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Everything posted by gemarsh

  1. So do you know the resolution?
  2. I only receive this error when I attempt to turn off a group of lights. For example, I have a few lights assigned to the room "Outside" and when I say "Hey Google, turn off the outside lights" it turn them all off as expected but then it completes by say "Sorry I couldn't reach Universal Devices"
  3. When I change the Google Home Category in the ISY portal from switch to fan it doesn't function in the google home app: Clicking on the fan icon in the google home just takes you to settings and doesn't allow you to actually control it. I have to flip it back to switch category to get it to work. What is the remedy?
  4. Success! I did have to create the gateway using just HTTP, I didn't see how in irule you could configure it as https.
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