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  1. OK so I tried this but have royally messed everything up so either I don't understand what to do or I didn't give you enough info.... I have 3 different lights in my kitchen. One over the bar, one over the table, and one I call main. I have a keypad that has All ON on the top...All off on the bottom....and each light has its own seperate control button on the keypad. It has worked really good and easy for years...until I got the ISY and tried to link everything through it. After doing what was suggested above I now can turn on all of my lights from any of the swithces. That is not what I wanted to do. I wanted each light to control itself and the keypad ALL ON/OFF to control all of them. I also wanted each individual button on the Keypad to show status or be able to control its assigned light. I put Keypad Link 1 along with all of the swithces into a Scene and did them all as controllers....I'm thinking that was not the right thing to do now... Anyone have any ideas?
  2. I have a few keypads that have the lights of the keys on or off without referencing the actual status of the light that it is controlling. How do I link the keypad lights to also show the status of the lights they control? I remember doing this manually by linking both ways (holding down the buttons on both devices)... I don't know how to accomplish this with the ISY.
  3. OK I tried these steps for another zone and I still gets lights on in the day time... I am copying here. By the way I do thank everyone for all of your help. This board is amazing... If From Sunset To Sunrise (next day) And ( Elk Zone 'Foyer' is Violated Or Elk Zone 'upstairs' is Violated ) Then Run Program 'Foyer Light Program 2' (If) Else Run Program 'Foyer Light Program 2' (If) Foyer Light Program 2 If - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition') Then Send X10 'M5/On (3)' Wait 2 minutes Send X10 'M5/Off (11)' Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  4. OK so what I thought I was doing to limit the action to dark didn't work. It comes on day and night. I'm not certain how to do what you guys are saying. I only want this stuff to happen during dark hours and in my prior posts I showed how I thought I could do that but it didn't work. What would accomplish this? I know 2 programs but I'm not sure how to do that. If possible could someone look at my above steps and tell me how to break that down to accomplish the goal?
  5. Ok. That does the trick. I am not really sure when to add else's but I guess I will learn. Thanks for your help.
  6. OK so I added Else set x10 o3 off set 'garagecornerflood' off This made the lights go off as soon as the doors closed which is much better than staying on but not what I wanted. I understand what you are saying with the garage trigger causing the problem....I just don't know how to fix it. I have several zones where I want a violated to cause lights to come on for a certain time period and then go off. I guess I have no idea how to make that happen based upon this. Do you have any other suggestions? This is "MUCH" easier to do in ELK RP. I guess I have been spoiled by it.
  7. Trying to have two lights turn on for 2 minutes when garage doors are opened... I want to do this only when it is dark outside. They come on but don't turn off... From Sunset To Sunrise (next day) And Elk Zone 'garage1' is violated or Elk Zone 'garage2' is violated Then Send X10 '03/On (3)' Set 'garagecornerflood' On wait 2 minutes send x10 '03/off (11)' set 'garagecornerflood' off
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