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  1. So I tried performing the writes to each device one at a time, and now everything seems okay. Hopefully it will stay this way instead of just turning grey again, I have quite a few devices to write to!
  2. Even when I've done that, the ISY still transitions each device to this grey icon and tries to do writes to each one every time. The issue isn't that I need to put the RF devices into programming mode, the issue is that the ISY is trying to write to all my RF devices all the time, even when there are no changes being made to those devices specifically.
  3. I have several RF devices on my network, like door switches, remotes, etc, all devices that can't accept input without being put into programming mode. These devices show up as grey icons in my ISY. They all work totally fine. The issue is that every time I make a change in my ISY to any devices, or add a new device, the ISY tries to make writes to every device that's like this, and it takes a couple minutes to go through the entire list. Even when I've put these devices into programming mode and let it make any writes to the device, it goes back into this weird mode where it tries to make writes every time. Is this normal, or do I have a configuration issue?
  4. Any thoughts on an ETA for REST services? Are we talking a couple weeks, a couple months? Middle of next year?
  5. A REST system would be amazing! Thank you!!
  6. I'd like to do some integration with the ISY in some software that I am working on, and want to be able to control devices through the device. If I have the device address already, can I send an HTTP POST message to the ISY with the device address and command (on, off, etc) and make it happen? Is there a way to pass a specific dim percentage or a way to have the ISY pass back the status of a device? Is there a better way to do this than using POST messages?
  7. Perfect, just what I needed to know. Thanks!
  8. This isn't really ISY related, but I'm sure you all can answer this. I have 2 APs in my house, and I need to move one to a different outlet. Do I need to reset one or both and do the initial setup on them again? How can I make sure they're still on separate lines once I move it if I dont have to go through the pairing process again?
  9. I just realized I'm using v2.6.4 (which was a good upgrade from the 1.0 that came on it) but that explains why I'm still having the problem with the schedule like that. I won't have Internet here for a couple more weeks so I'll have to upgrade it then and bask in the bugfix glory.
  10. I'd like to have some of the lights in my house randomly turn on and off when I'm away between sunset and midnight. Does anyone have a good algorithm to do this? I've already got the "when I'm away" part working, and I have some basic lights working, I just want the best way to do it.
  11. I'll set up a program and let it go and see what happens. I set it up one night and tested it but didn't really let it do its thing, just saw that once I set the clock past midnight it said false. I'll try it out.
  12. This has been fixed in 2.6.5, such that the first execution is no longer delayed. For example, if you have program X with a schedule going from Sunset to Sunrise, and you save program X at 3:00AM, the schedule is true immediately. In other words, you no longer have to wait until sunset later that day for the schedule to kick in. Oh that's great, so I can use sunset to sunrise and I'd set it to next day and that would work properly? And after midnight it would still be true?
  13. From what I can tell, if you disable a program but call it from another program, it will still run - the program just won't run by itself unless its specifically called. Is this correct? Is there anything else to note about the enable/disable bit? Also, I had some problems with a sunrise to sunset program. Basically I want something to happen if the program is called sometime between sunrise and sunset. I disabled the program (so it would only run when called, not everytime sunset happens or anything like that) and set the schedule to be from sunset to sunrise next day. This worked before midnight, but not after because then its same day, not next. I've been using an or statement that reads from sunset to 11:59 or 12:00 to sunrise same day which seems to work, but its a pain. What's the correct way to do this? And what's the usefulness of the next day function if it doesn't seem to work?
  14. When you say this do you mean you are linking to the ISY by Clicking "START LINKING" on the ISY GUI and then pressing the SET button below the rocker switch, or are you holding the rocker switch of a SWL? Drew Yes, pressing the button on the ISY GUI then holding the top portion of the SWL rocker switch.
  15. I ordered a pair of access points that will be here tomorrow. I tried the address directly with no success. Do you think the APs will fix my problem?
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