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Everything posted by pgershon

  1. I purchased PHE840EZ7220MF14R06L2 300V 2.2uF 20% in that line. PHE840EZ7220MF14R06L2 300V 2.2uF 20%
  2. I ordered this to try: https://www.mouser.com/datasheet/2/212/F3294_PHE840E-1101083.pdf Also this:
  3. I just went in and (1) re-did the bonding connection on the pump, (2) added 4 ferrite core filters by the pump, (3) re-installed both the XPR and XPNR's (2- XPNR closest to pump, each to a neutral, and the 2 XPR in series). None of this had any effect. Here are photos from my basement switch link in access mode - the fast flashing is due to interference, the normal rhythmic flashing is with pump off. The noise continues to radiate through my house, even with the filters connected (as long as pump is running). IMG_2651.mov IMG_2652.mov
  4. I ordered a new external lug as the pump is not well connected to the copper wire. Not sure if this will help or not, but the pump was not well connected as ois and the connection rusted.
  5. I just found the guidance that caused me to install the XPNR in the Jandy box where there is a neutral as opposed to at the pump. What do you think (here is link)? http://kbase.x10.com/wiki/XPNR 240V Applications The XPNR does require a neutral connection and can be used on a 220/240 Volt AC device by putting one XPNR on each of the AC Hot leads.
  6. They were for this exercise. I removed them as it started to rain and I did not want tower with the panel box open. I plan to try the XPNR, with each of the Uxcell and the two XPF filters. Space in the Jandy box is an issue.
  7. I just tried the Uxcell AC 115/250V 20A CW4L2-20A filter (http://www.uxcell.com/115v250v-20a-cw4l220as-power-single-phase-emi-filter-p-349091.html). Interesting result in that it improved but did not fix my interference. I inserted device between the breaker and the load to each device (with a ground on the line side as well). Used the neutral as a second lead as the comments for the device suggested. The light outside the pool house (Insteon Switchlinc dual band) worked with the pump running - full on/off/dim control. But the fan control (Insteon Fanlinc) could not be controlled from the main house with the Intelliflo running. So it seems the Uxcell AC 115/250V 20A CW4L2-20A gave me partial attenuation of my interference.
  8. I checked the bonding lug on the pump more carefully. The screw terminal rusted and it looks like a pool man ran the copper wire through a screw hole in the lug but there is no secure contact. I ordered a replacement lug for the pump. May not fix the problem, but a good idea to correct regardless.
  9. No other changes. I thought my Insteon units were failing (some were too, different issue) and it is only this year that I realized the problem is the pool pump causing interference.
  10. The XPNR is two wire. I connected one wire of each to each hot from the pump and the other to neutral at the box. If I connected at the pump, I have two hot leads and a ground - no neutral. I do not believe you want to connect the two hot wires to the sides of the XPNR (or is it OK since one is positive and the other is negative at all times?). Perhaps one to each hot and the other to ground? Here is a link for the XPNR - remember at the pump there are only two hot leads and a ground. http://www.authinx.com/manuals/X10/XPNR.pdf
  11. How would I install the core? Which wires would I loop? There is a cable that goes from the Intelliflo to the outlet - I could loop that cord through the beads - that would pass the 2 line wires and the ground through the ferrite core - but it would be exposed to elements - is that OK? It is an old installation and I believe it has degraded over time. Install was in 2012 - I noticed issues in 2018 for first time - worse in 2019 and I figured out the cause in 2020. What is best way to check bonding? I looked yesterday because I was changing the next door spa pump motor - it is connected but looks a bit old and corroded. How best to test it?
  12. There is, in theory, a way to test the XPNR at the pump or the junction box - except that the XPNR needs a neutral and I dont believe there is a neutral before the Jandy breaker box itself. The pump is 220 V so it has two hot leads and a ground. The XPNR needs a hot and a neutral. Am I missing something?
  13. http://www.uxcell.com/115v250v-20a-cw4l220as-power-single-phase-emi-filter-p-349091.html The pump plugs into a 240 outlet and runs directly to the Jandy box. I do not have access to a neutral closer than the Jandy box so the best I can do is connect two XPNRs to the two leads from the pump plug (and the neutral). I could then run the XPF between lean and the breaker - I will try that - its on my list. Very hard to get all this equipment into the Jandy box too - but let me see if it functions first.
  14. When you say "keep that ground wire as short as possible", which ground wire do you mean? The one on the filter? I figure I would put filter in panel (Jandy box) and connect ground to the ground in the Jandy box. I was going to run one of the tho loads from the pump as the loan and the neutral on the filter.
  15. Pentair Intelliflo pump --- 4 feet --- connects to 20 amp GFCI breaker in Jandy box (multiple other pumps and pool lights, pool heater, salt chlorinators connect to other breakers in Jandy box too - none are Insteon devices) --- 15 feet --- Jandy box service connects to 70 amp breaker in pool house panel (multiple other breakers in pool house panel including Insteon controlled lights and fan, electric hot water heater, refrigerator, dishwasher) --- 100+ feet ---- connects to 100 amp breaker in main house (lots of other Insteon devices. Further overview - main house has 4 electric panels - generator and solar panels - 100 amp service goes to pool house Will be hard to try AM radio as (1) not sure I have one and (2) limited or no AM reception in area. Jandy box is just a breaker panel. This pump and other pumps connect to Jandy box. Other pumps are single speed, Intelliflo pump is variable speed. Other pumps do not cause interference when they run without Intelliflo pump. Interference ONLY when Intelliflo pump is running - does not matter if running at high speed or low speed. Intelliflo pump has controller built in. There is an RS485 connection to the pump that signals to the controller, but the pump controller can run standalone without the RS485. Disconnecting the RS485 does not remove the interference.
  16. 1) I can confirm that the XPF was also wired to the neutral in the junction box - I am going to edit prior post to reflect that. 2) The delay, I now believe, was artifact. I had an old CR234 in my basement that was leftover from X10 days - it was causing periodic interference on top of everything else. I now have removed it and things work consistently with pump off and poorly with pump on. 3) Clarification is correct - signals from pool house travel to house no problem and get received with accurate reporting. Signals from house to pool house devices are the problem. I use Indigo and it reports errors when trying top communicate with the Insteon devices ing pool house (when pump is running) - these include ceiling fan and multiple lights (dual band). 4) XPNR was placed where the pump wires first come into Jandy box. I cannot get closer to the device than that. The Jandy box connects to the pool house through a 70 amp breaker. The XPNR blocked all signal from pool house (next breaker over) from communicating. I will reinstall tomorrow to see if it affects signals to main house or just from it. 5) At the suggestion of a person on a different board, I am going to try a Uxcell AC 115/250V 20A CW4L2-20A-S Noise Suppressor Power EMI Filter as well.
  17. Thanks for your thoughts - your knowledge here dwarfs mine. I have replaced the GFCI breaker. In fact I installed a 20 Amp Siemans GFCI breaker to replace the regular 30 Amp breakers that had been there. Installation of the GFCI was interesting in that the pump ran for about 1-5 mins (I did not time it) without interference initially. I have not been able to duplicate. Just to summarize, I have tried the following: 1) XPF filters (2 of them) - no effect 2) XPNR filters (2 of them) - made insteon signals fail even when pump was off 3) GFCI breaker 4) PZZ01/ Leviton 6254 - no effect Additional observations: My Insteon receiver receives signals from the insteon devices when switches depressed manually. The interference occurs with sending commands to the insteon devices (which do not receive, acknowledge or take the desired action). It definitely seems to be a one-way problem. Also, when the pump goes off, it may take a few minutes for the interference to fully dissipate. And when it goes on initially after being off for a prolonged period, the interference takes a few minutes before it becomes problematic.
  18. That is a $300+ price-point. It might be fine if I had confidence it would work, but its hard to know and I am not sure I want to just gamble with that kind of money. Unfortunately the pump manufacturer has been less than helpful, suggesting I ask a local electrician to look at the equipment,
  19. I wish that was the case. The pool house breakers has a bunch of lights and it feeds 70 AMPs to the JANDY breaker box (with the pumps). The pump must be causing wireline interference because the devices in my basement are affected too - and these are single band Insteon (pre-dual band). It's 100% wireline noise. The basement units worked fine when I had XPNR units in the circuit - but the pool house lights were blocked. The XPNR did help with issues away from the pool house, but it also totally blocked everything at the pool house. The XPF filters did nothing/
  20. I tried the breaker today (20 AMP Siemans). The result was interesting. I connected just the Intelliflo to the breaker, removing much of the other equipment that was connected to the old breaker. To my surprise, there was no interference as my pool house lights could be switched on and off by Insteon with the Intelliflo running. I then connected the other equipment to the old 30 AMP breaker and the interference was back. I took the other equipment back offline but the interference would not go away. It seemed like the Siemans breaker helped/filtered for a short period of time, but the effect was fleeting and it went away. I have the Intelliflo connected to the new breaker, but zero improvement in the equipment interference. How do I get an idea of what frequency is being produced?
  21. Thanks. I did some research and ordered the Siemans breaker, which seems to be the same as the Pentair without the Pentair rebranding and for a lesser price. My current breaker is a 20 AMP 2-pole breaker shared by the Intelliflo and my spa pump. Would I be better off with a 30-amp breaker or staying with the 20 AMP?
  22. I am able to test with pump on and all other loads off (interference persists) and with other loads on and pump off (no interference). So I am pretty convinced. I am thinking that the Leviton 6254 might help. It could block the pool house breaker from the rest of the house - which is all I need to do. I am not trying to communicate with pool equipment via Insteon / powerline - I do that through serial communications with the pool equipment (RS485).
  23. Might it help to run all three devices that plug into the 30 AMP breaker through the X-10 filters? This would be the two pumps and the chlorinator.
  24. I have a rather large installation that has evolved from X10 to Insteon over then last 20 years or so. About 75 Insteon modules now. My swimming pool equipment includes an Inteliflo pump installed in 2012. Over the last year or two it has increasingly caused trouble with my Insteon devices in various locations. I know the issue is the pool pump because Insteon works perfectly everywhere in the house when the pump is off. My question is how do I filter out the "noise" or other interference? The pool equipment has its own panel (its a Jandy One Touch system). Pool panel goes to a breaker in the pool house (I have some other lights and a fan that also go to that breaker). The pool breaker then feeds a main breaker in my basement, about 75 feet away. When the pool pump is on, three of my Insteon switches in the basement do not properly communicate (lights dont respond to off/on or sense). Also, some outdoor lights (inline relay with sense) dont properly go on/off without sending signal multiple times. I tried installing two XPF 20 Amp noise filters on the two legs of my pump load but it did not help. I can add that the Intelliflo and another pump for my spa (spa pump not an issue) and a Heyward Aquarite Salt Chhlorinator all share the same 20 amp double pole breaker. The XPF was installed only onto the wires from the breaker to the Intelliflo directly. Ideas? I have found one other person online with a similar problem and no solution. The pump functions perfectly for the pool, but the only solution I can think of for my Insteon would be to buy a new pump - not my preference. Thanks in advance
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