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Everything posted by pgershon

  1. Not sure what happened here. I had a different issue with my 2441th unit entering "energy mode" and so I replaced it with a newer one with more recent firmware (10 vs 0D). I am no longer getting temperature change reading updates like I used to. Not sure if this is due to firmware or something else. When I query the unit, it says the right temperature.
  2. I can tell you I have just solved this problem with an APC surge protector. Happy to help. My system finally stops going into Energy Mode after 3 winters with this issue.
  3. I believe this is the transformer that had been used, or one very similar. Had wired to the outer two terminals, not the one in the middle. http://www.mgelectronics.com/shopexd.asp?id=291
  4. To add to the above - and maybe success now. Made 2 changes: 1) There is a grounding wire on the surge protector that I had left loose. I attached to the vent (with tape). 2) I changed the transformer I was using to a less powerful one (using 2 wire 1.67A output now, had been using 3 wire 2450 transformer that was rated for 50W and I believe 2 amps. In any case, HVAC has cycled on and off 8 or more times in last 18 hours and no energy mode. Had been going in and out of energy mode 3 or every 4 cycles. Would love to hear people's thoughts as to what made the difference?
  5. It is an APC PNET1GB (Personal Surge ProtectNet 1Gb Ethernet 60 V) Peak Current Normal Mode: 6.50 kAmps Peak Current Common Mode: 0.25 kAmps NM Surge Response Time (ns): 1 ns Data Line Protection: RJ45 10/100/1000 Base-T Ethernet protection Data Lines Protected(multi-line only): 1-8
  6. So I installed the APCC surge protector, but it did not help. I cut the cord with the 5 HVAC wires running to thermostat and spliced each end to Cat3 wire, installed an RJ-45 clip at each end, and ran through APCC surge protector. This morning, I went back into energy mode when the ignitor went on. I should add that I ran my transformer into the 24VAC return (red) and 24VAC common (blue) lines. I needed to make a 3 way connection of the transformer to the thermostat and HVAC for both the red and blue. In theory I should only have needed to do for the blue, but the fan was not turning on/off with the heat when the red from transformer not connected. I think I may have blown the HVAC transformer power in the process because my system no longer works without my external transformer. Anyway, I still go in/out of energy mode.
  7. Thanks for the response. I finally hooked in a separate transformer. I had to cut the cable from the thermostat to the HVAC. It was a six wire cable, with 5 active for the stat. The red was power and blue was common. I hooked these two to the transformer but the HVAC did not seem to go on (the 2441 stat powered up fine but the heat and cool setting were not powering up the HVAC). I phoned Smarthome, who suggested I run only the power to the transformer and run the common just to the HVAC unit. That produced no power, and somehow, the power from the HVAC terminated. I could not get the 2441TH to turn on connecting the wires as they had been. I checked with a voltmeter and there was no power getting there. Somehow either my power or common got shot as I was working on this. I reconnected the transformer, so the red lead connects to transformer, 2441 and the HVAC red, and the blue lead connects to transformer, 2441 and the HVAC blue. That seems to have the system running. I will wait a few days and see if energy mode and/or cool cycle kicks in on its own (tends to happen infrequently, not regularly, and when it is colder than it is right now). I have no idea what happened to the power from the HVAC itself. I see no evidence of a wire coming loose. I am going to try this: http://www.apc.com/resource/include/techspec_index.cfm?base_sku=pnet1gb&tab=features
  8. Follow-up question- how much power is too much for the thermostat? is a 50W 24V transformer OK
  9. I read thread 91. Looks like he is using some kind of surge suppressor,, but no make and model is specified - just that he connects to/from it through RJ45
  10. So is there a working way to filter out the spikes?
  11. Did people ever get this figured out. I tend to have difficulty in the winter but not the summer. Just had housekeeper call me to say it was cold in the house - 2441 went from heat to cool mode on its own. I know it does this. I too am sure it relates to voltage when the furnace cycles on.
  12. Done using Indigo on a Mac. The following python script did it (you could adapt I am sure): degrees = 3 devaddr = indigo.devices["thermostat - downstairs"].address reply = indigo.insteon.sendRawExtended(devaddr, [0x2E, 0x00, 0x01, 0x07, degrees], waitUntilAck=True) indigo.server.log(str(reply))
  13. I am going to try that over the next few days. I want to look at how power is being supplied now - not sure what kind of transformer I have - will look tonight. If a simple process, I will change that adaptor. The urgency is less now that I have gotten the setpoint delta in energy mode to be 1 degree and not 4 degrees. Having said that, I would like to get some resolution. It sounds like you made better progress with the Smarthome/Insteon folks than I did. All I was able to get was a replacement thermostat and the comment they have never seen the problem before (obviously untrue).
  14. Has this been resolved. I have same issue with new 2441TH. Swapped devices with Smarthome already but unit still enters energy mode randomly 1-2 time per day. I have energy mode set to 1 degree change (could not get it to zero) but problem is still irritating. And unexplained. Is there a way to send a command to enter or leave energy mode or to check the status? I use Indigo on a Mac and we cannot do this.
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