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  1. I use the ISY REST interface to set variables about 30 times per hour. This REST call times out (after 5 sec) several times per day. I subscribe to the ISY events and monitor the 'system status' (i.e. busy/not busy). That shows me 40 times per day, the ISY is 'busy' for more than 5 sec. Of these 40 times, 4 were even 1 min long. What I see is both events are correlated. REST message timeout when the ISY is busy. I have an EISY and a POLISY and it happens on both of them. Neither of them is overloaded, I actually have very few programs. My questions: - Why is the ISY busy for so long? - Why is the ISY seemingly single-threaded? - Is there anything I can do to avoid this situation (besides setting the REST timeout to 5 min or so)? Thanks, Bert
  2. My node server gets this warning log message. This started 3 days ago without any changes from my end. What could be the problem? 2023-09-12 18:16:44,273 Thread-33 udi_interface WARNING myqapi:_oAuthRequest: Network/server error logging into MyQ service: 403 Client Error: Forbidden for url: https://partner-identity.myq-cloud.com/connect/authorize?client_id=IOS_CGI_MYQ&code_challenge=G6nQmC3d3SAvmBmk7mBjq3IdwXWrwJ-LKLP-JNGYk5Q&code_challenge_method=S256&redirect_uri=com.myqops%3A%2F%2Fios&response_type=code&scope=MyQ_Residential+offline_access
  3. Since we can't measure the signal strength of the Insteon messages because there is no tool for it, and since our houses are filled with appliances, UPSs, power adapters, power strips, surge suppressors, would it make sense to put anything that might produce noise or cause problems on a Insteon FilterLinc? One RF reliability question. Does the RF signal and the PL signals get initiated/travel in parallel? E.g. I have many dual band devices in my house and if my controller and responder both are dual band devices, wouldn't the Insteon signal be able to travel solely on RF? I understand that RF can be interfered with also, but from all the descriptions, I tend to conclude that the powerline is much dirtier than RF. Thanks Bert
  4. Thanks for addressing this common Insteon issue. However, most devices are dual band today, so why do I care if there is noise on the power line? I hope you can answer this question and educate us further Secondly, Insteon messages are checksummed (or something like that), so shouldn't the message get through eventually? Maybe not via the powerline but via RF? Thanks, Bert
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