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  1. Thank you for your comments. I was doing things wrong in terms of putting it in linking mode and entering the address. I have since tried both methods ("Start Linking" and "Add New Insteon Device") properly with the KPL I reference above and also a newly installed SLD that I had not tried. When I used Start Linking with the SLD, it worked insofar as I could see the new device pop up on the left side menu. I selected the old (dead) switch I wanted to replace, chose "Replace With" (and picked the new switch), the system then started that process. But then the console crashed and when I rebooted it, the new device was no longer listed in the left hand menu. And when I chose Start Linking and place it in Linking Mode, it no longer gets recognized. And if I try Add New Device and enter the address (without placing the device linking mode first) then nothing happens either. In retrospect, this is what happened with the KPL I tried to link in the first place. I saw the device pop up in the left hand menu, then the console crashed and once I relaunched it, the device was no longer in the list and I can't get it back. Any ideas? This is beyond frustrating. I currently have a "Restore Devices" process going on the system bc I can't think of anything else to try. Many thanks in advance.
  2. I have about 35 switches in my house, all dual band, mostly SLDs with some KPLs, two access points. Some die form time to time and I am in the process of replacing a few and trying to drop them into existing scenes. Problem is I can't seem to even get the new ones recognized by my 994i. At the outset I discovered my PLM was dead so the first order of business was to order a new one and restore it. This has worked. I have a green light on it and no longer get the "can't communicate with PLM" error message. When I first log in I get 9 "Cannot Communicate" error messages, 3 with switches that have died or been removed and 6 with switches that are perfectly functional and can be controlled (variably) through the panel. I have installed one new 8 button KPM to replace a dead one and ditto for an SLD. I am trying to get the console to add the new KPM and getting nowhere. The KPM functions to control its load. I push in the set button on the KPM (model # 2334-222), get a chirp and a green flashing light with regular periodicity (~ 1/second). I then go to the admin console and select "New Insteon Device" and dutifully plug in the address, a unique descriptor and have tried both auto discover and selecting the precise device description (I assume that the "2334-2 8 button dimmer" option is the right one, it is the closest in the drop down list to what I have). I either get a series of "System busy" count up bars for various switches or nothing at all. Sometimes I will get notifications that some of the switches can't be communicated with. As I indicated above, I can, in fact control these, variably, from the admin console. Sometimes I have to toggle 'on' or 'off' a few times to get the switch and load to respond but they generally work. What does not happen is recognition and registration of the new switch. The set status eventually times out with a chirp. No matter what I try or how often, I can't seem to get the system to register the new KPM. Not sure if this makes any difference but nearly on in this process I did see the new KPM pop up in my device list. The console crashed shortly after this and when I rebooted it was no longer in the list. Any guidance on what to try next would be appreciated. Thanks.
  3. amb

    Forgot Logon

    It has been many months since I logged into my 994i, initially bc I was afflicted with the Mac OS X.6 Java issue and subsequently bc the system was just running as I wanted it and had no real reason to chase down a fix for the problem. I've had a couple dimmers burn out on me though and I'd like to replace them and update the system. I fixed the Java issue so I can once again open the console but I realize that I've completely forgotten my username and password (which it appears I neglected to add to my highly secure list of usernames and passwords ... sigh). How can I log back in and maintain all the programs I'd set up on my unit?
  4. So what I would like to do second is this. Sometimes I have to work in the walk in closet for extended periods of time with the lights on and the motion detector is not always sensitive enough to pick up movement unless you're actually up walking around so they turn off while you are in the room. So what I'd like to do is use a simple action (?double tap) on the SLD paddle to both turn on the load and temporarily suspend any subsequent Off signal from the Motion sensor (effectively to disable the scene). I thought I could write a program that IF a Fast On was sensed from the SLD paddle, THEN this could trigger a program that would disable the Motion Off signal for a pre-specified period of time (e.g. 20 min in the program I initially attempted). I guess there might be other ways to accomplish the same goal ... a double tap extends the Off delay (not sure what duration can be achieved, is it only 5 min? That wouldn't be long enough). Ideally a Fast Off could be used to set everything back to normal but I'm sure my wife would forget so I'd rather it be reactivated automatically. Maybe something could be written such that a Fast Off on the paddle reactivated the Motion Off signal but a failsafe THEN auto reactivation could be written to make sure. Hope the above makes sense. Edit - I suppose the first question I should ask is whether my SLD is capable of having a double tap sensed? I'm not even sure of that. It's a 2476D SLD v.27
  5. False alarm, I think I was a bit fuzzy headed this morning + I'd forgotten to save the original program settings after fiddling with it last night. It works now as given the changes you had me incorporate. Thanks again! Will be on to the program two shortly.
  6. Correct, motion sensor trigger only. The load is a typical multihead halogen fixture. I will check the firmware version (the SLD was purchased in 2008), run a trace and post. FWIW, when I was controlling this load w my previous set up and programs, there was no flicker to full brightness and then dim, it just went to the dim level from 0. Thank you so much for your help. This is such a huge benefit of owning an ISY box, I'm really impressed with and appreciative of this level of support.
  7. Thanks I was wondering about whether a threshold would have to be crossed in order for the program to run. I had subsequently fiddled with the time parameters and then when I got up this morning it did indeed dim to 40%. When the light comes on initially however it is at 100% and then dims to 40% immediately. Is there any way to finesse things so it simply goes 0% => 40%? Not 0% => 100% => 40%?
  8. Thanks, are these changes correct? If From 7:00:00AM To 11:30:00PM (same day) Then In Scene 'Master Walk In Motion / Master Walk In Motion-Sensor' Set 'Master / Master Walk-in Closet' 100% (On Level) Else In Scene 'Master Walk In Motion / Master Walk In Motion-Sensor' Set 'Master / Master Walk-in Closet' 40% (On Level) Tested this program just now, expecting that it would come on to 40% but it is still coming on at 100%. Edit - actually it doesn't seem to make any difference what dim level I set either parameter to. E.g. if I change the first one to 50% it still comes on at 100%.
  9. First post and I'll apologize for this being a noob question but so far I'm 1 for 3 in getting simple programs to behave the way I think they should so I'm here for to get pointed in the right direction. Incidentally, I've never owned an ISY unit (previously used a Mac and Indigo) and I am very impressed. The interface is very intuitive and the system has much less lag than I had previously experienced. Scenario: I have an Insteon Motion Sensor that I use to control the light in my walk in closet. I set up a scene to make this work and there are no problems with it. I would however like to have a program that limits the brightness of the light in the wee hours of the day so I don't wake up my wife when I'm getting up for work in the morning. Here is what I wrote and so far it is not doing what I want it to (the light comes on at full brightness within the time window I thought I had set up for it to be on dim only). Program If From 7:00:00AM To 11:30:00PM (same day) Then In Scene 'Master Walk In' Set 'Master / Master Walk-in Closet' 100% (On Level) Else In Scene 'Master Walk In' Set 'Master / Master Walk-in Closet' 40% (On Level) I'm sure I'm overlooking something simple but hope someone more experienced than I can point it out for me. The scene referenced is v simple (and functional as I note above). The motion sensor controls a Switchlinc Dimmer. Btw my next program is to write something that overrides the motion sensor so that with a double tap, this scene is disabled for x min following. I tried that tonight and it did not work. Might as well post that code too then I guess. If Control 'Master / Master Walk-in Closet' is switched Fast On Then Wait 20 seconds Set Scene 'Master Walk In' Off Wait 20 minutes Set Scene 'Master Walk In' On Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') The 20 second wait was added as an experiment since the program did not work initially. But it did not help. Many thanks in advance for assistance.
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