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Community Answers

  1. I know it feels that way, but you just have to flip things around to understand what's going on. You presented a mystery in a place populated by very logical thinking people who enjoy solving puzzles. While they want to help you, they also want to solve the mystery. So they asked for additional information but for one reason, or another, you haven't provided it. So they feel frustrated and it comes out feeling like an attack.
  2. You're using "Status is On" in the IF. I think you want to use "is switched On". So use "Control" instead of "Status". They don't go off because while the program is in the WAIT 5 MINUTES, the status goes to OFF and the program switches to the ELSE.
  3. Not sure what you actually mean when you say that you moved your ISY outside the firewall, but a firewall is designed to keep things that are outside from communicating with things that are inside. So if your ISY is outside the firewall, and your Russound and Onkyo devices are inside the firewall, the ISY is not going to be able to talk to them, even with the Network module, unless you specifically open the necessary ports in the firewall.
  4. The "random all on" that people experienced in the past was hard to catch because the affected devices simply turned on without reporting a status change. People ended up creating "watch dog" programs that monitored a device whose state was tightly controlled and reported if it was in an unexpected state. Say for instance your "pool refill relay". If you control it via programs, then whenever your program turns it on, set a variable to 1. Whenever it turns it off, set a variable to 0. If you control it via an Insteon switch then have a program that sets the variable to 1 whenever "switched ON" is received from the switch, and sets it to 0 whenever "switched OFF" is received. Now create a program that queries the status of the relay every X minutes, with X being the amount of time you're comfortable having the relay be ON even though you didn't turn it on yourself. Finally, create a program which sends you an email if the "pool refill relay" in ON and the variable is 0.
  5. As @tlightne said you can set the program to "disabled". This essentially turns off the "IF" so that any triggers it contains will not cause the program to "fire". The program can still be launched by another program, and you can still right-click on the program and choose "Run Then" or "Run Else". If you want to make sure the program doesn't run under any condition, then you'd have to create a folder; set the condition for the folder so that it's FALSE; move the program into the folder.
  6. eisy uses Java to access the Admin Console. I haven't heard of users having such trouble with Java.
  7. "Status" is an event caused by a state change (ON to OFF or OFF to ON). "Switched ON" is an event caused by a command being sent (ON command sent). For an IF looking at STATUS to trigger, the device being monitored must have been in one state and then change to the state you're monitoring. For an IF looking at SWITCHED to trigger, the device must send the command you're monitoring. You've set your button to non-toggle OFF which means it will always be in the OFF state. So looking at STATUS will never trigger a program. The button does, however, send an OFF command every time you push it, so looking for "SWITCHED OFF" will trigger a program.
  8. Thanks for providing the Links Tables. The Device Links Table shows that the device is a responder to the PLM (first link), but it does not show that the device is a controller of the PLM. This means that the device listens for messages from the PLM, but it does not send messages to the PLM when its status changes. That matches your symptoms exactly. Since the E2 links tell the devices that they are controllers of the PLM, their absence means that none of the devices send status updates to the PLM. Other way around. None of the controller links means none of the devices think they control the PLM, so none of them send out status updates to the PLM. What strange is that the Device Links Table you posted shows one E2 (controller) record where the Main Hallway (50 88 D4) controls device (50 96 2A). So some E2 records were written, just none where the device controls the PLM. The problem with that theory is that the eisy communicates with the PLM via USB or Serial, both of which are very reliable communication methods. That would seem to leave communication with the devices as the cause, but since every single device was missing its PLM controller link, it seems unlikely that would be the cause. Thanks for taking the time to document your experience and make a recommendation. It will be very helpful to other users.
  9. Could you humor us with a screenshot? It seems hard to believe that all the links are there if none of the device activity is showing up in the Event Viewer Level 3 log. Either the device isn't sending the status because a controller link is missing, or the PLM isn't paying attention to the status because a responder link is missing. Just because the "Compare" comes back equal doesn't mean all the links are there. It just means all the links that the eisy thinks should be there, are there, but it seems like something in the migration is confusing the eisy as to which links should be there.
  10. The way Insteon works is typically via links between devices. The ramification of this is that devices only pay attention to communication for which they have an existing link (with some exceptions). Devices only send status out to devices for which they have a controller link, and they only listen for messages from devices for which they have a responder link. So in the case of a switch, it will only send its status to the PLM if it has a controller link for the PLM. And the PLM will only listen for a status update if it has a responder link for the device. Given your issues, it sounds like one, or both of those links are missing. Some other people have described similar problems after migration, and I have asked if they would post their device links table so we could look for missing links, but so far none have. Perhaps you could by right-clicking on one of your devices and choosing "Diagnostics-Show Device Links Table". After the window populates, click the "Compare" button. Post the results here. It will help us help others in the future, and it will be useful information for UDI.
  11. Maybe the condition on his "My Programs" folder is SUNSET.
  12. What's weird is that my "My Programs" folder doesn't even appear in my "Summary" tab. Does it appear in yours? Update: Never mind. I added a condition to "My Programs" and it appeared in my "Summary" tab. Removed the condition, and it disappeared from the "Summary" tab. Guess I didn't read all the way through your post. 🙂
  13. I don't see any reason the Sunrise program shouldn't be triggered at sunrise. When weird things like this happen, the first thing I check is that my Firmware and UI version match in the "About" dialog box that you get via "Help->About".
  14. Received an email from UDI indicating they are supporting i3 products on eisy and Polisy as of version 5.5.9. Guess I have a reason to migrate my ISY944 to an eisy now. https://www.universal-devices.com/i3-support/
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