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Everything posted by belserv

  1. I understand where you're going with N/O vs N/C, but that won't work for me. This device participates in several scenes, and in some I want it on and in some, off. If I switched contacts, all that would get me is another set of desired scenes that won't work. -- Mark
  2. Help! I'm having trouble including EZIO8SA on/off devices in scenes where the desired setting is off. For example, I might have four devices, each set as responders in a scene with these desired settings: 1. (SwitchLinc Dimmer) On level: 100% 2. (SwitchLinc Dimmer) On level: 46% 3. (SwitchLinc On/Off Switch) On level: 0% [off] 4. (Compacta EZIO8SA): 0% [off] The problem comes when I try to activate the scene by setting the scene to On. The first three devices go to the desired setting, including #3 which has a desired setting of off. However, device #4 will turn On when the scene is set to On, and Off when the scene is set to off. I'm trying to get the opposite to happen for this device. [correction/clarification: I always want "scene off" to turn the device off, just as scenes normally work. But for some scenes, I want setting the scene "On" to include turning this device off.] Is this a limitation of the EZIO8SA devices? Or am I doing it wrong? Thanks! Mark [insteon_UD994 v.4.0.5 ( 2013-05-24-15:26:20)]
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