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  1. Hi Lee, I'm running into the same problem. I tried the URL listed in the your post below and also http://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/9849-release-3310-is-now-official/ to no avail. What am I doing wrong? Thanks in advance for your help - Alfa
  2. Actually, now I managed to make the Scene B only turn "off" Main On/Off when Main On/Off is "on". Specifically, pressing Scene B will result in the Scene B button to flash 2 or3 times as it turns Main On/Off from "on" to "off". Scene B can not turn Main On/Off "on" .
  3. Hello forum - I am unable to undo the following from the 8 button switch: Somehow, I linked Scene B to control Main On/Off. I tried a factory reset through the switch and I also tried to restore the switch through Universal Devices Admin Console. Main On/Off works independently, but I want to use Scene B to control something else. Any help would greatly be appreciated - thanks! Alfa
  4. Hello forum- I'm new to making my home smart and need a simple fix: I need a program to turn carriage lights on 30 min after sunset and off 30 min before sunrise. This is what I have but it only works to turn on but not off: If From Sunset +30min To Sunrise -30 min (next day) Then Set Scene 'FRONT_LIGHTS' On Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Thanks in advance. Alfa
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