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  1. WeatherFlow is connecting but not showing any data. Was working on 5.7.0 not working on 5.8.0 There is no error indication that I can find
  2. The event log has become even more important once I started using Z-Wave devices. Some devices or nodes can flood the event log. e.g. WeatherFlow. I have to go to PG3 and stop Weatherflow to be able to see anything except weatherflow events. It would be so much nicer just to say what event sources I want to see. Or eliminate events I do not want to see.
  3. With multi-node Z-Wave devices, renaming has become tedious. None of the options to rename all the related nodes. I find that I always want a common prefix. Unfortunately, when I create a device, there is no prefix. At least provide an option to ADD a prefix to all associated devices. And please consider putting a prefix on the names of Z-Wave devices to begin with, e.g. ZW nnn.functional name or ZW nnn - functional name
  4. I have a large system with a large number of folders and folders within folders. When I do move to folder, it is difficult to find the target folder.
  5. This nodeserver looks so promising if only I knew how to use it. A good place to start would be to explain how to fill in the fields on the add dialog. e.g. What is an address? Is there a format? What is a device controller? How would I use it? There must be documentation.
  6. Query did the trick. Thank you. You are a wizard.
  7. Bob, it is not counting anything. Screenshot attached. I have over 100 Insteon devices and 20+ Z-wave devices. Is a post like this the best way to get support? ST-Inventory_5-22-2023_20713_PM.zip
  8. After installing Ring nodeserver, ST-Inventory stopped displaying nodes. It was working before. From Debug Log 2023-05-21 13:37:44 error: NS: Parsing Error: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'includes') at Controller.processNetworkResources (/var/polyglot/pg3/ns/0021b9026061_2/Nodes/ControllerNode.js:209:19) at Controller.onDiscover (/var/polyglot/pg3/ns/0021b9026061_2/Nodes/ControllerNode.js:85:12)
  9. In addition to the number of Insteon and Z-wave nodes. Please count the number of Insteon and Z-wave physicaldevices.
  10. Actually when I click on the ST-Inventory Node, it Displays the same thing as the last node I had displayed before. E.g if I display an insteon switch, then ST-Inventory it shows me the switch status. If I had displayed a z-wave weather node, it displays the humidity.
  11. I purchased free trial and installed it. I see a node for ST-Inventory, but no Data. It says it is idle and the battery is 100%. Went back to PG3 to see if I was missing something. Is says it is self configuring. What have I failed to do? How do I see the inventory?
  12. I have (pre) ordered my eisy, zMatter USB, and Serial PLM Kit. I see that the zMatter USB has 2 connectors for external antennas. Does anyone have a recommendation for Antennas?
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