fixed the problem of it not turning off but doesn't provide for the switch overriding the sensor. Here's what happens now: - If the switch is off and the sensor is triggered, the light will turn on for 5 seconds and off again. (Good) - If the switch is turned on the light stays on indefinitely. (Good) - If the light is turned on with the switch and the sensor is then triggered, the light turns off after 5 seconds. (Bad) Below is the modified code I'm using. Any help is appreciated. Rick Program 1 (Front Porch Switch) If Control 'Front Porch Switch' is switched On And Control 'Front Porch Switch' is not switched Off Then - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Program 2 (Front Porch Sensor) If Control 'M4 - Front Porch - Sensor' is switched On And Program 'Front Porch Switch' is False Then Set 'Front Porch Switch' On Wait 5 seconds Set 'Front Porch Switch' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  7. Thanks for the help on this one but I tried that coding as my first program and what happens is that once the sensor it tripped it turns on the light and it stays on indefinitely. It seems that when it loops back to look at the status of the switch it see's it as on and leaves the light on forever. The program seems like it should work but I just tried it again from scratch and had the same results. I have listed the version I am using below to illustrate and have shortened the on/off time to make testing easier. Am I missing something? Thanks again for the help. Rick If Control 'M4 - Front Porch - Sensor' is switched On And Status 'Front Porch Switch' is Off Then Set 'Front Porch Switch' On Wait 5 seconds Set 'Front Porch Switch' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  8. I am getting started with home automation and have installed the ISY994i as well as a few Insteon motion sensors (2420m) and dual band switches (2477s). What I am hoping to do is find a simple program that will allow me to turn the light on manually with the switch and stay on until the switch is turned off. I want to also have the motion sensors turn them on for 10 minutes when the switch is off. If during that time I turn the switch on, the lights should stay on until I turn it off. Essentially I'm hoping to have the motion sensor be the main control with the option of overriding it with the switch. I have searched the forums for this answer (which I assume would be a common one) and have also tried creating a program myself to no avail. I am hoping that one of the experts here already has a program I can borrow to accomplish this. Any help provided would be great. Thanks, Rick
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